Deceased December 1, 2021

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In Memory

Piers grew up in St. Paul, Minn. His father was a crusading newspaper editor and his mother a writer. Both parents encouraged his curiosity, social conscience and love of language. He prepared for Amherst at St. Paul Academy, where he was a top student, three-letter athlete and champion marksman. In summers, he worked on a railroad, a stern-wheeler and an assembly line.

Piers majored in philosophy, with other interests in literature and mathematics; joined the Lord Jeff Club and Philosophy Club; and wrestled. A Fulbright to Cambridge and Army service in Germany preceded earning his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1964. He went on to teach literature at Wellesley College, Bemidji State University, Hebei University in the PRC and finally Metropolitan State University, where he was a founding faculty member.

At Harvard, Piers met his wife, Katherine Greene, with whom he raised four children and traveled the world. A thoughtful conversationalist, he made friends with all sorts of people. He loved reasoned debate, kept an open mind and didn’t hesitate to challenge conventional wisdom.

His family lists some of his many interests: “He loved Cuban cigars, fly-fishing, baseball, Fellini, Yeats, The Magic Flute, Don Quixote, New Orleans jazz, animals, good scotch, chess, photography, cooking dinners for everyday and large family gatherings,” and time at the family’s St. Croix River cabin.

At 73, Piers got tattoos with the names and birthdays of his grandchildren. In retirement, he studied ancient Greek and mathematics and wrote Shakespearean Questions, a book of essays for the common reader.

Piers died in St. Paul on Dec. 1, 2021, of Alzheimer’s, and leaves his wife, Katherine; his children, Benjamin (Krishnakali), Georgeanna (Sean), Katherine and Rebecca; sister Georgiana; brother H. Finlay; and two grandchildren, Rohan and Bruno. He donated his body to the University of Minnesota.

Lewis family and George Edmonds ’53