Deceased June 17, 2017

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In Memory

Don McDougall died unexpectedly on June 17 at home in Vero Beach, Fla.

Don came to Amherst from the Haverford School. He was an excellent squash player, ranking number one on the squash team and winning almost every match he played. He pledged Phi Psi, where I was fortunate to be his roommate. Don had a cheery smile, always looking at the positive side of life, and was a true friend and loving person. He loved to play bridge, was an excellent tennis player and loved classical music. Dixon Long ’55 writes: “Don gave me something I never thanked him enough for—the love of classical music.” He had a large selection of Bach, Beethoven and Brahms recordings in his diverse collection. That was part of my Amherst education that was never recorded in the dean’s office but has lasted just as well as Charlie Morgan’s “These Great Sights.”

After graduation Don entered Navy OCS at Newport, serving for three years. He spent his business career at Towers Perrin Foster and Crosby, much of it in management positions, until his retirement in 1990.

Don was active in the Episcopal Church, serving as warden or vestryman in every parish where he and his wife, Leigh, lived. He was chairman of the personnel committee and the insurance board for the Diocese of Connecticut for 20 years, as well as several other boards for the diocese. He also served as treasurer for 10 years for the Overseas Ministries Study Center. In 1993 he was on the search committee for the bishop of Connecticut. At St. Augustine in Vero Beach he was lector and on the finance and outreach committees.

Don is survived by his beloved and devoted wife of 62 years, Leigh, and two children, Donna Leigh and James Andrew.

Ted Ruegg ’55