Robert Harbison - 1962 Olio

From the Olio
Deceased July 4, 2021

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In Memory

Bob Harbison died from an inoperable brain tumor on July 4, 2021. Bob graduated from Amherst in 1962. He got his doctorate in English literature from Cornell in 1969. He then moved to London, where he lived for more than 50 years.

Bob was a professor of architecture at London Metropolitan University for more than 30 years. He was a key member of its history and theory of architecture team. He was a well-published author. Some of his more famous publications included Eccentric Spaces and Thirteen Ways, both published by the MIT Press.

Professor Harbison was a highly sought-after lecturer. His lectureships included the Modern Art Museum in NYC, the University of Toronto, Stanford University, Cornell University and the Architectural Association in London, amongst others.

Bob and I got to know each other as we were both part of the ’62 DU pledge class. We roomed together junior and senior year. During those last two years, we went out for beers multiple nights a week after we were finished studying. This might explain my 20-pound weight gain during that period.

I was an efficient student; Bob was a scholar. In retrospect, it seemed like an unbalanced relationship. I got so much more than I gave. But I never got the feeling that Bob felt cheated. He seemed to find so much more in what I said than I thought I intended.

As I have been thinking about writing this piece, I have come to recognize how much Bob has impacted my life. Two of my most serious interests, outside my family and my job, are architecture and gardening. Both of these interests were fostered by Bob. We spent countless hours looking at pictures of buildings, towns and gardens and trying to dissect what made them spectacular.

Thank you, Bob.

Mark W. Pasmantier ’62

Robert Harbison '62