Published in the:

The San Francisco Chronical
San Francisco, CA

May 7, 2020

Arkin Obit Photo

Stephen Elias Arkin March 13, 1942 - May 6, 2020 In the old days, when students asked which courses at San Francisco State should not be missed, the answer was invariably: "Steve Arkin's 'Irish Literature.'" Arkin, 78, died at his San Francisco home just one year after learning of a diagnosis of a rare form of duodenal cancer. He arrived at State in 1967 (just before strikes tore the campus apart) and taught there until his retirement, serving as Chair of the English Department for two decades.

After retirement, Steve lovingly cared for colleagues from the previous generation of teachers and strikers at SF State, visiting and calling often. Not surprisingly, his last year saw these kindnesses reciprocated. His passing was made easier by the attentiveness of friends and family.

Born in Connecticut but raised in Brooklyn, Steve attended Amherst College and Yale University. His passions were many. His book collection overflowed the house; no vital new works escaped his attention. He was the literary executor for the novelist and photographer Wright Morris, oversaw several international Morris exhibits, and arranged for a major donation of photographs to the National Gallery.

Steve is survived by his wife of 44 years, Barbara Ann Koenig, his daughter Miriam Sant Arkin of New Orleans, his son Samuel Elihu Arkin of San Francisco, and his siblings Michael and Ellen Arkin of New York City.

We look forward to celebrating his life with his many friends and former colleagues at a post-pandemic moment.

Please direct donations according to your passion, or to "Friends of the San Francisco Public Library," "Partners in Health," or the "SF Marin Food Bank."