Deceased March 20, 2021

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In Memory

Victor William Dahir died after a long illness on March 20 at his home in Pebble Beach, Calif. 

Vic grew up in Barrington, Ill., a town of 5,500 people. At Amherst, he majored in economics, was a member of DQ and served as president of his fraternity, Theta Delta Chi. Vic appreciatively credited his Amherst classmates, professors and experiences with expanding his perspective beyond his nuclear family’s small-town upbringing.

After graduation, a congenital back condition thwarted Vic’s enlistment in the Navy, as it had prevented him from playing baseball at Amherst. Undeterred, he “talked his way into Harvard Business School” at a time when applying students were expected to have had prior business experience. 

After completing his MBA, he headed for the West Coast and decided he would not go back to Barrington, having seen San Francisco. His initial career step was at Arthur Young & Co., where he earned his CPA certificate. He followed with executive stints at Redwood Bank and Levi Strauss and many years as CFO at Visa. After leaving Visa in 2006, he enjoyed retirement on the lovely Monterey Peninsula.

Two remarkable children, Victoria and Rob; four grandchildren; and his wife, Kimberly, will continue Vic’s legacy. He lived an impactful, meaningful life. We will miss hearing him sing, engaging with his insightful mind, benefiting from his sound advice and enjoying his friendship. 

Mather Neill ’67 and Richard Skillman ’67