October 20, 2009

AMHERST, Mass.—Poet Brad Leithauser will read from his work at 8 p.m. on Thursday, November 12, at Amherst Books (8 Main Street). Sponsored by the Amherst College Creative Writing Center, the event is open to the public at no charge.

Leithauser is the author of five novels, five volumes of poetry, a novel in verse, two collections of light verse, a book of essays and the acclaimed collection of short poems Curves and Angles. Of the latter, a New York Times reviewer wrote: “Why devote oneself to that aggressively minor genre, poetry, when novels and screenplays and tell-all memoirs get more notice and make more money? Brad Leithauser answers that question in Curves and Angles.”

Among many awards and honors, Leithauser has received Guggenheim and MacArthur fellowships and, in 2005, was inducted into the Order of the Falcon by the president of Iceland for his writings about Nordic literature. He and his wife, the poet Mary Jo Salter, divide their time between Amherst and Baltimore, where they both teach at Johns Hopkins University.  

Every year, the Amherst College Creative Writing Center sponsors a reading series featuring both emerging and established authors. All events are wheelchair accessible and followed by refreshments. For more information, please call 413/542-8200.
