Laure Katsaros Receives Mellon New Directions Fellowship to Study Architectural Design

Associate Professor of French Laure Katsaros has received $262,500 from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation through its New Directions Fellowship program, which exists to “assist faculty members in the humanities … who seek to acquire systematic training outside their own areas of special interest.” Katsaros’ award will support her in earning a master’s degree in the history and philosophy of design from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design in 2014–15, and in traveling around France to visit several distinctive architectural sites. Her goal is to produce a final project for the master’s program, and eventually a book, tentatively titled Glass Architectures: Utopian Surveillance from Fourier to the Surrealists.   

With Lectures, Books and Samovars, Center for Russian Culture Aims to keep U.S., Russia Ties Strong

Submitted on Monday, 6/16/2014, at 1:29 PM

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Whether it’s a lecture by an Amherst alumnus who’s a top authority on Russia or a reading of poems by leading Russian poets, the Center for Russian Culture at Amherst College has stuck to its mission despite sometimes chilly official relations between Russian and the United States.

“Our philosophy is to promote better understanding and establish more informed relations between the two countries,” said Stanley Rabinowitz, professor of Russian at Amherst and director of the Center.

That tradition continued on a recent Monday, with a lecture by Andrew Kuchins ’81, Director and Senior Fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Affairs in Washington, D.C.

Gus Greenstein ’14 and Meghna Sridhar ’14 Awarded Watson Fellowships

Submitted on Monday, 6/16/2014, at 1:28 PM

April 8, 2014

By Daniel Diner ’14

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Meghna Sridhar ’14 and Gus Greenstein ’14

Students Named Goldwater, Truman Scholars

Submitted on Monday, 6/16/2014, at 1:19 PM

April 24, 2014

By William Sweet

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Donna Leet ’15 and Xiaoling Yu ’15

Two Amherst juniors intent on conducting biomedical research to fight fatal diseases are among the outstanding science students being honored this year by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program. A third junior, fired with a passion to battle economic inequality and the political ambition to carry this out, is being honored by the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation.

Amherst College to Establish New Office of Environmental Sustainability

Submitted on Monday, 6/16/2014, at 1:12 PM

Amherst College is establishing an Office of Environmental Sustainability and will be launching a national search for the office’s first director, marking a major milestone in the college’s longstanding commitment to environmental sustainability.   

New York Times Commentator, Olympic Gold Medal-Winning Swimmer and Renowned Statistician Among Seven to Be Honored at Amherst College Commencement May 25

Submitted on Sunday, 5/25/2014, at 9:05 AM

April 15, 2014

AMHERST, Mass.—Political and cultural commentator David Brooks, Olympic gold medal-winning swimmer Cullen Jones, tech entrepreneur Thai-Hi Lee ’80, statistician and writer Nate Silver, contemporary artist Sarah Sze, the late American studies scholar and transportation expert Yasuo Sakakibara and former Amherst College Board of Trustees chair and businessman Jide Zeitlin ’85 will all receive honorary degrees from Amherst College during its 193rd Commencement exercises on Sunday, May 25, at 10 a.m. on the school’s main quad.

Amherst launches Sports Analytics initiative, seeking to leverage success of its “Moneyball” alumni

Submitted on Monday, 4/14/2014, at 3:47 PM

By Peter Rooney 

In the basement of Amherst College’s Alumni Gymnasium, men’s soccer coach Justin Serpone is on a mission to introduce students to the analytical side of college athletics, and continue building a pipeline from Amherst College to the business side of sports.

V is for Volunteerism

April 10, 2014

Since 2011, more than 40 Amherst College students have served as music mentors in Amherst Regional Public Schools, providing guidance for children who want to learn about wind, brass, percussion and string instruments, as well as vocal performance. The program is the brainchild of Amherst Music Professor David Schneider and has been supported by the college’s Center for Community Engagement.