Submitted on Thursday, 2/19/2015, at 10:05 AM

Amherst wouldn’t be Amherst without its alumni, and each February—around Valentine’s Day—students stop by the Keefe Campus Center to pen thank-you cards. The event, called Love My Alumni Week (LMAW), is organized by student engagement fellows with help from the Office of Alumni and Parent Programs and the Annual Fund.

Students Send Thousands of Thank-Yous During Love My Alumni Week

Amherst Student Engagment Fellows

Love My Alumni Week was launched in 2012 to increase student awareness about the wide-ranging support provided by alumni. In addition to the more than 11,000 alumni who consistently contribute to the Annual Fund, alumni also act as mentors, offer internships, return to campus for classes and events, and serve the College in numerous volunteer roles.

Since LMAW was launched, more than 800 students have written over 8,000 cards. The cards are then sent to different alumni segments to thank them for their support. In recent years, cards went to Pathways mentors, volunteers and Annual Fund supporters. This year’s nearly 3,500+ cards are scheduled for delivery to volunteers as well as some reunion classes.

Amherst’s culture of support has deep roots. For nearly two centuries, alumni giving has allowed the College to maintain its longstanding commitment to access and education. The thank-you notes reflect current students’ awareness of this legacy, as well as their desire to help provide for the next generation.

Students Send Thousands of Thank-Yous During Love My Alumni Week

“What you do many not seem like much, but I’m sure you know the impact of it. Alumni make so many things possible here. I’m a scholarship student, so you made me possible! You’ve probably made a vast number of students here possible. All I can say is thank you.” Amherst student, Class of 2016

Students Send Thousands of Thank-Yous During Love My Alumni Week

 “Thank you so much for all the ways you give back to the Amherst community. As a first year, it’s inspiring to see alumni give back so enthusiastically.  I can’t wait to do the same.” –Amherst student, Class of 2018


Students Send Thousands of Thank-Yous During Love My Alumni Week