Amherst Reunion May 27-31, 2015

For five days at the end of May, over 2,000 Amherst graduates, family and friends returned to campus to celebrate reunion. Attendees ranged from those in the Class of 1945, celebrating their 70th reunion, to members of the Class of 2010, celebrating their 5th

Over a hundred activities and programs were held during reunion and the majority were organized and run by classes with the help of Alumni and Parent Programs. Every year, returning reunion classes develop a series of programs from lectures and panels to activities like book signings, concerts, and athletic events. The College also sponsors dozens of tours, programs and receptions over reunion that involve faculty and staff. 

Reunion 2015 programs ranged from panels on climate change and the congressional partisan divide to campus updates with President Biddy Martin and the Board of Trustees. Of course, attendees also made time for hikes, bike rides, concerts, dinners and catching up with new and old friends.

Amherst Reunion May 27-31, 2015

View photos from Reunion on the College’s Flickr account

Watch video and listen to audio from Reunion programs 

See what people shared on social media with #AmherstReunion photos on Storify

Amherst Reunion May 27-31, 2015