Sustainable & Responsible Investments Report

Fiscal Year 2023

The Amherst College Office of Investments and Investment Committee are committed to a dynamic and ongoing process of inquiry, analysis and engagement with Amherst’s investment partners around environmental, social, and governance considerations.

Portfolio Update


Value of the Amherst College endowment for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023


Percentage of the College’s managers with whom the Investments Office has engaged about sustainability


Proxies voted in alignment with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles


The portfolio has no direct holdings in fossil fuel companies

A circle chart with percentages explained in the text

Cash Equivalents 3%; Real Estate 0.2%; Natural Resources 4%; Public Equity 30%; Private Equity 46%; Absolute Return 12%; Fixed Income & Credit 5%.  

Existing Manager Engagement

Amherst currently partners with 35 active investment managers, spanning a range of asset classes.  The Office of Investments and Investment Committee are committed to meaningfully engaging with our managers.  The College continues to have thoughtful dialogue with its managers around the issue of sustainability.  

The Office of Investments is also deeply committed to incorporating the College’s values around diversity, equity, and inclusion in the management of the endowment. In 2023, the Office of Investments continued its process of engagement with its partners on their DEI efforts and initiatives, aiming to increase the diversity, equity, and inclusiveness of the office, portfolio, and investment world.

Sustainable & Responsible Investment Efforts

  • The College engages prospective investment managers in dialogue during the due diligence process to understand their approach and commitment to integrating ESG and DEI considerations into their investment process.  Amherst looks to invest with managers who thoughtfully and consistently incorporate ESG factors into their investment diligence and process.
  • The College consistently evaluates and votes shareholder proxies in alignment with ESG principles, advocating for corporate accountability with respect to social, ethical, environmental and governance issues.

Proxy Voting

The College continues to use the voting rights attached to the shares of companies in which it invests to promote the principles of sustainable and responsible investment, utilizing research from ISS for all proxies before casting votes in alignment with these principles.  In FY 2023, the College voted a total of 40 proxies for directly held stocks within the portfolio.

A circle chart with the percentages explained in the text

Voting Categories: Shareholder Rights and Defenses 2%; Auditor Related 16%; Board of Directors Related 22%; Capital/Corporate Structure 3%; Compensation Issues 35%; Political Contributions/Lobbying 5%; Labor/Human Rights/Consumer 11%; Climate Change/Environment 6%.

A circle chart with the percentages explained in the text
ESG Issues: Labor/Human Rights/Consumer 52%; Political Contributions/Lobbying 22%; Climate Change/Environment 26%.

Of these, 22 proxies included various shareholder proposals for a wide range of issues, including reporting on lobbying payments and political spending, reporting on employment diversity, and revising and adopting human rights policies.

There were 50 shareholder proposals specific to ESG issues, including setting sustainable sourcing targets and reporting on respecting indigenous peoples’ rights, which the College voted in favor of.

See the Amherst College Investment Office website for additional information.

Memberships & Other Engagement

EIRIS (Conflict Risk Network)A network of institutional investors, financial service providers and related stakeholders calling on corporations to fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights and to take steps that support peace and stability in areas affected by genocide and mass atrocities.Member since 2009
Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR)Ceres’ INCR provides a forum for investors to share information, intelligence, experiences and strategies on integrating climate and other ESG factors into investment decision making.Member since 2015
ISSISS researches and provides recommendations for proxy voting in alignment with social and responsible investment principles.Partner since 2007
IADEIAn open organization of institutional allocators (largely endowments & foundations) working to address the issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in their respective offices and portfolios, and in the investment industry at large.Participant since 2021