Keeping a well-organized Moodle site can help provide clarity and transparency around course goals, assignments, and expectations.

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The Collapsed topics course format allows each section in Moodle to toggle open and shut, making the site more navigable.  

Featured Faculty:

Brittney Bailey
Brittney Bailey



The Moodle site Professor Bailey designed for the Spring 2019 course Introduction to Statistics via Modeling provides good evidence of Teaching Presence1 through:

  • Design- the thoughtful and personalized organization of information helps build transparency about goals and expectations.
  • Facilitation - Professor Bailey has organized her course around resources and units, and has employed the Collapsed Topics format which lets students easily navigate between sections of the site. This type of scaffolding also supports all learners by minimizing cognitive load: the students can spend less time trying to figure out course logistics, and can simply concentrate on the course material.
  • Direction - The top-most section of the site provides a useful explanation of its features. It also contains links to resources that will be used all semester, such as the Announcements forum and a Database activity for sharing casual thoughts and findings on the class topics.

moodle site

Statistics 135 Moodle site, Spring 2019

Campus Partners

Professor Bailey refined the syllabus for this iteration of the course at the Center for Teaching and Learning's January 2019 workshop on Syllabus Design.

How to...

Accessibility Bonus

  • Professor Bailey provides her students with flexibility and multiple modes of viewing information about the class: they can refer to the traditional syllabus, or they can use the Moodle site structure as well.

1 Anderson, T., Rourke, L., Garrison, D. R., Archer, W. (2001). Assessing Teaching presence in a Computer Conference Environment. Journal of asynchronous learning networks, 5(2), 1-17.

Published Spring 2020 by Academic Technology Services