Getting Started in Art & the History of Art

Practice of Art

Students in the Practice of Art concentration are required to take three introductory level studio art courses. Foundational training is offered in all of the creative disciplines taught in studio, and thus students are encouraged to select a set of courses that both build on their own interests and explore areas of artmaking that are entirely new to them. All of our introductory courses offer full training and designed for students with little experience of each discipline or of creative process.

History of Art

Because there are few pre-requisites for our courses, you may start almost anywhere in our course offerings--find a subject that appeals to you and take that course! For many students, it makes sense to start with the introductory or gateway courses into the fields we teach, labeled "100"-level. These are never simple surveys, but instead always dive deeply into analysis of the artistic language and the cultural and historical contexts of an area, as well as methodological approaches to the material. They will offer an excellent foundation for upper-level courses.