Black History Month Event

Black Deaf History:
Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Post Civil Rights Era

Black Deaf History Poster

 Student Accessibility Services is sponsoring a collaboration with the Black Deaf Studies Department of Gallaudet University, the preeminent institution for the Deaf in the world.

On February 23rd, members of the Amherst College Community will be able to join a talk by Black Deaf Studies faculty titled: Black Deaf History: Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Post Civil Rights Era

The lecture will begin at 2:00 pm and conclude at 3:00 pm. There will be a Q&A from 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm. This is a virtual event, but Student Accessibility Services will be partnering with the MRC to host a viewing party in the MRC’s space in the Keefe Campus Center. We will have some snacks and beverages available at the MRC.  

Please sign up by contacting Student Accessibility Services at, or by filling out this Google form:

Let us know if you plan to attend virtually or if you plan to join us in the MRC. If you are joining in person, please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or allergy concerns.

Zoom link: