The responsible administrator for this section is Student Affairs. Student Affairs has approval authority.

Amherst College has defined the following terms below in addition to the terms found in Sections 2, 3, 12, 13, 24, and 25.

Adjudication: The process through which the College resolves conflict that occurs within the Amherst community. 

Adjudicator: The person or persons designated by the College to oversee adjudication processes.

Athletics Team: An athletic team includes any of the teams recognized by the Department of Physical Education and Athletics and any intramural sports organization.

College Council: College Council is the body to approve and determine policy in three areas: extracurricular faculty-student relations, the review of recommendations involving academic integrity, and social regulations for student residential and social life. In addition, the College Council possesses power to make recommendations concerning a wide range of subjects that touch the joint interests of students, faculty, and administration.

Conflict Resolution Processes: These processes include Adaptable Conflict Resolutions, Community Standards Adjudication Process, and the Interim Title IX Grievance Process.

Disparagement: A verbal or written act that belittles, brings discredit to, or reproach upon another.

Doxing: is an act of harassment that involves publicly exposing someone's private information without their consent. The Amherst College Doxing Resource Page has additional information about doxing.

Harassment: Unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome behavior that makes a reasonable person feel threatened, intimidated, uncomfortable, humiliated, or demeaned.

Intimidation: Placing another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through 1) the use of threatening words and/or other conduct or 2) subjecting the person to actual physical attack.

Matriculate: Matriculation at Amherst College occurs when a student registers in courses.

Notice of Complaint: A written correspondence from the College that informs respondents that a complaint has been received, that an adjudication has been started, the specific sections of the Student Code of Conduct alleged to have been violated, and where to find more information about the process. The Notice of Complaint precedes the delivery of the complaint to a respondent.

Preponderance of the Evidence: The evidence standard used in the Community Standards Adjudication Process or the Interim Title IX Grievance Process which is whether the information available to the adjudicator supports a finding that it is “more likely than not” that the respondent is responsible for the alleged violation(s).

Registered Student Organization (RSO): A RSO is a group of actively enrolled students at Amherst College who share a common purpose or interest. A RSO has been approved to operate by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership. Additional information about Registered Student Organization can be found on the Club and Club Recognition page of the Amherst Association of Students website.

Student Group: The umbrella term for athletic teams and registered student organizations. Theme communities in the residence halls are also considered student groups.