Amherst College has a robust network of bike opportunities and great bike resources. If you are considering acquiring a bicycle to ride and store around campus, know that the infrastructure is in place! You will be able to repair your bike on campus, join a community of friendly bike enthusiasts, and store your bike with our Tread Shed. You can also bike to purchase groceries and other goods, visit nearby towns, and glide along the relatively flat and very well maintained bike path. However, we do recommend that you adhere to the following guidelines so that your bike remains with you during your entire time at Amherst.

Register Your Bike

Register your bike with the Tread Shed so that we know it is not abandoned and you can qualify for long term storage. See more info in our Tread Shed site.

Collection of Abandoned Bikes

Please be cautious that we do periodic checks across campus for bikes that look abandoned. This allows for us to free up rack space and promote an anti-theft culture on campus. And, the abandoned bikes eventually can be given a new home. 

When a bike looks thoroughly abandoned on campus (rusted, deflated tires, etc ...), we tag it, collect it after 2 weeks, and move it into storage for no fewer than 3 months. After this time, if nobody reaches out to us about claiming their removed bike, we then give it a new home.

Coming back from study abroad and can’t find your bike that you left locked to Val for 6 months? Come check with us to see if we collected it. 

See a decrepit bike outside of your dorm that is just an open invitation for unfortunate bike stealth? Email us and we will get it removed. 

Generally, please maintain your bike each semester so it does not fall under disrepair. And, registering your bike and placing a registration sticker on its frame will guarantee immediate communication between us and you if it looks to be abandoned. 

Indoor Bike Parking

We’ve launched an indoor bike parking program just this fall! There are indoor racks located in Charles Pratt, the basement of James, north entrance of Moore, back entrance of Wieland, and north entrance of Cohan. Any student can park a bike on this rack, which is great for school breaks or periods of bad weather. However, if you are leaving for an entire semester or summer, please use our long term storage program!

E-Bikes and E-Scooters

Unfortunately, these are not allowed on campus at this time because they pose a fire hazard. In the past, e-bikes and e-scooters have been confiscated by facilities if they are found around campus. We apologize for this unfortunate reality.