Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos

Thursday, January 15, 2015, Cole Assembly Room

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"308408","attributes":{"alt":"2015 Fink Bioscience Symposium Speakers","class":"media-image","desc":"2015 Fink Bioscience Symposium Speakers","height":"2164","nid":"597707","style":"color: #000000; font-family: arial; font-size: 14.3999996185303px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 21.6000003814697px;","title":"2015 Fink Bioscience Symposium Speakers","width":"4565"}}]]

Left to right: Frank E. Thompson '87, Inger K. Damon '84, Kelly Close '90, Gerald R. Fink '62, David C. Page, George W. Carmany III '62

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_preview","fid":"308412","attributes":{"alt":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","class":"image-original-click media-image image-align-left","desc":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","height":"180","nid":"597707","title":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","width":"180"}}]]Opening remarks from George W. Carmany, III, '62 and Gerald Fink '62. Carmany is an investor in health care in Boston, the former chairman of the Tufts Medical Center and a member of the Advisory Committee on Education at the Harvard Medical School. Fink is a professor of genetics at MIT, is a founding member of the Whitehead Institute and its former director. Carmany and Fink are the co-founders of the Fink Symposium.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_preview","fid":"308414","attributes":{"alt":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","class":"image-original-click media-image image-align-left","desc":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","height":"180","nid":"597707","title":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","width":"180"}}]]Kelly Close ’90, editor-in-chief of diaTribe, chair of diaTribe Foundation and founder and CEO of Close Concerns, a healthcare information company that services large pharmaceutical and medical device companies active in the areas of diabetes and obesity. Close will discuss "Future Perspectives on Healthcare in a Digital World: Diabetes as a Case Study."

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_preview","fid":"308410","attributes":{"alt":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","class":"image-original-click media-image image-align-left","desc":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","height":"180","nid":"597707","title":"Thompson photo","width":"180"}}]]Frank E. Thompson '87, manager of HIV Services for the Kansas City Health Department. Talk titled “Getting to the Heart of the Problem: Partnerships between Public Health and Social Justice Agencies to Address Health Disparities.” Thompson will explore the emerging partnerships between state/local public health agencies and agencies engaged in community organizing around economic justice and social justice issues and will address questions like “What is the connection between health outcomes and community organizing?” and “Why would a public health agency want to get involved in fighting against payday loans?” Public Health has recognized the role of social determinants of health on health outcomes for more than two decades. However, these new partnerships take the use of this research to a different level. Examples from the field include partnerships between 1) the Minnesota Health Department and local workers unions, and 2) the Kansas City Health Department and a faith-based community organizing agency.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_preview","fid":"308409","attributes":{"alt":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","class":"image-original-click media-image image-align-left","desc":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","height":"180","nid":"597707","title":"Carmany photo","width":"180"}}]]George W. Carmany, III, '62 will talk about "The Current Environment for Health Care Providers."

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_preview","fid":"308413","attributes":{"alt":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","class":"image-original-click media-image image-align-left","desc":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","height":"180","nid":"597707","title":"Damon Photo","width":"180"}}]]Inger K. Damon ’84, incident commander of the Ebola Response Team for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. Damon will speak about "High Risk Infectious Disease Response."

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_preview","fid":"308411","attributes":{"alt":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","class":"image-original-click media-image image-align-left","desc":"Bioscience Symposium 2015 Audio and Photos","height":"180","nid":"597707","title":"page photo","width":"180"}}]]Reception and Dinner at Lewis Sebring Dining Commons. Gerald Fink '62, professor of genetics at MIT, is a founding member of the Whitehead Institute and its former director; Fink will introduce dinner speaker David C. Page, director of the Whitehead Institute at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Page's talk is titled "Sex and Disease: Do Males and Females Read their Genomes Differently?"