We welcome you to get involved with STEM-related activities beyond your required BCBP courses. There are many extra-curricular opportunities that can significantly expand your engagement with BCBP, and your own growth as a biochemist/biophysicist. Opportunities range from joining our BCBP student steering committee, conducting research in a summer research experience, electing to pursue thesis research as a senior student, or seeking a paid position as a teaching assistant (TA) in a STEM course, or a research assistant (RA) in a faculty-run research program. We also encourage students to consider applying for off-campus research internships in the summer as a great way to expand your BCBP horizons. To find out more about these opportunities, please follow these links.

On-Campus Opportunities

BCBP Student Steering Committee

The BCBP Student Steering Committee works as a bridge between faculty and students to help guide the BCBP program. Typically, the group meets three times per semester. If you are interested in being on the committee please email the BCBP Academic Department Coordinator (ADC).

TA and RA Positions

Each course and each research program is situated in one of our three home departments; follow these links to find out how to pursue these opportunities:




Research in BCBP

First and second years can participate in our Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program and juniors can apply for Greg Call Summer Student Research Funding. Students can also apply to work during the academic year using Greg Call Student Research Funding. Finally, seniors can complete a senior honors thesis. Students that participate in the Summer Bridge program as first years can join our Summer Incubator program as second-year students. This cohort program, launched in 2020, is designed to support and train students who are underrepresented in STEM disciplines, including Black, Latinx, Indigenous, first-generation and low-income students. 2022 information not yet available.

Off-campus Opportunities

Loeb Center

The Loeb Center can help you find off-campus opportunities in the health professions and STEM. If you have an internship, but it is unpaid, the Charles Hamilton Houston Internship program will fund unpaid internships. First generation or Low-income students can apply for Meiklejohn funding.

REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates)

These programs are run out of multiple institutions that have received National Science Foundation grants to provide research projects and faculty advisement to undergraduates in structured, paid summer internships. US citizens or permanent residents are eligible. You can search for these opportunities at various institutions on the website, and apply directly to the institutions that interest you.

National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

Additional collections of off campus summer research opportunities can be found at these links (note these change yearly so they are just a starting point)