Seminars: Fall 2009

FALL 2009

September 21, 2009:  Jamie J. Newman '03, Whitehead Institute MIT.  "Using Embryonic Stem Cells to Understand Gene Regulation and Cell Fate".  (Host:  Professor Richard A. Goldsby)

October 26, 2009:  C. Josh Donlan, PhD, Copeland Fellow, Biology Department, Amherst College.  New Title:  "Risk, Return on Investment, and Incentives:  Why Environmental Conservation Needs High Finance".  (Host:  Professor Ethan D. Clotfelter)

November 2, 2009:  Bethany Bradley, PhD, Copeland Fellow, Biology Department, Amherst College.  "Impacts of Climate Change on Invasive Plants in the Western U.S.:  Opportunities for Restoration?".  (Host:  Professor Jill S. Miller)

Last Updated:
24 February 2015 TLR