In response to a range of student interests and preparations, the department is committed to providing multiple pathways through the two language programs (Latin and Greek) and the four possible majors (Latin, Greek, Classics, Classical Civilization). The faculty offer classroom pedagogies, workshops, and tutorial assistance that accommodate students with different aptitudes and backgrounds in language learning. 

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With an early start, it is possible to begin one or both languages and complete one of the three language majors. A second introductory course for Greek is offered in the spring semester to allow a later start. Motivated students have also attained the intermediate (200s) level through intensive summer courses. Students who start later or whose interests are less linguistic and more broadly cultural may elect the Classical Civilization major, with a different balance of language courses and courses taught in translation.

The advanced (400-level) language seminars change topics every semester, such that a student will never exhaust the options at that level. To avoid repetitions that would exclude a student, the department sets the topics for the coming year in consultation with students at the intermediate and advanced level who will be eligible to enroll in those courses.