Lexi with shielf

The Amherst College Classics Club is open to all students with an interest in Greek, Latin, and/or classical civilization. 

Current activities are posted on the Classics News and Events page.

Past activities have included local theater outings and weekly gatherings to watch the "Rome" television series, "I, Claudius," or films with classical themes. Occasional pizza parties provide opportunities to discuss subjects of interest, study away programs, and more. Some Classics majors have organized regular club meetings as opportunities for communal study.

Interested students have been invited to research and label our collection of ancient Roman coins and view the Greek coins in the Mead Art Museum. The club has also performed ancient drama and readings and taken trips to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York or the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

Memorably, the club once met to view a short film, the topic of which was the study of the hairstyles of the Caryatids of the Erechtheion—the sculpted female figures that served as supports in the south porch of this Acropolis temple—based on the extensive research of Professor Katherine Schwab. Following the film, Classics Club students watched with great interest while a few of their peers volunteered to have their own hair braided in either the detailed Caryatid fashion, or the Zeus-like style.

Caryatid hairstyles

Caryatid Hairstyle #2 



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CLASSICS CLUB meetings and activities are organized by students! 
Contact Libby Maxey in the Classics office to get involved.