Spring 2009 midterm

Submitted by Nicholas C. Darnton (inactive) on Friday, 5/1/2009, at 1:22 AM





Points distribution




Submitted by Nicholas C. Darnton (inactive) on Wednesday, 1/7/2009, at 5:01 PM

The material in Physics 16 is inherently cumulative: it is almost impossible to write an exam that does not draw on material from the beginning of the course.  Although you may need to use material from the first midterm, I will try to focus the second midterm on later topics.

Bring a calculator.

Crib sheet

You may bring your crib sheet from the first midterm and an additional two sides of handwritten notes prepared by you personally.

Review Problems

Submitted by Nicholas C. Darnton (inactive) on Monday, 4/6/2009, at 10:21 PM


This is a lot of problems.  I do not expect you to complete every one of these.  I do suggest that you attempt each one.  If you are confident you can do a problem, skip it.  Otherwise, rough out a solution by writing down a system of equations and thinking through how you would solve them.  Check against the posted solution to see if your thinking is correct, but you probably don't need to do all the algebra unless your approach is different from the solution's and you're unsure whether they concur.


Energy: 6.78, 6.81, 6.83, 6.85, 6.84, 6.100, 7.44, 7.46, 7.48, 7.55,  7.65, 7.68, 7.73, 7.79 .
The book splits the work-energy theorem (Chapter 6) from potential energy (Chapter 7), so the official solutions to problems from Chapter 6 never refer to potential energy even though many of them could be done (often more easily) by using potential energy considerations.

Momentum: 8.28, 8.36, 8.48, 8.66, 8.69, 8.76, 8.79, 8.81, 8.78, 8.84.

Rotation: 9.15, 9.20, 9.34, 9.49, 9.56, 9.83, 9.92, 9.98


Practice exam questions

Submitted by Nicholas C. Darnton (inactive) on Tuesday, 1/6/2009, at 10:02 PM

Less polished (i.e. handwritten) questions that are similar to the kind I would ask on the second midterm.


Practice exam questionsPractice exam questions


Practice exam solutionsPractice exam solutions

Another past midterm

Submitted by Nicholas C. Darnton (inactive) on Monday, 4/6/2009, at 10:22 PM

Midterm 2 solutions cover