Submitted by Jill S. Miller on Monday, 10/5/2009, at 5:52 PM

Please submit responses to the readings by 5pm on Tuesday, October 20.  These should be thoughtful questions/comments designed to provoke discussion.  You should also read through responses prepared by fellow students in preparation for Friday’s discussion.

To post your responses, choose "Add comment" from the menu below -  Thanks!

Reading for week 7:
Shulman, S. and S. Pollack. 1989. Toxic Responsibility: the U.S. military's problems of toxic waste disposal are as great as those of industry. The Atlantic, March.
Shulman, S. 1992. The Threat at Home: Confronting the Toxic Legacy of the U.S. Military. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Preface & Chapter 1.
Shulman, S. 2009. The Cold War's Environmental Costs: An assessment from the United States. Presented at an international conference titled "The Economic and Ecological Consequences of the Cold War" sponsored by the Hamberg Institute for Social Research, Hamberg, Germany, September 2009.  Download the article here.  Download the article here.