Cathedral Builder


Cathedral Builder

Enter Cathedral Builder


If you are having trouble, particularly with logging on, please try the following solutions:

  • After you have entered your username and password, hit "connect", then put your hands in your lap! Wait a second or 10. Depending on your connection speed, computer speed, internet traffic in your dorm, etc., the game may take several seconds to log on. If you try to refresh your browser you will lock yourself out. It WILL load, just give it a little bit. In the meantime I will work on writing something that keeps you from being locked out when you've hit the refresh button.
  • Firefox is the browser of choice for this game.
  • Your computer needs to be relatively up to date. If you have an older computer you may be happier using one of the public computers in the lab.
  • You need a good internet connection.  
  • The best place to play is in the lab where we had the information session.

If you're still having trouble, please please send email to: Bridget Dahill

Cathedral Builder Tutorial Sessions

There will be two tutorial sessions for Cathedral Builder at the beginning of the semester.

  • Thursday, Sept 8, 9am, Seeley Mudd Room 116
  • Friday, Sept 9, 9am, Seeley Mudd Room 116

Login Instructions

Your username is the first initial of your first name, followed by your last name. For Amherst College students this would be the same as the Amherst College username minus your two digit class year, and no middle initial.

Your password is chosen the first time you log on. Just enter a password in the "Password" field and hit "Connect". Remember this password as it will be your Cathedral Builder password for the semester. 

IMPORTANT: Do NOT use your Amherst College password for Cathedral Builder. The passwords for this game are NOT saved in a secure manner.

General Instructions

All instructions are available within Cathedral Builder. Just click the "Help" icon, then read the text that follows. Keep in mind that features will constantly be added to Cathedral Builder so you may notice day to day improvements.

Having Issues?

If Cathedral Builder hangs with a view of the terrain but nothing loads, hit "refresh" on your browser, then try again.

If you experience issues using Cathedral Builder, try using another browser (i.e. use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer) or make sure that your browser has the latest updates. Alternatively, you can use the computers in the computer center.

Still Having Issues?

Please send email to Bridget Dahill and I will help you get up and building with Cathedral Builder.


Have a suggestion? We'd love to hear about it. First take a look at the known issues listed below. These are issues that are currently being worked on. If you have another suggestion, please send email to: Bridget Dahill