Fall 2011

Medieval Europe: From Charlemagne to Columbus

Listed in: History, as HIST-121

Formerly listed as: HIST-13


C. Teresa Shawcross (Section 01)


[EUP] The period from the rise of the Holy Roman Empire to the discovery of the New World has been rightly described as the "making of Europe." This course explores aspects of medieval institutions, society and culture from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia and beyond, looking at royal and aristocratic authority, the power of the papacy, and the emergence of urban classes. Attention will be drawn to agrarian and commercial revolutions, to technological advances and revivals of intellectual activity, letters and the arts, but also to warfare and religious conflict. We will discover how people lived, how they viewed themselves, and how their perceptions of the world changed.  Two class meetings per week.

Limited to 30 students.  Fall semester. Five College Professor Shawcross.

HIST 121 - L/D

Section 01
Tu 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM WEBS 217
Th 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM WEBS 217

This is preliminary information about books for this course. Please contact your instructor or the Academic Coordinator for the department, before attempting to purchase these books.

ISBN Title Publisher Author(s) Comment Book Store Price
Later Medieval Europe: 1250-1520 Pearson, 2001 Waley & Denley Amherst Books TBD
Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change, 950-1350 Penguin, 1994 Robert Bartlett Amherst Books TBD
Medieval Europe: A Short History McGraw-Hill, 2010 Judith Bennett Amherst Books TBD
Penguin Historical Atlas of the Medieval World Penguin, 2005 Jotischky & Hull Amherst Books TBD

These books are available locally at Amherst Books.


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Fall 2010, Fall 2011

Matthew Sponheimer, November 10, 2011, (Lerner,Heterodoxy)

Submitted by Matthew J. Sponheimer on Tuesday, 11/8/2011, at 10:33 PM

Matthew Sponheimer

Professor Shawcross

Medieval Europe: Charlemagne to Columbus

November 10, 2011

Philip II

Due to Christianity’s predominance in Medieval Europe, prejudice towards different religions and those who shared dissimilar Christian beliefs was pervasive. Philip Augustus was the king of France from 1180- 1223. During his reign, he oversaw of the Albigensian Crusade. The purpose of this Crusade was to expel heretics from the south of France.[1] However, in The Uses of Heterodoxy: The French Monarchy and Unbelief in the Thirteenth Century, Robert E. Lerner, depicted Philip as a man of religious toleration. This paper will examine Lerner’s piece to demonstrate that Philip was not religiously bigoted.

            While Philip II appeared in historical accounts to have been a willing to participant in the Albigensian Crusade, Robert Lerner believed this was not the case. He wrote that in May of 1204 and February of 1205, Pope Innocent III requested that Philip deal with the Albigensian heresy. However, to the Pope’s dismay, Philip did not take action against the Albigensians. The Pope patiently waited two years before he felt compelled by Philip’s noncompliance to write him again.  In this letter, Innocent offered, in return for Philip’s help, full indulgences to those who helped expel the Albigensians. Again, to the Pope’s anger, Philip said that he was too busy dealing with England to focus on the Albigensian matter. Finally, in January of 1208, Innocent III sent Cardinal Guala to order Philip to fight the Albigenians. Philip said that he would not participate, nor allow his mercenaries to fight. However, after years of badgering Philip conceded to let the Pope use his feudal vassals to engage in the Crusade.[2]

            Philip also demonstrated deep compassion towards Jews. After first expelling the Jews from France in 1182, Philip granted them the right to return in 1198. When he conquered Normandy in 1204, he took great measures to ensure that Jews remained in their lands. He also allowed Jews greater privileges and even allowed certain Jews to stay in his royal palace. In addition, Philip supported trade amongst Jews and Christians. Under prior circumstances, such transactions between Christians and Jews were often met with excommunication. In 1205, Pope Innocent III wrote Philip a letter stating that Philips protection of Jews bordered on favoritism. Despite numerous attempts and legislations passed by the Pope to change Philip’s stance on Jews, Philip did not budge.  Lerner, nonetheless, contemplated that Philip’s tolerance for the Jews was mainly financial. Still, no matter his motives, Philip II should be regarded as a protector of Jews in France.[3]

            Lerner pointed out, “Philip Augustus never received a reputation for piety.” However, Lerner’s account revealed a monarch who was religiously tolerant for his time. Further, Lerner’s piece demonstrated that Philip was not a willing participate in the Albigensian Crusade. Philip’s protection of Jews within his state further illustrated his tolerance for the Jewish faith. Lerner’s account changed how one should view Philip II in historical annals. In sum, Philip should have been known for his piety rather than his bigotry.

Word Count: 497

Works Cited

Bennett, Judith M.. Medieval Europe: a short history. 11 th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill 2011.


Lerner, Robert E. French Historical Studies , Vol. 4, No. 2 (Autumn, 1965), pp. 189-202


[1] Bennett, Judith M.. Medieval Europe: a short history. 11 th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill 2011. 263. Print.

[2] Lerner, Robert E. French Historical Studies , Vol. 4, No. 2 (Autumn, 1965), pp. 192-193

[3] Lerner, 193-195

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