Spring 2012

Still and Moving Image Strategies <em></em>

Listed in: Art and the History of Art, as ARHA-303


Eric J. Gottesman (Section 01)


Common photographic and video cameras are increasingly similar but photographic and videographic imagemaking differ in significant ways.  This class explores those differences.  How do imagemaking artists parse varied understandings of time? What are the distinctions between how photographers and filmmakers look through a camera? How does this pragmatic distinction lead to how an imagemaker differentiates between past and present, or between nostalgia and trauma? How do photo-based artists, video artists, and artists using other media conceive of their practices differently? How does the overlap of the photographic and the videomaking tools affect the imagemaker’s practice?  

In this studio class/investigation into how to “use” the camera to produce a clear artistic voice, we will investigate various existing and not-yet-existing strategies, such as “photograph as clock,” “photograph as artifact,” “stillness as motion,” and “images without images” to understand the  We will invite artists working to produce photographic imagery, as well as artists who work in multiple media, to speak to the class. The class will visit contemporary installations that address how video has affected photography and vice versa, and we will look back in recent art history to determine trajectory of these overlapping imagemaking tools and how they relate to varied aesthetic strategies.  We will view films that deal with the photograph and discuss how the “cinematic” gaze has affected contemporary photography. Additionally, we will explore how new media hardware and software (web-based technologies, personal viewing devices, cell phone cameras) continue to affect the changing relationship between photography, video and viewers.

Requisite: ARHA 218. Recommended: one course in basic video editing. Enrollment with consent of the instructor. Limited to 12 students. Spring semester.  Visiting Artist-in-Residence Gottesman.

ARHA 303 - L/D

Section 01
W 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM FAYE 315
F 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM FAYE 315


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Spring 2012