Spring 2012

Struggles for Democracy in Modern Latin America, 1820 to the Present

Listed in: History, as HIST-263

Formerly listed as: HIST-14


Rick A. Lopez (Section 01)


[LA] Latin Americans began their struggle for democracy during the Independence wars at the start of the 19th century. Their struggle continues today. This course considers the historical meanings of democracy in various Latin American countries, with particular attention to the relationship between liberalism and democracy in the 19th century; the broadening of democracy at the start of the 20th century; the rise and fall of military dictatorships in the 1960s-80s and their impact upon civil society; and the current clashes between neo-Liberal economic programs and the neo-populist resurgence of the left.  Readings and discussions will focus on the ways broad economic and political shifts impacted individuals' lives; how each economic class experienced these shifts differently; the way race and gender have shaped peoples' experience with democratization and repression; and the personal processes of radicalization by which individuals became inspired to take risks in their struggle for inclusion and against repression.  Because the approach is thematic and chronological, some countries and regions will receive more attention than others.  Meetings and readings will draw on secondary studies, historical documents, testimonials, music, images, and film. Two meetings per week.

Spring semester.  Professor López.

If Overenrolled: Preference given first to history majors and then by seniority.

HIST 263 - L/D

Section 01
Tu 02:00 PM - 03:20 PM CHAP 101
Th 02:00 PM - 03:20 PM CHAP 101

ISBN Title Publisher Author(s) Comment Book Store Price
Born in Blood and Fire J. C. Chasteen TBD
Wind the Swept Mexico A. Brenner TBD
Weavers of Revolution P. Winn TBD
I. Rigoberta: An Indian Woman in Guatemala R. M. Tum TBD


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Spring 2012, Spring 2014, Fall 2017, Fall 2019, Spring 2021, Spring 2022