Fall 2012

Literature in French Outside Europe: Introduction to Francophone Studies

Listed in: French, as FREN-353

Formerly listed as: BLST-22  |  FREN-36  |  FREN-53


Leah D. Hewitt (Section 01)


This course will explore cross-cultural intersections and issues of identity and alienation in the works of leading writers from the French-speaking Caribbean and West Africa. Our discussions will focus on the sociopolitical positions and narrative strategies entertained in key texts of postcolonial literature (both fiction and critical essays). Issues involving nationalism, race, gender, assimilation and multilingualism will help to shape our discussion of how postcolonial subjects share in or distinguish themselves from certain tenets of Western thought. At issue, then, is the way French Caribbean and West African literatures and cultures trace their own distinctiveness and value. Conducted in French.

Requisite: One of the following--FREN 207, 208, 311, 312 or equivalent. Fall semester. Professor Hewitt.

FREN 353 - L/D

Section 01
M 09:00 AM - 09:50 AM FAYE 117
W 09:00 AM - 09:50 AM FAYE 117
F 09:00 AM - 09:50 AM FAYE 117

ISBN Title Publisher Author(s) Comment Book Store Price
La greve des battus European Schoolboks, Collection Motifs, 2001 Aminata Sow Fall Amherst Books TBD
Bleu, blanc, rouge Presence africaine, 2000 Alain Mabanckou Amherst Books TBD
Allah n'est pas oblige Seuil Collection Points, 2003 Ahmadou Kourouma Amherst Books TBD
Pluie et vent sur Telumee Miracle Seuil, 1995 Simone Schwarz-Bart Amherst Books TBD
Solibo magnifique Gallimard, 1988 Patrick Chamoiseau Amherst Books TBD
Le Cri des oiseaux fous Serpent a Plumes, 2000 Dany Laferriere Amherst Books TBD

These books are available locally at Amherst Books.


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Spring 2009, Fall 2012, Fall 2023