Spring 2013

The Political Theory of Globalization

Listed in: Political Science, as POSC-413

Formerly listed as: POSC-70


Pavel Machala (Section 01)


[IR, PT] [SC - starting with the Class of 2015] “Globalization” can mean many things. To some, it means equal integration of individual societies into worldwide political, economic and cultural processes. To others it means accentuated uneven economic development, accompanied by cultural imperialism, which merely exaggerates the political dependence of “peripheral” on “core” societies. For still others, globalization is shorthand for the social and cultural changes that follow when societies become linked with and, in an escalating way, dependent upon the world capitalist market. The idea that underlies these multiple meanings of globalization is the radical intensification of worldwide social relations and the lifting of social activities out of local and national conditions. The course will examine the major theoretical discourses raised by this idea, such as (1) the effect of globalizing material production on the formation of post-liberal democracy, (2) the nexus between globalizing cultural production and the politics of cosmopolitanism and “otherness,” (3) the impact of globalizing communication technologies and mass consumerism on the formation of transnational “gated class communities,” and (4) the relationship between the globalization of transnational class conflicts/interests/identities and transnational governance. We will also explore the connection between “late global capitalism” and liberal arts education in legitimizing the current global class dynamics. This course fulfills the requirement of an advanced seminar in Political Science.

Requisite: Two of  POSC 213, 232, 244, 312, 320, 332, 345,  468, and 489 or their equivalent.  Limited to 20 students. Spring semester. Professor Machala.

If Overenrolled: Preference to POSC majors, then majors in ECON, ENST, and SOCI..

Cost: $32.00 ?

POSC 413 - L/D

Section 01
M 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM CONV 209

ISBN Title Publisher Author(s) Comment Book Store Price
A theory of global capitalism : production, class, and state in a transnational world The Johns Hopkins University Press William I. Robinson Amherst Books TBD
The Making of Global Capitalism Verso Panitch & Gindin Amherst Books TBD
Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, death, and hope in a Mumbai undercity Travel Katherine Boo Amherst Books TBD

These books are available locally at Amherst Books.


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Spring 2009, Spring 2013