Fall 2013

U.S.-Latin American Relations

Listed in: Political Science, as POSC-386

Formerly listed as: POSC-22  |  POSC-73


Javier Corrales (Section 01)


[CP, IR] [G - starting with the Class of 2015] Can small and non-powerful nations ever profit from a relationship with a more powerful hegemon? Who gains and who loses in this type of asymmetrical relationship? This seminar attempts to answer these questions by looking at the relations between the U.S. and Latin American nations. The seminar begins by presenting different ways in which intellectuals have tried to conceptualize and analyze the relations between the U.S. and Latin America. These approaches are then applied to different dimensions of the relationship: (1) intra-hemispheric relations prior to World War II (the sources of U.S. interventionism and the response of Latin America); (2) political and security issues after World War II (the role of the Cold War in the hemisphere and U.S. reaction to instability in the region, with special emphasis on Cuba in the early 1960s, Peru in the late 1960s, Chile in the early 1970s, The Falklands War and Nicaragua in the 1980s); and (3) economic and business issues (the politics of foreign direct investment and trade, and the debt crisis in the 1980s). Finally, we examine contemporary trends: the emerging hemispheric convergence, economic integration, drug trade, immigration, the defense of democracy regime, and the re-emergence of multilateral interventionism. This course fulfills the requirement for an advanced seminar in political science.

Requisite: POSC 213 or its equivalent. Admission with consent of the instructor. Limited to 15 students. Fall semester. Professor Corrales.

If Overenrolled: Priority will be given to Juniors, and then Sophomores. Seniors will be admitted to the course only if they need an advanced seminar in Political Science to graduate.

Cost: $73.00 ?

POSC 386 - L/D

Section 01
W 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM BARR 102

This is preliminary information about books for this course. Please contact your instructor or the Academic Coordinator for the department, before attempting to purchase these books.

ISBN Title Publisher Author(s) Comment Book Store Price
Contemporary U.S.-Latin American relations : cooperation or conflict in the 21st century Routledge (2010) Jorge I. Domínguez and Rafael Fernández de Castro Amherst Books TBD
Neighborly Adversaries: Readings in U.S.-Latin American Relations Rowman and Littlefield (2006) Michael LaRosa and Frank O. Mora Amherst Books TBD
Exiting the whirlpool : U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean Westview Press (2001) Robert A. Pastor Amherst Books TBD
Understanding U.S.–Latin American Relations Routledge (2011) Mark E. Williams Amherst Books TBD
U.S.-Venezuela Relations since the 1990s: Coping with Midlevel Security Threats Routledge(2013) Javier Corrales and Carlos A. Romero Amherst Books TBD

These books are available locally at Amherst Books.


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Spring 2011, Fall 2013, Fall 2015, Spring 2019, Spring 2021