Fall 2016

The Psychology of Gender

Listed in: Psychology, as PSYC-256


Megan K. McCarty (Section 01)


This course introduces students to the scientific literature on gender as approached from the perspective of social psychology. We will compare gender stereotypes with empirical evidence of gender differences and critically examine explanations for both gender stereotypes and the gender differences that we observe. The implications of gendered expectations for the behavior of both women and men will be studied in a variety of social contexts involving achievement, close relationships, sexuality, mental and physical health, and the workplace.

Requisite: PSYC 100 or consent of the instructor. Not open to first-year students. Preference to Amherst College students. Limited to 15 students. Fall semester. Visiting Professor McCarty.

PSYC 256 - L/D

Section 01
M 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM MERR 314
W 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM MERR 314


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Spring 2018