Fall 2016

Psychology of Attraction

Listed in: Psychology, as PSYC-288


Matthew Schulkind (Section 01)


This course will take an empirical approach to the study of human attraction from the perspective of multiple subfields within psychology including cognitive (facial symmetry), social (the influence of attractiveness on perception of other traits), personality (psychodynamic processes), developmental (attachment theory), and biological (sexual orientation) psychology. The beginning of the semester will be devoted to familiarizing ourselves with questions and methodologies from the relevant literatures. Each student will then write a research proposal that will be reviewed and discussed by the class. The majority of the semester will be devoted to conducting original research projects selected from the students’ proposals.  These projects will be run individually or in small groups and will involve all aspects of experimental design.  The semester will culminate with oral and written presentations of the experimental projects.  

Requisite: PSYC 122 or equivalent. Limited to 15 students. Fall semester. Professor Schulkind.

PSYC 288 - L/D

Section 01
M 12:30 PM - 01:50 PM MERR 314
W 12:30 PM - 01:50 PM MERR 314


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Fall 2016