Spring 2017

Form and Function

Listed in: Biology, as BIOL-264


Ethan D. Clotfelter (Section 01)


Functional morphology is the study of relationships between anatomical structures and the ecology and behavior of organisms. For example, how does a bird’s wing produce flight? Can we predict differences in bird flight habits based on wing shape or feather structure? How do wings of flying and flightless birds differ? The course begins by focusing on the importance of animal body size and metabolism before moving on to various forms of locomotion, and then to morphological adaptations for prey capture, predator avoidance, and reproduction. We will also discuss how animal morphology inspires human innovation. The course includes a combination of lecture, discussion, and practical activities. Three hours per week.

Requisite: BIOL 181. Not open to first-year students. Limited to 24 students.  Spring semester. Professor Clotfelter.

BIOL 264 - L/D

Section 01
Tu 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM MERR 300A
Th 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM MERR 300A


Other years: Offered in Spring 2017, Spring 2020, Spring 2022, Spring 2024