Spring 2019

Being Human in STEM

Listed in: Chemistry, as CHEM-200H


Sheila S. Jaswal (Section 01)


This is an interactive course that combines academic inquiry and community engagement to investigate the theme of diversity within STEM fields—at Amherst and beyond. In the first half of the semester we ground our understanding of the STEM experience at Amherst in national and global contexts, specifically looking at the way in which gender, class, race, sexuality, and geographic upbringing might shape these experiences. We accomplish this through reading interdisciplinary scholarly literature and surveying existing evidence-based inclusive practices at a range of educational institutions. We will supplement this research with interviews with current and past members of the Amherst STEM community. In the second half of the semester, students will design their own group projects that apply the findings of their research to develop resources and engage the STEM community, whether at the college, local, or national level. Course work includes weekly readings, reflective writing, in-class discussion, and will culminate in a public presentation on the group projects.

Not open to first-year students. Limited to 18 students. This is a half credit course. Spring Semester. Professor Jaswal. 

CHEM 200H - L/D

Section 01
W 02:00 PM - 03:20 PM SCCE D103


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Spring 2018, Spring 2019