Fall 2020

Independent Projects: Sculpture Studio Seminar

Listed in: Art and the History of Art, as ARHA-247


Carol W. Keller (Section 01)


This course is an opportunity for students to pursue and shape independent sculpture projects developed through a series of closely related sculptural works. The class will focus on the dynamics and engineering of three-dimensional structures and compositions, sensitivity to materials – what they offer and associations they carry--and use of a tactile language of form as expressive means. The semester will result in the production by each student of a coherent body of works, where every piece has informed and shaped the next as students’ ideas for their series are honed and more fully explored. The class as a whole will start the semester’s work with short exercises and studies, testing a range of approaches to using the language of three-dimensional form, before moving in individual directions. Modeling and construction techniques, as well as mold-making and casting, will be taught as needed in response to student goals, and as is possible within the constraints of COVID-19 precautions. Relevant readings, presentations, and museum visits will inform studio work. Regular group critiques and discussions will be a key part of learning with and from each other.
Requisite: ARHA 214, or permission of the instructor.
Taught on campus, and remotely through group and individual Zoom meetings, and shared on-line materials, if needed.
Fall semester. Limited to 8 students. Professor Keller.

ARHA 247 - L/D

Section 01
M 02:10 PM - 04:40 PM FAYE 1
W 02:10 PM - 04:40 PM FAYE 1


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Fall 2020