January 2021

Making Art in a Time of Turbulence and Upheaval

Listed in: Art and the History of Art, as ARHA-248


Betsey A. Garand (Section 01J)


What's on your mind? How can you convey this visually? Fear and anxiety are normal aspects of creativity; the conscious act of "letting go" and trusting intuitive mark-making will be encouraged and taught in this course. Students will be motivated to create imagery that provides personal meaning influenced by political, individualistic, imaginative and emotional experiences. The class will explore and develop hand-printed and hand-drawn methods of making images using a variety of techniques allowing investigation and discovery. Assignments will include drawing with watercolor and colored pencils; hand printing with woodcut, trace monotype and the stencil method of pochoir. Woodcut is a relief method of printmaking which involves carving into blocks of wood, inking the surface, and then printing by hand, using spoons, barens and the palm of the hand. Trace monotype is an intaglio/planographic printmaking process that is very direct and reliant upon the pressure of a pencil and hand to offset ink to paper. Pochoir is a stencil method where ink is pounced directly onto the paper using a stencil brush; it has the look and quality of soft, air-brush. Students will also use watercolor and colored pencils to hand color prints as well as to draw. A culturally wide range of artists will be introduced throughout the course to coincide with assignments and provide relevant insight and knowledge. No prerequisites required.

Course will be taught remotely. Demonstrations will be delivered via video. Critiques and discussion will be held via zoom. Essential course materials will be mailed to each student.

Limited to 10 Students. January term. Senior Resident Artist Garand.

ARHA 248

Section 01J


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in January 2021