Spring 2022

Cognitive Psychology

Listed in: Psychology, as PSYC-233

Formerly listed as: PSYC-33


Matthew Schulkind (Section 01)


This course will examine how the mind extracts information from the environment, stores it for later use, and then retrieves it when it becomes useful. Initially, we will discuss how our eyes, ears, and brain turn light and sound into colors, objects, speech, and music. Next, we will look at how memory is organized and how it is used to accomplish a variety of tasks. Several memory models will be proposed and evaluated: Is our brain a large filing cabinet? A sophisticated computer? We will then apply these principles to understand issues like intelligence, thinking, and problem-solving. Throughout the course, we will discuss how damage to various parts of the brain affects our ability to learn and remember.

Requisite: PSYC 100 or consent of the instructor. Limited to 40 students. Spring semester. Professor Schulkind.

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: There will be a 2-3 journal articles to read each week with a short written assignment accompanying each article. Students will complete two 5-7 page papers and a peer review of another student’s paper. Three in-class exams are normally assigned. There are also short simulations of classic experiments (usually one or two per week) that students will be asked to complete using an online program. Students with documented disabilities who will require accommodations in this course should be in consultation with Accessibility Services and reach out to the faculty member as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations can be made in a timely manner.


Other years: Offered in Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024