Fall 2022

Drugs in History

Listed in: First Year Seminar, as FYSE-109


Francis G. Couvares (Section 01)


This course examines the changing ways that human beings have used psychoactive drugs and societies have controlled that use. After examining drug use in historical and cross-cultural perspectives and studying the physiological and psychological effects of different drugs, we look at the ways in which contemporary societies both encourage and repress drug use. We address the drug war, the disease model of drug addiction, the proliferation of prescription drugs, the images of drug use in popular culture, America’s complicated history of alcohol control, and international drug trafficking and its implications for American foreign policy. Readings include Huxley’s Brave New World, Kramer’s Listening to Prozac, and Reinarman and Schivelbusch, Tastes of Paradise; films include Drugstore Cowboy and Traffic. This course will be writing attentive. Two class meetings per week.

Fall semester. Professor Couvares.

How to handle overenrollment: null

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: The seminar will focus on the related skills of close reading, engaged discussion, and critical writing. Students will produce several short essays and a longer final research paper.

ISBN Title Publisher Author(s) Comment Book Store Price
The Reckoning: Drugs, Cities, and the American Future Hill & Wang Currie, Elliott Amherst Books TBD
Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited Harper Perennial Modern Classics Edition Huxley, Aldous Amherst Books TBD
The War on Alcohol: Prohibition and the Rise of the American State Norton McGirr, Lisa Amherst Books TBD
Tastes of Paradise: A Social History of Spieces, Stimulants, and Intoxicants Vintage Books Schivelbusch, Wolfgang Amherst Books TBD
Getting Wasted: Why College Students Drink Too Much and Party So Hard New York University Press Vander Ven, Thomas Amherst Books TBD

These books are available locally at Amherst Books.


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Fall 2022