Spring 2024

Angels and Ghosts

Listed in: Architectural Studies, as ARCH-316  |  Art and the History of Art, as ARHA-316  |  European Studies, as EUST-316


Karen R. Koehler (Section 01)


(Offered as ARHA 316, ARCH 316, and EUST 316) This seminar is based on a close, comparative reading of the critical theorist Walter Benjamin, the artist Paul Klee, the photographer August Sander, and the filmmaker Wim Wenders. Their treatments of cities, arcades, towers and streets will be used to explore both the sensations of place and the operations of memory, in images, texts, artifacts, and in architecture. Linking history, tragedy, desire and hope to the figures of the angel, the ghost, the puppet, the circus performer, and the automaton, these four artists open up an intertextual examination of materiality, abstraction, representation, the seen and the unseen, the purposeful, the ephemeral, the accidental, the ruined, the heartbreaking and the playful. Students will engage in extensive discussion, compose analytical essays, contribute to creative assignments, and develop a semester-long research project.

This course is offered in tandem with the Practice of Art course "Imaginary Beings." The two courses will collaborate on art projects, screenings, and readings.

Spring 2024. Professor Koehler.

How to handle overenrollment: If overenrolled, priority given to ARHA/ARCH/EUST majors.

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: Emphasis on visual analysis, theoretical reading, research, presentation, and writing.

ARCH 316 - LEC

Section 01
M 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM FAYE 117
W 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM FAYE 117


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Spring 2024