Spring 2024


Listed in: Mathematics and Statistics, as MATH-281


Nathan K. Pflueger (Section 01)


This course emphasizes enumerative combinatorics, a classical subject in mathematics related to the theory of counting. Problems in this area often pertain to finding the number of possible arrangements of a set of objects under some particular constraints. This course incorporates a wide set of problems involving enumerative combinatorics, as well as theory and applications. Topics include the sum and product rules; combinations and permutations; binomial and multinomial coefficients; the principle of inclusion and exclusion; generating functions; recurrence relations; Catalan, Stirling, Bell and Eulerian numbers; partitions. Additional topics may vary.

How to handle overenrollment: Preference is given to math majors.

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: Problem sets, In-class quizzes or exams, Take-home exams.

MATH 281 - LEC

Section 01
M 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM SMUD 204
W 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM SMUD 204
F 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM SMUD 204


2024-25: Not offered
Other years: Offered in Spring 2024