Fall 2024

Introduction to Integers Partitions

Listed in: Mathematics and Statistics, as MATH-230


Amanda L. Folsom (Section 01)


The study of partitions is a fundamental branch of combinatorics and number theory
pertaining to enumerative properties and patterns of the integers. For example, how many
ways are there to express a positive integer as a sum of positive integers? With its
mathematical origins tracing back to the seventeenth century, partition theory has evolved
through contributions made by many influential mathematicians including Euler, Legendre,
Hardy, Ramanujan, Selberg and Dyson, and continues to be an active area of study today.
Topics include partition identities and bijections, Ferrers diagrams and Durfee squares,
partition generating functions and q-series, and congruences.

Requisite: MATH 121, and MATH 220 or other experience with proofs, or by consent of the

How to handle overenrollment: Preference is given to math majors.

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: Problem sets, In-class group work or exams, Take-home exams, Individual or group projects.

Course Materials


Other years: Offered in Spring 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2024