Spring 2025

Hand-Drawn and Hand-Printed: The Stories of Images

Listed in: Art and the History of Art, as ARHA-242


Betsey A. Garand (Section 01)


This course will focus on drawing and printmaking as a means of building visual stories through serial description and expression. Studio work will include brush and ink drawings, watercolor, printmaking techniques, and collage, with a range of approaches to subject matter based on each student’s individual interests and choices. These include representational, narrative, abstract, and symbol-based imagery, among others. Relief printing techniques using both wood and synthetic blocks, will be taught, as well as the intaglio technique of trace monotype printing. All prints will be handprinted using spoons, barens, and the palm of the hand. Experimentation around conceptual and technical boundaries will be explored and encouraged. Projects will focus on using a combination of these means to develop a series of related images. A broad cultural range of contemporary and historical references will be studied in conjunction with students' individual projects. The semester’s work will culminate in a cohesive body of visual work given the form of a small-scale installation and, for the final project, a hand-made accordion book. Discussion and critiques will be held regularly in both group and individual formats. Writing will be required of students in the form of series statements, feedback on other students’ projects, and final semester reflections on their work. No prerequisites required.

Limited to 10 students. Spring 2025: Senior Resident Artist Garand.

How to handle overenrollment: Priority given to ARHA, FCAS, and FAMS majors, and art majors from the 5-College Consortium.

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: Artistic and studio work, oral presentations, in-class critiques including visual and verbal analysis, readings and written work.

Course Materials