Spring 2025

Medieval Europe (1000-1500)

Listed in: European Studies, as EUST-128  |  History, as HIST-128


(Offered as HIST 128 [EU/TC/TE/TR/P] and EUST 128.) The Middle Ages are typically defined as the period between 500-1500 CE, and this course aims to draw a new image of these thousand years in terms of periodization, geography, gender, race, and culture. On the one hand, we will examine processes of establishing power by exclusion, such as the race-thinking that coalesced around Jewish and Muslim believers or the strong hierarchies built to privilege men. On the other hand, this course also considers the inconsistencies of these systems of domination, including how women resisted patriarchal dominance and the intimate social, political, and cultural entanglements between different faith communities. In exploring these elements of the medieval world, we will encounter thirsty monks, naughty nuns, clout chasing popes, black saints, and all manner of other diverse individuals who articulated capacious notions of self, other, and the world. Finally, this course attends to the ramifications of medieval European history on the future of the globe. Meets three times weekly.

Spring semester. Professor Murrell.

How to handle overenrollment: null

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: Close analysis of historical evidence, which may include written documents, images, music, films, or statistics from the historical period under study. Exploration of scholarly, methodological, and theoretical debates about historical topics. Extensive reading, varying forms of written work, and intensive in-class discussions.

Course Materials


Other years: Offered in Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022