Students who write theses in mathematics spend an entire academic year working on an in-depth study with the help and direction of a faculty member. In addition to writing a thesis, each student gives a seminar late in spring semester. The thesis seminar weeks are busy and exciting times around the department.

Copies of some past student theses are located in the Seeley Mudd library.


  • Leo Xu worked with Prof. Aamir Rasheed on "Classifying Abelian Fundamental Groups of Three-Manifolds""
  • Phillip Zhou worked with Prof. Ryan Alvarado on "The Ins and Outs of Optimal Transport"
  • Leandro Arcos Román worked with Prof. Ivan Contreras on "The Graph Laplacian and Discrete Morse Theory (Can We Hear the Shape of a Graph?)"
  • Wenche Tseng worked with Prof. Greg Call on "The Algebraic Number Theory of the Ideal Class Pairing"
  • Kathy Xing worked with Prof. Amanda Folsom on "Traces of Singular Moduli as the Coefficients of a Meromorphic Modular Form"
  • Michael Liu worked with Prof. Nathan Pflueger "Subsystem Codes: Structure and Correctability"
  • Ally Deegan worked with Prof. Kate Moore "K-Clustering with Cohesion"
  • Alan Li worked with Prof. David Zureick-Brown "Greatest Hits of Ramsey Theory"


  • William DeGroot worked with Prof. Harris Daniels on "Obstructions to Galois Embedding Problems"
  • Thomas Meyer worked with Prof. Amanda Folsom on "Resolution of the Alder-Andrews Conjecture"
  • Keane Ng worked with Prof. Michael Ching on "Morse Theory and Homology"
  • Ethan Spingarn worked with Prof. Emeritus David Cox on "Affine Kac-Moody Lie Algebras, Vertex Algebras, and Moonshine"
  • Zachary Steinberg worked with Prof. Amalia Culiuc on "How to Fool One and a Half Supermen"
  • Min Winton worked with Prof. Ivan Contreras "On The Classification of Irreducible Representations of SU(2)" 


  • Anna Dietrich worked with Prof. Rob Benedetto on "Iteration of Rational Functions with Colliding Critical Points"
  • Leah Johnson worked with Prof. Greg Call on "Elliptic Curves and the Ideal Class Pairing"
  • Sophie Launsbach worked with Prof. Sema Gunturkun on "Neural Codes and Neural Rings"
  • Holden Lee worked with Prof. Harris Daniels on "Identifying Complement Subgroups in Finite Group Extensions"
  • Elizabeth (Baz) Pratt worked with Prof. Jenia Tevelev (UMass) on "On The Geometry of Elliptic Pairs"
  • Audrey Rosevear worked with Prof. Weimin Chen (UMass) on "Taut Foliations and Minimal Genus Surfaces in 3 and 4 Dimensions"
  • Amaya Smole worked with Prof. Tanya Leise on "A Network Model for COVID-19"
  • Noah Solomon worked with Professor Nathan Pflueger on "Chip-Firing on Twice-Marked Graphs of Genus 2"


  • Jonah Botvinick-Greenhouse worked with Prof. Ryan Alvarado on "An Introduction to the Theory of the Ergodic Partition"
  • Lianbi Ji worked with Prof. Greg Call on "Torsion Subgroups of Elliptic Curves over Q and over Quadratic Number Fields"
  • Yuuna Klindziuk worked with Prof. Kara Yacoubou Djima on "Fourier Analysis on Graphs"
  • Emily Minus worked with Prof. Tanya Leise on "A Compartmental Model of COVID-19"
  • Andrew Tawfeek worked with Prof. Ivan Contreras on "Discrete Morse Theory: Enumeration of Discrete Gradient Vector Fields"
  • Justin Warring worked with Prof. Amanda Folsom on "On 'Strange' Identities and Quantum Modular Forms: q-hypergeometric Identities and Modular Properties of a Peculiar Function due to Kontsevich"
  • Calvin Woods worked with Prof. Amalia Culiuc on "Lp Weighted Estimates and Matrix Weights"


  • Gregory Carroll worked with Prof. Robert Benedetto on "Prolegomenon to Hrushovski's Stabilizer Theorem"
  • Cameron Chandler worked with Prof. Nathan Pflueger on "Riemann-Roch and Displacement on Chains of Cycles"
  • Sai Chauhan worked with Prof. Yongheng Zhang on "Introduction to the Kontsevich Integral"
  • Max Fox-Jurkowitz worked with Prof. Ryan Alvarado on "Set Representation Using Convex Analysis"
  • Joseph Lupo worked with Prof. Robert Benedetto on "Dynamical Galois Groups, Monodromy Groups, and Three Galois Correspondences"
  • Alexander Mangiafico worked with Prof. Ivan Contreras on "Persistent Homology in Topological Data Analysis"
  • Shashank Sule worked with Prof. Karamatou Yacoubou Djima on "Two Multiresolution Frameworks on Graphs"


  • Katherine Finnerty worked with Prof. Harris Daniels on "Representability of Primes as Sums of Squares An Introduction to Class Field Theory"
  • Caroline MacGillivray worked with Prof. Gregory Call on "Binary Quadratic Forms and the Class Group"
  • Ellie Thieu worked with Prof. David Cox on "The Riemann-Roch Theorem:  Analytic and Algebraic"


  • Michael Barnett worked with Prof. Robert Benedetto on “Modular and Jacobi Forms”
  • Jennifer Cain worked with Prof. Gabriel Sosa on “Detecting Normal Toric Rings Using Gröbner Bases”
  • Lily Fang worked with Prof. Jamie Juul on “An Arboreal Galois Group of a PCF Quadratic Polynomial”
  • Seong Eun Jung worked with Prof. Harris Daniels on “Galois Representations Associated to Torsion Points of Elliptic Curves”
  • Nathanael Lane worked with Prof. David Cox on “Stewart-Gough Kinematics and Homotopy Continuation
  • Fernando Liu Lopez worked with Prof. Yusra Naqvi on “Coxeter Groups from a Combinatorial and Geometric Perspective”
  • Obinna Ukogu worked with Prof. Tanya Leise on “Using Queueing Theory to Model Enzyme-Substrate Interactions”
  • William Wesley worked with Prof. Amanda Folsom on “Combinatorial Proofs of Ramanujan’s Congruences”
  • Bowen Yang worked with Prof. Gregory Call on “Mordell’s Conjecture Canonical Heights and Vojta’s Inequality”
  • Hui Xu worked with Prof. Yao Li (UMass, Amherst) and Prof. Gregory Call on “Comparison of Stochastic Neural Field Models with Corresponding Mean-field Approximations.


  • Fraser Binns worked with Prof. Michael Ching on "The Kervaire Invariant of the Lie-framed Torus"
  • Felipe Pereira Debayle worked with Prof. David Cox on "Interactions between Commutative Algebra, Galois Theory, and Representation Theory"
  • Paul Gramieri worked with Prof. Rob Benedetto on "Applications of Sieve Methods"
  • Caleb Ki worked with Prof. Nick Horton on "Handling Missing Data in Randomized Clinical Trials"
  • Levi Lee worked with Prof. Amy Wagaman on "A Simulation Study Using Graph Models to Fit Social Networks"
  • Emily Masten worked with Prof. Gabriel Sosa on "Matroid Theory and Its Application to Combinatorial Optimization"
  • Jacob Pfau worked with Prof. Yusra Naqvi on "Algebraic and Topological properties of Graph Products"
  • Yen Nhi Truong Vu worked with Prof. Amanda Folsom on "On the Modular Transformations and Asymptotic Behaviors of Mock Modular Forms"


  • Becky Danning worked with Prof. Tanya Leise on "Measuring Centrality in Undirected Valued Networks"
  • Kyle Ferendo worked with Prof. Michael Ching on "The Maximal and Free (∞,n)-Categories of an (∞,n+1)-Category"
  • Hannah Goodwillie worked with Prof. Harris Daniels on "The Ranks of Elliptic Curves with n-isogenies"
  • Cole Hawkins worked with Prof. David Cox on "Boij-Soderberg Theory on Particular Classes of Modules"


  • Dvij Bajpai worked with Prof. Dan Velleman on “Topological Predictors and T-Anonymous Predictors in Hat Problems”
  • Kush Chandra worked with Prof. Greg Call on “The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem and the Weil Pairing”
  • Stephen Hetterich worked with Prof. Rob Benedetto on “The Group of Rational Points on Elliptic Curves”
  • Namyi Kang worked with Prof. Tanya Leise on “A Comparison of Mathematical Models of Decision Making Using Eye Tracking Analysis”
  • Edward Kim worked with Prof. Amanda Folsom on “An Application of the circle Method in Analytic Number Theory to the Partition Function”
  • Sage O’Neil worked with Prof. David Cox on “Group Representations and Applications to Chemistry”
  • Darius Onul worked with Prof. Amy Wagaman on “Using Hidden Markov Models to Predict Stock Pricing”
  • Lucia Minah Yang worked with Prof. Jacqueline Dresch on “An Investigation of Numerical Methods of Solving Linear Problems (Ax=b)”


  • Ruqian Chen worked with Prof. David Cox on “Classification of transitive solvable imprimitive subgroups of symmetric groups of prime squared degrees”
  • Alexander W. Diones worked with Prof. James Henle (Smith College) and Prof. Dan Velleman on “Forcing over Partial Models of ZFC: The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis”
  • Shanghui Li worked with Prof. Tanya Leise on “Application of Wavelet Methods in the Analysis of Rhythmic Activity and Coupling Relationships in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus”
  • Yang Xiao worked with Prof. Michael Ching and Prof. Rob Benedetto on “1-2 Quadruples in Self-Similar Unbounded Apollonian Circle Packings”


  • Andrew Erskine worked with Prof. David Cox on "Binomial Edge Ideals and the Characterization of Closed Graphs"
  • Anya Goldberg worked with Prof. Robert Benedetto on "The Hasse-Minkowski Theorem on Quadratic Forms"
  • Taylor Grant-Knight worked with Prof. Daniel Velleman on "Categorizing Computability:  A Study of Recursively Enumerable Degrees"
  • R. Henry Weaver worked with Prof. Daniel Velleman on "Elusive Points:  Topics in Constructive Analysis"
  • David (Hao) Zhang worked with Prof. Amy Wagaman on "Compositional Data Analysis"


  • Trevor Hyde worked with Prof. David Cox on "Dividing the Lemniscate An interplay of elliptic functions, class field theory, and complex multiplication"
  • Brian Kim worked with Prof. Shu-Min Liao and Prof. Daeyoung Kim (UMass) on "Perfect Pitch:  An analysis of Pitchers Using Pitch F/X Data"
  • Ariah Klages-Mundt worked with Prof. Robert Benedetto and Prof. Paul Gunnells (UMass) on "Computing Elliptic Curves over Complex Cubic Fields"
  • Yordanka Kovacheva worked with Prof. Robert Benedetto on "Serre Duality"
  • Dang Trinh worked with Prof. Tanya Leise on "Stock Volatilities:  Long Memory and Common Factors"


  • Adam Humphries worked with Prof. Velleman on "ρ-GAPq-CSP is NP-hard"
  • Samuel Smith worked with Prof. R. Benedetto on "Measure-Theoretic Entropy, Topological Entropy, and the Variational Principle"


  • Ben Krause worked with Prof. Cox on "Plane Curves and their Singularities"
  • Michael Kreisel worked with Prof. Cox of Amherst and Prof. Rob Kusner (UMass) on "A Classification of Euclidean Surfaces with Conical Singularities"
  • Sam Schiavone worked with Prof. Leise on "Cloaking and Invisibility By Change Of Variables"
  • Andrey T. Tagarev worked with Prof. Leise on "Speech Recognition with Artificial Neural Networks"


  • Maya Miller-Vedam worked with Prof. Benedetto on "The Riemann Hypothesis for Curves Over Finite Fields"
  • Stephen O. Oloo worked with Prof. Cox on "The Gelfand Representation of Unital Commutative Banach Algebras"


  • Benjamin Dickman worked with Prof. Benedetto on "On a Theorem of Dwork"
  • Sasha E. Joseph worked with Prof. Benedetto on "Algebraic Number Theory and Density Theorems"
  • Jeremy Newton worked with Prof. Tranbarger on "Prototype Patterns of a Poisson Process"
  • Gina Turrini worked with Prof. Tranbarger on "Sex and Statistics:  A Bootstrap Study Using Multiple Logistic Regressions Modeling and Odds Ratios to Explore Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors in the National Survey of Family Growth"
  • Austin Yim worked with Professor Velleman on "Relevance Logic and Relevant Arithmetic"


  • Sarah G. Cotter worked with Prof. Velleman and Prof. Jim Henle (Smith College) on "Elementary Embeddings and Left-Distributive Algebras"
  • Benjamin Purkis worked with Prof. Cox on "Ergodic Theory and Continued Fractions"


  • Tsvetelina V. Petkova worked with Prof. Starr and Prof. Ruth Haas (Smith College) on "Nonisomorphic Graph Colorings"


  • Wing L. Mui worked with Prof. Cox on "An Introduction to Polynomial Knots"
  • Mathew A. Wechter worked with Prof. Starr on "An Analytic Proff of the Prime Number Theorem"


  • Mihailis E. Diamantis worked with Prof. Velleman on "The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis"
  • Andrew K. Gilette worked with Prof. Benedetto on "Searching for Small Canonical Heights: Finding A Minimum Speed Limit On the Road to Infinity"
  • Adam M. Lowrance worked with Prof. David Cox on "Solutions of Equations over Finite Fields"
  • Paul Reschke worked with Prof. Benedetto on "Rational Periodic and Preperiodic Points of Polynomial Functions"


  • Richard P. Laurberg worked with Prof. Call on "A Primer on the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture"
  • Michael A. Stevens worked with Prof. Call on "The Ideal Class Pairing on Elliptic Curves"


  • Brian Carty worked with Prof. Velleman on "Non-Standard Times Call for Non-Standard Analysis: An Introduction to Infinitesimal Reasoning"


  • William E. Gryc worked with Prof. Cox on "Wavelets and Multiresolution Analysis"
  • Anushka Krishnachander worked with Prof. Velleman on "An Introduction to Combinatorial Game Theory and the Game of Hackenbush"


  • James D. Hunter worked with Prof. Velleman on "On the Structure of the Recursively Enumerable Degrees"
  • Thomas B. Wexler worked with Prof. Starr and Prof. Haas (Smith College) on "Some Results on Signed Domination in Graphs"


  • David S. Spiegel worked with Prof. Cox on "Symmetries of the Helmholtz Equation"


  • Ben Brubaker worked with Prof. Cox on "An Investigation of Singularities of the Evolute"
  • Dan Golosovker worked with Prof. Call on "Preperiodic Points of Polynomials in Number Fields"
  • Spencer Hamblen worked with Prof. Call on "Calculating the Circle Pairing over Families of Elliptic Points"
  • Chris Hardin worked with Prof. Velleman on "Reverse Mathematics and the Mean Value Theorem"
  • Raphael Jones worked with Prof. Armacost on "The Frattini Subgroup"


  • Chris Hale worked with Prof. Call on "Preperiodic Points of Morphisms over Function Fields"


  • Lawrence Snyder worked with Prof. Starr and Prof. Haas (Smith College) on "Combinatorial Rigidity and the Path Decomposition of Isostatic Graphs"
  • Michael Stanfield worked with Prof. Cox on "Polynomial Equations and Abstract Algebra"
  • William Wasik worked with Prof. Velleman on "The Suslin Problem and Whitehead's Problem are Undecidable"