Box 11


    Personal Photographs  
1 1950's; 1967; 1968 Roman and Olga Goul  
2 1960's Roman Goul  
3 1982 - 1983  Francoise Goul and her family  
4 1950's Roman Goul and his friends  
5 1950's Pettersham views  
    Professional materials  
6 n.d. Photographs of the book "Ia unios Rossiiu"  
7 n.d. Photographs of the book "Ia unios Rossiiu"  
8 n.d. Photographs of the book "Ia unios Rossiiu"  
9 n.d. Illustrations to the book "Ia unios Rossiiu"  
10 1937 Shots from the movie "Knight without armour". Goul participated in the production of the movie as an advisor  
11 1937 Shots from the movie "Knight without armour".  
12 1937 Shots from the movie "Knight without armour".  
13 1937 Shots from the movie "Knight without armour".  
14 1937 Shots from the movie "Knight without armour".  
15 1937 Shots from the movie "Knight without armour".  
16 1937 Shots from the movie "Knight without armour".  
17 n.d. Photograph of white army officers  
18 1967 Student's uprising at Columbia University  
19 n.d. Varia  
    Russian political figures  
20 n.d. Photographs of: Balmachev S.; Berman, L.L.; Bernstein, L.M.; Bernstein, N.L.; Bogomolets; Bogoraz, N.; Bolotina, A.; Braginskaia, P.; Braginskii, M.A.; Bramson, M.K.; Breshkovskaia E.; Burtsev, etc; Chernyshevskii N.; Danilov, V.A.; Dolgushin; Doller, A.I.; Doller, S.N.; Drei, M.I.  
21 n.d. Photographs of: Edelman, I.B.; Fedorova; Figner, V.N.; Gausman, A.; Gedeonovskii, A.; Gekker, N.; Ginsburg; Gofman, D.O.; Golikov; Gotz, A. & Zenzinov V.; Gotz, M.; Grinberg, Kh.; Gurevich, A.; Gurevich, S.  
22 n.d. Photographs of: Iakubovich, P..; Ianovich; Iokhelson, V.; Ivanov, P.; Ivanovskaia, P.A.; Ivichevich; Iutkovskiil Iurliand; Kaliaev; Klenov; Klinch, G.; Kochurikhin, A.; Kogan, I.; Kong, F; Korba, A.P.; Konshin, N.; Kovalskaia, E.; Kovalevskaia, M.; Kurgin; Kviatkovskii  
23 n.d. Photographs of: Lebedeva; Leshern; Levental; Lion, S.; Lopatin, G.; Maliovannyi, V.G.; Mantkovskii; Minor, N.N.; Minor, O.S.; Moldavskii, A.V.; Mukhanov; Myshkin  
24 n.d. Photographs of: Nagel, L.F.; Nagornyi, N.; Natanson, M.; Neustroev; Notkin; Orlov, M.P.; Osipanov; Ossinskii  
25 n.d. Photographs of: Rednevskii, O.; refert, F.; Rogachev, D.; Rouss, V.; Rovenskii; Pankratov - Shlisselburzhets; Pashkovskii, T.; Peregudov, V.A.; Petrashkevich, Ch.V.; Pik, S.A.; Podbyl'skii; Pokotilov, A.; Poliakov; Popko; Popov; Pribylev, M.M.  
26 n.d. Photographs of: Salova, N.; Sankovskii; Sazonov E.; Serpinskii V.S.; Sigida, N.; Sipovich, A.A.; Sitsenko; Skvortsov; Slovinskii; Shabalin; Shchedrin; Sheftfel, E.I.; Sher, B.N.; Shishko; Shur; Shveitser, L.; Shtoltz F.V.; Shtromberg; Stepanov, P.; Stoianovskii; Studzinskii; Sukhomlin, V.; Terentieva, A.; Tereshkovich, K.M.; Tikhomirov, I.I.; Tonyshev; Trinidatskaia, E.M.; Tsobel'; Tsytsenko, I.T.; Tiutchev, S.N.  
27 n.d. Photographs of: Vadzinskii; Vetrova; Veimar; Zasulich, V.; Zhebunov; Zheliabov; Zotov; Zundelevich, M.  
28 n.d. Photographs of: Osinskii, V.; various unidentified photographs  
    Photographs made by Kudriavtsev  
29 1946; n.d. "Moia radiokommunikatsia" - 4 photographs; "Nasha smena" Russkie skauty v Vashingtone - 3 photographs; "Moi orkhideii i bromedalii" - 6 photographs; "Raznye tsvety moego nebol'shogo, no gusto naselennogo sada" - 7 photographs; "Kaktusy" - 9 photographs; "V moei oranzheree" - 18 photographs  
30 1928 - 1950 "Radiostantsia; Radioliubiteli za rabotoi" - 1928 - 1932 - 4 photographs; "Radiostantsia v Germanii" - 1947 - 1950 - 8 photographs; "Medical College of Wisconsin" - 4 photographs; "Rezhina I rezhichane" - 8 photographs  
31 n.d. Photographs of: Nartsissov, B.; Filippov, B.; Mayer, Y.