Ivask Papers: Series 3

Professional and Research Materials, 1885-1985

Box	Folder	Dates		Description
No.	No.
10	1	1976-1980	American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East 
European Languages (AATSEEL) Conferences
10	2	1984		AATSEEL 
10	3	1985		AATSEEL meeting and 1 poem
10	4	1959, 1963	Acmeism -- essays
10	5	[?-1974]	Acmeism -- Mandelshtam 
10	6	1960-1961	Acmeism project 
10	7	1960-1962	Acmeism project 
10	8	1960-1963	Acmeism project 
10	9	1973		"Acmeism -- Satyrism" 
10	10	[1966-1977]	Acmeism -- research material
10	11	1964 Jan	"Adamovich as a Critic"
10	12	1967		Adamovich, Georgii 
10	13	1979		Adamovich, Georgii 
10	14	[1955-1985]	Adamovich, Georgii -- research material
10	15	[?-1981]	Akhmatova, Anna -- research material
10	16	[197?-??]	Alekseyeva, Lidia 
10	17	[1971, 1985]	Alekseyeva, Lidia -- research material
10	18	1970		"Amerikanskaya Nota" -- material for AATSEEL
10	19	[1968]		Aminado, Don -- research material
10	20	1950-1956	Andreyev, Daniil -- play in verse
10	21	1935-1955	Andreyev, Daniil -- poems
10	22	1977-1982	Andreyev, Nikolai E. -- re: visit from England
10	23	1979		Andreyev, Nikolai -- research material
10	24	1973		Annenskii, Innokentii --  essay on "Chelovek"
10	25	1970		"Annenskii Arkadia" -- Arkadii Nebolsine
annotated by Ivask
10	26	[1954-1979]	Annenskii, Innokentii -- research material
10	27	1979		Apostolopulo, Evgnenia
10	28	1977		"Apollon - 77" --  research material
10	29	n.d.		"Arboretum" -- notes on trees
10	30	1973		Arndt, Walter -- review "Verse Translation"
10	31	n.d.		Arsenjev, Nikolai
10	32	1979		Arsenjev, Nikolai -- research material
10	33	1978		Art --  "Kak eto interesno"
10	34	n.d.		Art --  "My Favorite Paintings"
10	35	1978		Art -- research material
10	36	1972		Association of Russian-American Scholars
10	37	1962-1963	Athos
10	38	1918		Athos -- research material for "Afonskie Inoki"
10	39	1963		Athos -- research material
10	40	1969-1970	"Auden, W. H. " 
10	41	[1970, 1972]	Auden, W. H. -- research material
10	42	1979-1985	Bakhrakh, Aleksandr
10	43	1982		Bakhrakh, Aleksandr -- research material
10	44	1926-1927	Bakhtin, Nikolai -- research material
10	45	1974		Barabanov, Evgenii -- research material
10	46	n.d.		Baratynskii --  project proposal
10	47	1960		Baroque/Rococo --  notes
10	48	1955		"Batyushkov" 
10	49	1960		Baudelaire
10	50	n.d.		Belotsvetov, N. N. -- obituary 
10	51	1952		"Belyi" 
10	52	[1955-?]	Belyi, Andrei -- research material
10	53	1969, 1981	Berberova, Nina -- research material
10	54	1975		Berdyaev, Nikolai -- research material
10	55	1951		"Black List" 
10	56	1980		Blok, Aleksandr -- research material, symposium
10	57	n.d.		Bobyshev, Dmitrii
10	58	1974		Bobyshev, Dmitrii -- research material
10	59	1981-1985	Bobyshev, Dmitrii -- research material
10	60	1970		Boehme, Jacob -- notes
10	61	[1957]		Boehme, Jacob -- research material
10	62	1983-1986	Bogoslovskii, A. N. -- research material,
arrest, petitions to free him
11	1	1956		"Boratynskii" 
11	2	1965, 1970	"Brodskii, I." 
11	3	1985		Brodskii, Iosif
11	4	n.d.		Brodskii, Iosif -- research material, poems
11	5	n.d.		Brodskii, Iosif -- research material
11	6	n.d.		Brodskii, Iosif -- research material
11	7	n.d.		Bryusov, Valerii
11	8	1979		Buch, Alla von -- correspondence and material, piano recital
11	9	1980		Bulgakov, Mikhail -- research material
11	10	n.d.		"Bulgarin" -- notes
11	11	n.d.		Bulich, Vera -- research material
11	12	1969		"Bunin" --  essay, drafts, and notes
11	13	n.d.		Bunin, Ivan -- research material
11	14	1977		Caravaggio and His School --  articles and notes on Varralo
See Also: Varallo, Tanzio da
Box 21, Folder 52
11	15	n.d.		Cervantes --  notes on Don Quixote
11	15a	n.d.		Chalsma (Tjalsma), William -- research material
11	16	n.d.		Chayanov, Aleksandr -- research material
11	17	1958-1971	Chekhov and Annenskii -- research material
11	18	1960		Chekhov and the Russian Clergy -- research  material
11	19	n.d.		Chekhov, Anton -- research material
11	20	1959		"Chinnov, Igor " -- essay, draft and notes
11	21	1981		Chinnov, Igor -- letter re: Antiteza
11	22	n.d.		Chinnov, Igor -- research material
11	23	1977		Chizhevskii, Dmitrii -- research material
11	24	1972-1973	"Christian Realism" -- essays on Auerbach and Friedlander
11	25	1970		"Criticism" -- lecture for conference
11	26	1985		Crone, Anna Lisa -- research material, letter, articles 
on Remizov and Rozanov; Akhmatova
11	27	1965		"Danilevsky's Philosophy of History"  
11	28	n.d.		Dante --  research material and notes
11	29	1972, 1983	Delvig, Anton -- research material
11	30	n.d.		Derzhavin -- Khorei
11	31	[1959]		"Derzhavin"  -- typed notes, drafts
11	32	1959		"Derzhavin" -- teaching material, draft
11	33	1959		"Derzhavin" -- drafts on Zhizn Zvanskaya
11	34	1959 May 5	"Derzhavin" --  essay and notes
11	35	1967 		"Derzhavin" -- essay and course prospectus
11	36	1967 May 1	"Derzhavin" -- essay, teaching material
11	37	1940		Derzhavin -- research material
11	38	1977 Jan	"Dickinson, Emily " -- drafts and notes
11	39	1971		Dickinson, Emily -- stamps
11	40	1980, 1984	Dickinson, Emily -- research material
11	41	1976		Dobuzhinskii, M. -- book review
11	42	n.d.		Donne, John -- notes, translation of "Ecstasy"
11	43	1950's		"Dostoevskii" --  notes
12	1	1955		"Dostoevskii" -- drafts in Russian, notes
12	2	1981		Dostoevskii --  articles
12	3	1972		Dostoevskii --  essays, notes
12	4	1962		Dostoevskii --  notes for seminar
12	5	1963		Dostoevskii -- publisher's review
12	6	1960 May	"Dostoevkii et Baudelaire" --
essay in French and Russian, drafts, notes
12	7	1962		"Dostoevskii - Brothers K."
12	8	1963 Nov	"Dostoevskii:  Is Laughter Lethal" 
12	9	1972 Jan 18	"Dostoevskii's Rapture"
12	10	1955 Nov 1	"Dostoevskii's Wit"
12	11	1975, 1976	"Dostoevskii Conferences"
12	12	n.d.		Dostoevskii -- research material
12	13	n.d.		Dostoevskii -- research material
12	14	n.d.		Durnylin -- research material
12	15	1974, 1977	Elagin, Ivan --  research material
12	16	1973		Elagin, Ivan --  research material
review of his poetry book "Drakon na Kryshe"
12	17	1974		England --  essay, travel momentos, etc
12	18	n.d.		Fanger, Donald --  notes, criticism
12	19	1938-1945	Fedotov, Georgii --  notes, letters
12	20	1972 Mar	"Fedotov, G. P. " --  notes, memorial lecture
12	21	1927;		Fedotov, Georgii -- research material,
1946-1947	articles			
12	22	1939, 1940	Fedotov, Georgii -- research material,
1948		old journals articles by him or from his collection
12	23	n.d.		Fedotov, Georgii -- research material
12	24	1975		Fesenko, Tatiana --  review
12	25	n.d.		"Fet" --  essay, drafts, notes
12	26	1966		Fet -- research material
12	27	n.d.		"Filaret, Mitropolit " --  notes
12	28	[1958]		"Filimonov" --  essay and draft
12	29	n.d.		Fillipov, Boris --  article draft
12	30	1975		Fillipov, Boris -- research material
12	31	n.d.		Findlow, Irina --  review
12	32	1970 Sep	"Francesca, Piero della" --  article draft
12	33	1973-1974	Freiburg teaching exchange -- arrangement material
12	34	1973-1974	Germany (Freiburg, etc.) -- Fulbright Exchange
12	35	n.d.		Fudel, Josif -- reminiscences by his son 
12	36	1962		Futurism --  teaching material, etc.
12	37	1960;		Futurism -- research material
12	38	1975		Garin -- review, essay
12	39	n.d		Gautier, Theophile --  essay
12	40	1973		Glinka, Gleb --  review, correspondence
12	41	1977, 1979	"Gnosis" -- research material, correspondence
12	42	1952		"Gogol" --  note cards, article
12	43	[1952, 1961]	"Gogol" --  essays, notes
12	44	1965		"Gogol" --  essays, notes
12	45	1977, 1984	"Gogol" --  essays, drafts, notes
12	46	n.d.		"Gogol" --  essay
12	47	n.d.		"Gogol" -- essay by Hrishko, annotated by Ivask
12	48	1952, 1970,	Gogol -- research material
13	1	1981		"Golubaya Laguna" Anthology --  review
13	2	n.d.		Greece (1 page of travelogue) --"On Poetry writing"
13	3	n.d.		"Griboedov" --  typed notes
13	4	1972 Dec	Grossman, Vasilii -- Struve; review
13	5	1968		Gumilev, Nikolai --  review
13	6	1948-1949	Hamburg Articles --  in "Grani" and "Posev"
13	7	1949		"Hamburg Articles" --  notes, correspondence
13	8	1948		"Hamburg Articles"  
13	9	1949		Hamburg "Tsekh Poetov" -- journal on Russian Literature
13	10	1949		Hamburg, University of -- research material, catalog
13	11	[1963]		Herder Encyclopedia -- article on authors
13	12	1959		Herder Lexicon -- biographical sketches
13	13	1975		Hermitage in New York City --  essay
13	14	1976, 1977	Hippius (Gippius), Zinaida --  research material
13	15	1984 May	Hoerschelmann, Elisabeth -- letter from Ivask
13	16	n.d.		Homosexuality -- Elleni, ancient Greece 
13	17	1975		Homosexuality -- Ancient Greece, USA
13	18	1906-1908	Imperial Archives (publications)
13	19	1984		Institute of Modern Russian Culture
13	20	1971		International Poetry Festival -- Texas
13	21	1986		Interview with Ivask by John Glad for book
on emigre poets
13	22	n.d.		Ivanov, Georgii --  essay and draft
13	23	n.d.		Ivanov, Georgii -- research material
13	24	1971		"Ivanov, Vyacheslav" --  essays, drafts
Northeast Slavic Conference
13	25	1981 Apr	Ivanov, Vyacheslav -- International Symposium
13	26	1949, 1972,	Ivanov, Vyacheslav -- research material
13	27	n.d.		Ivask, Paul -- "Erinnerungen eines alten 
Mannes aus Livland" -- story
13	28	1914		Ivnev, Ryurik -- research material
13	29	1984 Oct	Jakobson, Roman -- published letter from Ivask 
13	30	n.d.		Joyce, James -- translation of "Portrait of the artist 
as a young man"
13	31	1980-1981	Kalastin, V., et al -- miscellaneous Muscovites
13	32	n.d.		Kennan --  notes on Siberia book
13	33	1978		Kennan Institute -- application for grant
13	34	n.d.		Khlysty --  notes, essay drafts, etc...
13	35	1970		"Khlysty" --  play
13	36	1970		"Khlysty/Melnikov-Pecherskii" -- research  material
13	37	n.d.		Khlysty -- research material
13	38	n.d.		Khodasevich, Vladislav --  essay for "Pokhvala Rossiiskoi 
Poezii" -- article
13	39	n.d.		Khodasevich, Vladislav -- research material
13	40	n.d.		Kievan Russia --  notes, research material
13	41	1976		Kievan Russia --  notes, essays
13	42	n.d.		Kievan Russia -- research material
13	43	1961		Kilgour Collection --  review of book
13	44	1950-1974	Klenovskii, Dmitrii --  biographical sketch, poem
13	45	[195?]		Klopstock --  draft, semi-autobiography
13	46	n.d.		"Kluyev, Nikolai " --  draft, notes
13	47	1984		Kluyev, Nikolai -- research material
13	48	1972		Knyazev, Vsevolod -- research material
poems by Knyazev, Akhmatova -- miscellaneous correspondence
13	49	1964		Kolyshko, Josif -- research material and letter
13	50	n.d.		Koltsov -- research material
13	51	n.d.		Komarovskii, Count Vasilii  -- research material
13	52	1978		Korin, Aleksandr -- research material -- poems, typed
13	53	1977-1978	Korn, Aleksandr -- research material
13	54	1977		Korzhavin, Naum --  reviews
13	55	1979, 1980	Korzhavin, Naum -- research material
13	56	1986		Krasnov, Vladislav: Soviet Defectors -- 
research material, request for recommendation from Ivask
13	57	1983		Kublanovskii, Yurii --  research material
13	58	1979		Kuzmin, Mikhail --  research material
14	1	n.d.		Ladinskii, Antonin --  essay
14	2	1932-1937	Ladinskii, Antonin -- research material, poems
14	3	1961		Leontiev, Konstantin -- Part I of "Vozrozhdenie" with corrections
14	4	1962		Leontiev, Konstantin -- Part II of "Vozrozhdenie"
14	5	1963		Leontiev, Konstantin -- Part III of "Vozrozhdenie"
14	6	1963		Leontiev, Konstantin -- Part IV of "Vozrozhdenie"
14	7	1963		Leontiev, Konstantin -- revised chapters sent to publishers
14	8	1963		Leontiev, Konstantin -- book as appeared in monthly "Vozrozhdenie"
14	9	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- draft, chapter on stylistics
14	10	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin --  draft of book
14	11	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin --  draft of book
14	12	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- semi-final draft of book, Part I
14	13	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- semi-final draft of book, Part I
14	14	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- semi-final draft of book, Part II
14	15	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- semi-final draft of book, Part III
14	16	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- semi-final draft of book, Part IV
14	17	1972		Leontiev, Konstantin -- final typed draft
14	18	1972		Leontiev, Konstantin -- final typed draft 
14	19	1972		Leontiev, Konstantin -- final typed draft
14	20	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- glossary for his "Egyptian Dove"
14	21	1967-1968	Leontiev, Konstantin --  book reviews
14	22	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin - Film on Ladnev, description of
14	23	1969		Leontiev, Konstantin -- unpublished stories, essay, notes
14	24	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- unpublished material with notes by Ivask
15	1	1982		Leontiev, Konstantin --  typed essay in English
15	2	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin --  article:  "What Leontiev Liked"
15	3	1963-1969	Leontiev, Konstantin --  essay, correspondence on research
15	4	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin --  bibliography
15	5	1969-1971	Leontiev, Konstantin --  notes on book review
15	6	1975		Leontiev, Konstantin --  interview - Radio Liberty
15	7	1977		Leontiev, Konstantin --Ivask's Bibliography of Leontiev's works
15	8	1963		Leontiev, Konstantin -- "Rozanov on Leontiev", article
15	9	1980		Leontiev and Rozanov --  article draft
15	10	n.d.		Leontiev and Rozanov -- letters, essay
15	11	1975		Leontiev, Konstantin --  introduction to book on Leontiev, 
correspondence with publisher (JAL)
15	12	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin --  notes and miscellaneous
15	13	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin --  notes and miscellaneous
15	14	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin --  notes, quotes, miscellaneous
15	15	1961		Leontiev, Konstantin --  notes, essays ("Narcissus",
religion, miscellaneous)
15	16	1962-1973	Leontiev, Konstantin --  correspondence regarding publication of Leontiev's books
15	17	1967-1973	Leontiev, Konstantin -- correspondence with publishers, royalty statements
15	18	1974-1975	Leontiev, Konstantin -- correspondence re: book, jacket biography
15	19	[1980]		Leontiev, Konstantin -- research material sent by A. Bogoslovsky to Ivask
15	20	1963, 1977	Leontiev, Konstantin -- reviews of "Vozrozhdenie"
15	21	1968-1970	Leontiev, Konstantin -- reviews of publicity
15	22	1974-1975	Leontiev, Konstantin -- criticism of "Vozrozhdenie"
15	23	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- biographical information; 
research material
15	24	1970		Leontiev, Konstantin -- speech by Sidney Monas
15	25	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- research material
15	26	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- research material
15	27	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- research material
15	28	n.d.		Leontiev, Konstantin -- research material
15	29	n.d.		Leskov -- research material
15	30	1982, 1983	Levitskii, Sergei -- research material
15	31	1970-1972	Ligachev, Dmitrii -- research material
15	32	1943, 1958,	Linguistics -- research material
15	33	1961		Literary Notes --  notes
15	34	1970		Literary Discussions -- "PROJECT, Paris and Munchen"
15	35	n.d.		Longobards, history of -- Foulke, translation notes on book
15	36	n.d.		Lyubegin, A. -- research material
15	37	n.d.		"Maksimov" --  essay, drafts, notes
15	38	1978, 1979	Malevich -- research material
15	39	1974-1977	Maltseva, Nadezhda -- poems
15	40	1940		Mamchenko -- research material
15	41	1978		Mamleev, Yurii,  recommendation for
15	42	n.d.		Mandelshtam, Nadezhda --  reviews of her memoirs
15	43	n.d.		Mandelshtam, Nadezhda -- letter to Ivask,
his commentary
15	44	n.d.		Mandelshtam, Nadezhda -- research material
15	45	1975		Mandelshtam --  2 essays, drafts, notes
15	46	1975		Mandelshtam --  essay in drafts
("We Shall Gather in Petersburg Again")
15	47	[1970]		"Mandelshtam: Khristianskaia Poezia" --
essay in drafts
15	48	n.d.		Mandelshtam --  essay "L'Enfant
15	49	1964		"Mandelshtam" --  essay, miscellaneous
15	50	1974-1975	"Mandelshtam on Belyi" --  essay for
Belyi symposium -- drafts, notes
15	51	1970-1975	"Mandelshtam on Belyi" --  essay, drafts, notes
16	1	1972-1977	Mandelshtam, Osip  --  essays, reviews,
notes, letters, materials
16	2	1975		Mandelshtam Concordance -- research material, 
16	3	1985		Mandelshtam -- research material, note of  on article
16	4	[1974]		Mandelshtam -- research material
16	5	n.d.		Mandelshtam -- research material, reprints
16	6	n.d.		Mandelshtam -- reprints, photocopied articles
16	7	1969 May 11	Mandelshtam -- "Pismo o Manyerizme" --article, draft, notes
16	8	1967, 1984	Mat' Maria -- research material
16	9	n.d.		Maria of Guadeloupe --  essay
16	10	n.d.		"Mariology" --  notes
16	11	1968 Oct	"Markevich" --  notes
16	12	1980		Markov, Vladimir --  essay, letters,
16	13	n.d.		Markov, Vladimir -- research material
16	14	1976		Marlinskii/Mandelshtam -- research material
16	15	n.d.		Matveyeva, Novella --  book review for
Novyi Zhurnal
16	16	1969		"Melnikov-Pecherskii" --  essay
16	17	1905-1916	Menshikov, M. O. -- articles (from Bogoslovskii)
16	18	1980		Merezhkovskii, D. S. -- article, extract from "Antikhrist"
16	19	1956-1966	"Mexican Articles" --  travel material, miscellaneous
16	20	1963		Mexico --  photos, travel material
16	21	1963		Mexico --  notes, sketches, momentos
16	22	1956-1966	Mexico Articles --  clipping
16	23	1965-1966	"Mexico, Guernavaca" --  essay
16	24	1965-1966	Mexico, Guernavaca  -- research material:  Center for 
Intercultural Formation reports
16	25	1974		Mexico -- research material
16	26	1984		Meyer, George -- research material
16	27	n.d.		Mochulskii, Konstantin -- research material
16	28	1973		"Monas, Sidney" -- article on poets in exile and Ivask's translation of it
16	29	1979		Morshen, Nikolai --  reviews, essays, miscellanius
16	30	1974		Morshen, Nikolai --  "Ekho i zerkalo"
16	31	1980-1981	Morshen, Nikolai -- research material
16	32	1968		Moscow -- research material
16	33	1962		"Mosty," book 9 -- research material articles, notes
16	34	1978		Muravyov, Nikita -- poems
16	35	1977		"Nabokov" -- obituary by, essay, correspondence
16	36	1955		Nabokov, Vladimir -- research material
16	37	1969		Nartsissov, Boris --  review
16	38	[1973]		Nebolsine, Arkadii -- Ivask and Chinnov
16	39	1979		Nebolsine, Arkadii -- Ivask and Chinnov
16	40	1970-		Nebolsine, Arkadii -- research material
16	41	1954		Nedobrovo, Nikolai -- research material
16	42	1979		Nesmelov, Arsenii -- poems, vol. 1
16	43	1979		Nesmelov, Arsenii -- poems, vol. 2
16	44	1978		Netchaev, Konstantin -- poems, letter to Ivask
16	45	1971 Jan	Nietsche and Wagner -- photocopied articles
16	46	1970		"Nikitenko Diary" --  material on review of translation
17	1	1972-1980	Nikitin, Valentin -- poems, prose, miscellaneous
17	2	1975-1980	Nikitin, Valentin -- poems
17	3	1975-1980	Odarchenko, Yurii -- research material
17	4	n.d.		Odoyevsteva, Irina --  review
17	5	n.d.		Odoyevsteva, Irina -- research material
17	6	1980		Olcott, John -- research material
17	7	n.d.		Olesha, Jurii --  essay
17	8	1952-1958	"Opyty" --  material on journal
17	9	1958		Otsup, Nikolai -- research material
17	10	1977		Parnok, Sofia -- poems
17	11	1959		Pasternak, Boris -- poems,  essay
17	12	n.d.		Pasternak, Boris -- research material
17	13	n.d.		Pastukhov, Vsevolod --  review for
"Novy Zhurnal"
17	14	1967		Pastukhov, Vsevolod -- research material, letter
17	15	1978		Pereleshin, Valerii --  reviews
17	16	1971-1980	Pereleshin, Valerii -- research material
17	17	1975-1976	"Petersburg, St." --  articles
17	18	1975?		"Petersburg, St." --  essays, research material
17	19	n.d.		"Petrov, V. P." -- essay, research material
17	20	1956-1960	Philosophy --  notes on Heidegger,
Pascal, Marcel
17	21	[1961]		"Pindar" --  poem translation, notes
17	22	n.d.		"Pisemskii" -- notes
17	23	n.d.		Platonov, Andrei -- research material
17	24	n.d.		Poetics -- two essays
17	25	1975		Poetics -- teaching materials, Proseminar on versification
17	26	1973		Poetics Versification --  course
taught in Freiburg
17	27	[1977]		Poetics Versification -- articles by Bailey et al. and notes
17	28	1959		"Poetry" --  notes, drafts
17	29	1959		Poetry, Essays of: Chelovek so Vzdokhom --Vozmozhnost' Poezii
17	30	1963		Poetry, XVIII-century  --  course material
17	31			Poetry, XVIII-century  --  note cards
17	32	1968		"Poets of the 20th Century" --  essay
17	33	n.d.		"Pogodin" --  essay draft, notes
17	34	1979-1982	Poland --  essays
17	35	n.d.		Polonskii --  notes on "Krutye Gorki"
17	36	n.d.		Poplavskii, Boris -- correspondence as
17	37	[1975]		Poplavskii, Boris -- photos of his paintings, corrections 
of book "Flagi"
17	38	[1966]		"Portugal" --  essays, radio interview
17	39	1967		Portugal --  articles -- also Brazil
17	40	1972-1973	"Portugal e Brazil" --  "Poesia Russa",
17	41	1967-1975	Portugal and Brazil -- research material
17	42	[1973]		Portugal and Brazil -- Nebolsine
17	43	1972		Pound, Ezra --  poem
17	44	1973		Pregel, Sofia -- research material
17	45	1962		Prismanova, Anna -- research material
17	46	n.d.		Prokhorov, Timofei -- research material
17	47	1980		Psell, Mikhail --  reprint
17	48	1984		Publishers' Catalogue
17	49	n.d.		"Pushkin" --  essay, teaching material
17	50	n.d.		Pushkin -- "Elusive Pushkin", essay in drafts, notes
17	51	1972		Pushkin --  Pushkin 319, UMass course
17	52	1968-1976	Pushkin --  essays, teaching material, notes
17	53	1955		Pushkin --  article on Introduction to "Onegin"
17	54	n.d.		Pushkin -- research material
17	55	n.d.		Puti Russkovo Bogoslovia --  note cards
on book
17	56	1968-1976	Pushkin --  essays, teaching material, notes
18	1	1976		Radio Liberty --  et al. scripts, notes
on authors
18	2	1980 Nov	Radio Vatican --  interview
18	3	1965; 1982;	Rannit, Aleksis -- research material
18	4	1984		Rastrelli --  article, sketches, correspondence
18	5	n.d.		Ratushinskaya, Irina --  review, article
18	6	1963, 1970,	Rayevskii, Georgii -- research material
18	7	1922		Rayevskii, S. -- "V te dni", story
18	8	1981-1984	Religion -- Saints and Martyrs, New Canonization
18	9	1982-1983	Religion --  news clippings
18	10	1947, 1959	Religion --  brochures and news clippings
18	11	1913		Religion, Russian Orthodox  -- research material, letters 
of dispute
18	12	1913 Mar 30	Religion, Greek Orthodox -- research material, hand-copied letter
18	13	1928-1978	Religion -- research material, publications, poems by Ioann Shakhovskoj
18	14	1933-1934	"Revel Articles" -- poems, reviews, artisles, news clippings
18	15	1970		Rococo-Time -- short story by Y. Ivask
18	16	n.d.		Romanov, Ivan (Rtsy) -- copies and originals of his letters 
to Rosanov,  notes and letters of Ivask
18	17	n.d.		Romanov, Ivan (Rtsy) -- research material, manuscripts, 
letters and notes
18	18	n.d.		Rozanov -- essay and draft, article by Ivask
18	19	n.d.		Rozanov -- book on, Ivask, drafts
18	20	n.d.		Rozanov -- book on, Ivask, drafts
18	21	1958		Rozanov -- review of the book compiled by Ivask
18	22	1975-1977	Rozanov -- introduction to "Liudi Lunnogo Sveta" ("Men of Lunar Light") by Ivask, correspondence with publisher, biographical data
18	23	1961, 1976	Rozanov -- two copies of brochure by Ivask, articles, foreword to "Men of Lunar Light" 
18	24	1979		Rozanov -- Ivask's review of "Rozanov and the End of Literature" by Ann Lisa Crone
18	25	1956		Rozanov -- Ivask's article "Rozanov and Father Pavel Florenskii"
18	26	1977		Rozanov -- two articles by Ivask, a selected bibliography
18	27	n.d.		Rozanov -- reviews and notes by Ivask
18	28	1974-1982	Rozanov -- notes on family, especially his daughter 
Tatiana, correspondence concerning several translations 
of Rozanov works
18	29	n.d.		Rozanov -- Ivask, notes on
18	30	n.d.		Rozanov -- ideology, Ivask's notes 
18	31	n.d.		Rozanov -- stilistika, Ivask's notes
18	32	n.d		Rozanov -- Ivask's notes
18	33	n.d.		Rozanov -- Ivask's notes
18	34	n.d.		Rozanov -- excerpts from T. Rozanov's book, Ivask's notebook
18	35	n.d.		Rozanov -- research material, letters to Rozanov from 
Vera Mordvinova published in 1917
18	36	1912-1917	Rozanov -- research material, Rozanov's articles from "Novoje Vremia"
19	1	n.d.		Rozanov -- essays by, research material
19	2	1909		Rozanov -- essay about Berdyaev and Ternavtsev
19	3	1928		Rozanov -- research material, article by Z. Gippius
19	4	[1950]		Rozanov -- research material, articles by D. Darskii
19	5	n.d.		Rozanov -- research material, articles by A. Stammler, L. Shestov, M. Kurdyumov, E. Gollerbakh
19	6	n.d.		Rozanov -- research material sent by A. Bogoslovskii to Y. Ivask
19	7	1898-1932	Rozanov -- research material, correspondence with Father Ustjinskii, research material about A. Zvenigorodskii, 1 page
19	8	1913-1917	Rozanov -- research material, articles in "Novoe Vremja"
19	9	1899-1914	Rozanov -- research material, escerpts from diaries and letters, reminiscences about him
19	10	1903-1912	Rozanov -- research material, two published Rozanov's articles, photocopy of the books about him in Italian and German
See Also: Crone Anna Lisa
Box 11, Folder 26     
19	11	1922-1977	Rozanov -- research material, articles by G. Fedotov, H. Stammler, A. Lotynina
19	12	1976-1979	Rozanov -- research material, article by G. Struve about V. Khovin, "Slavic Review", volume 38, number 2
19	13	1973-1975	Rozanov -- research material, articles, letters, notes, photographs
See Also: Rozanova, Nadezhda, memoires
Box 23, Folder 16; 
Rozanova, Vera and Nadezhda, letters, diary
Box 23, Folder 15;
Rozanova, Tatiana, 1965, reminiscences,
Box 23, Folder 17  
19	14	[1919-1969]	Rozanov -- daughter Vera; Ivask's notes, excerpt from Vera 
Rozanova manuscript
19	15	n.d.		Russia -- essays by Y. Ivask (under pseudonym B. Afanasjevskii) 
-- Malinovaya Rus, Zashchita Sotsializma, Russkoe Delo
19	16	n.d.		Russia -- "1000" Anniversary, Ivask's draft
19	17	1985		Russian Architecture -- research material
19	18	1984		Russian Arts and Letters -- 6th Festival, program
19	19	n.d.		Russia and Byzantium -- Ivask's lecture and notes
19	20	n.d.		Russian Culture -- "North and South", Ivask essay on Russian 
culture, drafts, notes
19	21	1985		Russian and East European Center, research material
19	22	1976		Russian Imperial Home -- letter of Grand Duke Wladimir
19	23	1972		Russian Institute in California -- research material
Russia, Kievan
See: Kievan Russia
Box 13, Folders 40, 41, 42
19	24	n.d.		Russia, Muskovite -- Ivask's notes, essays
19	25	1978-1979	Russian Revolution -- research material, Ivask's notes, articles
Russian Literature
19	26	[1968]		Russian Bibliography -- M. A. Reading List
19	27	n.d.		Russian Bibliography -- Ivask's bibliography
19	28	n.d.		Russian Drama -- Ivask's course material
19	29	n.d.		Russian Emigre Criticism -- Ivask's essays, drafts and notes
19	30	1970-1984	Russian Emigre Literature -- research material, 
articles, correspondence, notes
19	31	1949		Russian Emigre Poetry (Postwar)-- talk given by Ivask, article
19	32	1965-1972	Russian Emigre Poetry -- articles, correspondence, 
notes for Ivask's book
19	33	not used
19	34	not used
19	35	not used
19	36	[1972]		Russian Emigre Poetry -- articles, notes, poems, article 
about Anthology of Acmeist Poets
19	37	1979		Russian Emigres -- "Chetvertaya Volna", reprint of article by Ivask
19	38	1970		Russian Emigre Writers -- list of tapes with talks about Russian emigre writers
19	39	[1953]		Russian Epic Tradition -- Ivask's student notes, especially on Zadonshchina
19	39a	n.d.		Russian Exile Literature -- draft of an article, notes
19	40	1962-1964	Russian Experimental Prose -- Ivask's course material on Bely and Remizov
19	41	n.d.		Russian Folklore -- Ivask's notes
19	42	n.d.		Russian Literature, old -- Ivask's notes
19	43	n.d.		Russian Literature, old -- Ivask's note cards
19	44	1962-1966	Russian Literature, old -- Ivask's course material
19	45	1956		Russian Literature, old -- "The World of the Slavs", collection 
of articles in German
19	46	not used
19	47	[1958-?]	Russian Literature, old -- notes, essays, correspondence
19	48	n.d.		Russian Literature, old -- research material
19	49	n.d.		Russian Literature, old -- "Boris and Gleb", Ivask's essay and notes
19	50	n.d.		Russian Literature of 16th and 17th century -- Ivask's essays and notes
19	51	n.d.		Russian Literature, history of -- Ivask's drafts of essays
19	52	[1961]		Russian Literature -- Ivask's course material for Russian Seminar 590 at the University of Washington 
19	53	n.d.		Russian Literature -- Ivask's notes
19	54	[1961]		Russian Literature, contemporary -- Ivask's course material
19	55	1963		Russian Literature -- Ivask's course material for Russian Seminar 568 at the University of Washington, notes, essays
19	56	[1966]		Russian Literature -- Bloodless Civil War, Ivask's typed and handwritten notes
19	57	1970		Russian Literature -- Literary Studies in Paris, proposal
19	58	n.d.		"Russia Outside Russia" -- Anthology of Russian Emigre Poetry, compiled by W. Chalsma (Tjalsma), an introduction has been translated by Y. Ivask, part 1
19	59	n.d.		"Russia Outside Russia" -- part 2
20	1	not used
20	2	not used
20	3	1979		Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossiiskoi Poezii", Ivask's drafts of chapters and correspondence
20	4	n.d.		Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossiiskoi Poezii", Ivask's drafts of chapters
20	5	n.d.		Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossiiskoi Poezii", Ivask's drafts of chapters
20	6	n.d.		Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossiiskoi Poezii", Ivask's drafts of chapters
20	7	n.d.		Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossijskoj Poezii", Ivask's drafts of chapters
20	8	n.d.		Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossijskoj Poezii", Ivask's drafts of chapters
20	9	[1960-1970]	Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossijskoj Poezii", Ivask's notes, table of contents
20	10	n.d.		Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossijskoj Poezii", chapter "Slova, Zvuki, Kraski"
20	11	[1956]		Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossijskoj Poezii", drafts of chapters for book in Russian and English
20	12	[1984]		Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossijskoj Poezii, final drafts before printing, reviews, correspondence
20	13	1960-1970	Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossijskoj Poezii", xeroxes from journals, typescript
20	14	1969; 1983	Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossijskoj Poezii", xeroxes of Ivask's articles published in Novyj Zhurnal
20	15	1962; 1972	Russian Poetry -- "Pokhvala Rossijskoj Poezii", reprints of two chapters, "Evangelical Realism" and "Language Mixtures"
20	16	1951		"Russkaya Poeziya" -- Ivask's notes on Russian Poetry
20	17	n.d.		Russian Poetry -- Ivask's notes, teaching material
20	18	1963		Russian Poetry after Pushkin -- Ivask's course materials
20	19	n.d.		"Russian Poetry of the XX Century" -- Ivask's introduction and chapters for proposed book, drafts
20	20	n.d.		"Russian Poetry of the XX Century" -- Ivask's chapters for book
20	21	1976-1977	"Russian Poets in America" -- Ivask's lecture and notes
20	22	1960		Russian Prose -- Ivask's notes, course material
20	22a	1944-1976	Russian Religion, old -- news clippings
20	23	1976		Russian Religious Philosophy -- Ivask's class notes "From Dostoevskii to Berdyaev"
20	24	1976		Russian Religious Philosophy -- Ivask's course material and students' papers
20	25	[1970]		Russian Studies -- Ivask's essay on Institute of Advanced Russian Studies
20	26	1966		Russian Versification -- Ivask's essay reprint, teaching materials, notes
20	27	1984-1985	Russian Writers, new generation -- research material, articles, especially by Kashkarov
20	28	1973		Russian Writers, symposium -- program, several Ivask's poems, reviews about Ivask
20	29	1978-1986	Russkaya Mysl -- correspondence
20	30	n.d.		Russkaya starina -- research material, xeroxed articles
20	31	n.d.		Rybakov, Vladimir -- Ivask's research material
20	32	[1979]		Saburov, Evgenii -- Ivask's research material, correspondence, poems
20	33	n.d.		Sadovskii, Boris -- Ivask's notes
20	34	[1931]		Sadovskii, Boris -- Ivask's research material
Saint Petersburg
See: Petersburg
Box 17, Folders 17, 18
20	35	1927		Saltykov, Aleksandr -- research material
20	36	1955		Savinskii, Viktor (Voskobojnikov, Viktor) -- brochure 
"Dialektika sovremennosti" and article "Puti russkoj kultury"
20	37	1959		Setschkareff, Vsevolod -- research material
20	38	1950		Severianin, Igor -- research material
20	39	1970		Shakhovskaia, Zinaida -- article by Y. Ivask
21	1	n.d.		Shengeli, Georgii -- drama and poems
21	2	1972-1978	Shor, Olga -- research material, correspondence
21	3	1980-1983	Shteiger, Anatolii -- Ivask's preface to book, notes
21	4	[1932-1940]	Shteiger, Anatolii -- research material, poems
21	5	1984		Shteiger, Anatolii -- research material
21	6	n.d.		Sinyavskii, Andrei -- drafts of Ivask's article
21	7	1973-1981	Sinyavskii, Andrei -- research material
21	8	n.d.		Sizova, M. -- research material, book, part 3
21	9	1972		Slavic and East European Journal -- fifteen-year index with Ivask's notes
21	10	1964		Sluchevskii, Konstantin -- Ivask's essay, notes, materials
21	11	1967		Sologub, Fyodor -- Ivask's article
21	12	1979		Solovjev, Vladimir -- research material
21	13	n.d.		Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr -- Ivask's notes
21	14	1971-1972	Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr -- research material, Columbia university seminar on Solzhenitsyn, notes
21	15	1971-1974	Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr -- research material, clippings
21	16	n.d.		Soviet Literature -- Ivask's research material, notes, poems
21	17	n.d.		Soviet Literature -- Anthology (Soviet Underground Poetry)
21	18	n.d.		Soviet Literature -- Anthology (Soviet Underground Poetry)
21	19	n.d.		Soviet Literature -- Anthology (Soviet Underground Poetry)
21	20	1962-1963	Soviet Literature -- Ivask's research material
21	21	1913		Stepun, Fiodor -- photocopy of article from "Severnye Zapiski"
21	22	1903		Stogov, E. -- xerox of "Zapiski E. I. Stogova" from "Russkaja starina"
21	23	n.d.		Strannik (Shakhovskoj, Ioann) -- Ivask's notes
21	24	1964		Stranstvija -- Ivask's news clippings, reprints of articles
21	25	1963-1964	Stranstvija -- Ivask's essays and drafts
21	26	1963		Stranstvija -- Ivask's articles and drafts (on travel in Greece)
21	27	1964-1965	Stranstvija -- reviews
21	28	1927-1978	Struve, Gleb -- research material, reviews, letter
21	29	[1964-1968]	Symbolism -- Ivask's notes, teaching material
21	30	1957-1967	Symbolism -- research material
21	31	n.d.		Tauber, Ekaterina -- research material
21	32	1970		Teffi, Nadezhda -- research materials
21	33	n.d.		Ternavtsev, Valentin -- biographical sketch
21	34	[1975]		"Three Lyric Players" -- Ivask's essay, correspondence, notes
21	35	1979		Tikos, Laszlo -- research material
21	36	[1964]		Tolstoi, Leo -- Ivask's notes
21	37	1976-1978	Tolstoi, Leo -- Ivask's notes, correspondence, essays
21	38	n.d.		Tolstoi, Leo -- research material
21	39	n.d.		Tsvetaeva, Marina -- Ivask's articles, papers, book reviews
21	40	n.d.		Tsvetaeva, Marina -- Ivask's articles, copies of letters, notes
21	41	1981-1982	Tsvetaeva, Marina -- Ivask's articles, poem
21	42	1948-1957	Tsvetaeva, Marina -- Ivask's essays, notes, copied poems
21	43	1925-1933	Tsvetaeva, Marina -- correspondence with Ivask, copies of 
Ivask's letters to M. Tsvetaeva, Tsvetaeva's dedication to Pasternak
See Also: Copies of Tsvetaeva letters to Ivask
Box 23, Folder 20 
21	44	1980-1984	Tsvetaeva, Marina -- research material,		
21	45	1967-1981	Tsvetaeva, Marina -- research material, notes, reminiscences, 
review on "Lebedinyi Stan"
21	46	1972-1981	Tsvetaeva, Marina -- research material, 
articles found with colloquium material
21	47	1955		Tsvetaeva, Marina -- research material, letters with editorial 
corrections, "Opyty"
21	48	1982		Tsvetaeva, Marina -- research material,
especially from Leningrad Writers' Organization
21	49	not used		 
21	50	n.d.		Tyutchev, Fiodor -- research material, Ivask's essay, 
notes, teaching material
21	51	1964-1975	Tyutchev, Fiodor -- research material
21	52	1977		Varallo, Tanzio da -- essay by Ivask
See Also: Caravaggio and His School
Box 11, Folder 14
21	53	1972		Varallo, Tanzio da -- research material, travel mementos, 
21	54	1972-1978	Varshavskii, Vladimir -- research material, letter
22	1	[1954]		Vjazemskii, Piotr -- Ivask's draft of doctoral dissertation
22	2	[1954]		Vjazemskii, Piotr -- Ivask's draft of doctoral dissertation
22	3	[1954]		Vjazemskii, Piotr -- Ivask's draft of doctoral dissertation
22	4	[1954]		Vjazemskii, Piotr -- Ivask's draft of doctoral dissertation
22	5	[1954]		Vjazemskii, Piotr -- Ivask's draft of doctoral dissertation
22	6	[1950]		Vjazemskii, Piotr -- Ivask's essay, notes
22	7	1954		Vjazemskii's Literary Criticism -- carbon copy of Ivask's 
doctoral dissertation, parts 1 and 2
22	8	1954		Vjazemskii's Literary Criticism -- carbon copy of Ivask's 
doctoral dissertation, part 3
22	9	n.d.		"Vjazemskii's Letters" -- Ivask's preface draft, notes
22	10	1982		Voloshin, Maximilian - research material,   2 photographs, program		 	
22	10a	1973		Vysheslavtsev, Boris -- essay by Arkadii Nebolsine with Ivask's 
corrections [?]
22	11	1965-1966	University of Washington -- research material, miscellanious papers, records
22	12	n.d.		Weidle, Vladimir -- drafts of Ivask's essay
22	13	1973-1979	Weidle, Vladimir -- research material
22	14	1969-1976	Weidle, Vladimir -- research material
22	15	1955		Yanovskii, Vasilii -- article by
22	16	n.d.		Yesenin, Sergei -- research material
22	17	1971		Yevtushenko, Evgenii -- research material
See Also: Soviet Literature
Box 21, Folder 20 
22	18	1984		Zakovich, Boris -- Ivask's book review
22	19	1971		Zajtsev, Boris -- research material
22	20	[1970]		Zenkovskii, Sergei -- Ivask's review, draft
22	21	[1966]		"Zhivagos" -- Ivask's article
22	22	1861		Zhivago, Elena -- handwritten book on general history, mementos
22	23	1951; 1968	Zlobin, Vladimir -- Ivask's review, article
22	24	1971		"Zolushka, Mnenia o" -- Ivask's essay
22	25	1969		Zubov, Valentin -- research material
22	26	1952		Zhukovskii, Vasilii -- research material
22	27	n.d.		"Zolotoje Runo" -- Ivask's notes for essay
22	28	1980		Zvenigorodskii, A. -- 6 photographs
Miscellaneous clippings on Russian Literature, Art, and Religion
22	29	1949-1983	Clippings on literature
22	30	1951-1956	Clippings on art, literature, and religion, 
22	31	1973-1976	Clippings on literature
22	32	1975-1984	Newspaper clippings
22	33	1980		Miscellaneous clippings
Papers, miscellaneous
22	34	n.d.		Unidentified notes
22	35	[1974]		Ivask's notes and poems
22	36	1978-1980	Miscellaneous papers - Ivask's poems, letters, etc.
22	37	[1984]		Miscellaneous notes
23	1	n.d.		Bugaeva, Klavdia -- reminiscences         
23	2	1967-1971	Copies of Responses/Reviews of Ivask's work  
23	3	n.d.		Darskii, Dmitrii -- research material, religious essay
23	4	[1968]		Ivask, Tamara -- portrait from Box B4, folder "Correspondence 
with T. 1968-1969"
23	5	1908		Konovalov, Dmitrii -- "Religioznyj extaz v russkom 
mificheskom sektantstve", xerox of book
23	6	1885		Leontiev, Konstantin -- photocopy of journal publication 
and photocopy of unpublished draft
23	7	1928-1938	Lukash, Ivan -- research material, essays
23	8	1969-1979	Pereleshin, Valerii -- research material, materials sent 
by Pereleshin to Ivask
23	9	n.d.		Polish books -- note cards
23	10	1966		Portraits of Ivask by Jorge in Mexico
23	11	[195?]		Pushkin, Aleksandr -- Ivask's notes
23	12	1979-1982	Radashkevich, Aleksandr -- research material, poems
23	13	1923		Rozanov, Vasilii -- research material, book by D. Darskii
23	14	[1913]		Rozanov, Vasilii -- manuscript of "Pered Sakharnoj" and 
unknown excerpts from "Opavshye listia"
23	15	1909-1919	Rozanova, Vera and Nadezhda -- letters, diary, notes, copy 
of sketch by Vasilii Rozanov
23	16	1937		Rozanova, Nadezhda -- memoires
23	17	1965		Rozanova, Tatiana -- reminiscences
23	18	n.d.		Sketches, watercolors by Ivask
23	19	1937-1940	"Tragedia Udachi" -- Ivask's essays
23	20	1933-1938	Tsvetaeva, Marina -- copies of her letters to Ivask, Ivask publication about M. Tsvetaeva
23	21	n.d.		Yarzhembovskii, Stanislav -- research material, article by Ivask
Note Cards on Russian Literature:		