Series 1, Subseries 2

Alexei Remizov and Serafima Remizova-Dovgello Papers:  Series 1


Alexei Remizov Papers

Subseries 2:  Writings

Box  Folder  Date          Description

No.  No.




11      5    [1930s]       "About talkies", preliminary work on article, 3 pages


             1937 Aug 28   "Aktior, grimior i parikmakher", two draft versions, similar to "Parikmakher" published in Poslednie novosti, 10 pages


             [1920s]       "Amerika bogata serebrom", autograph notes, 3 pages


             [1920s]       "Autobiography, draft in English, 6 pages


             [1920s]       "Autobiography", autograph notes, 3 pages

             1926          "Bibliography", three articles published in Volia Rossii under the title "O raznykh knigakh", # 8-9, 6 pages


             n.d.          Bibliographical reference to the life of St. Douceline, 1 page


             1934 Mar 22   "Chekhov", answer to inquiry about Chekhov later published in Illiustrirovannaia zhizn', 3 pages


             1932          "Chupyzhnik", preliminary work on article later published in Poslednie novosti, 3 pages


             1925 Jun-Jul  "Diagilevskie vechera", combined holograph and printed material, 5 pages


             [1930s]       "Dolzhno byt' chas proshel...", autograph note, 1 page


11      6    1938          "Filosofskaia natura", preliminary work on article, 44 pages   


11      7    1938          manuscript for typesetting published in Sovremennye zapiski, #66, 13 pages  

11      8    1922          "Golubinaia kniga", draft of an article later published in Vereteno, 2 pages


             1936 Aug 1    "Gorkii", preliminary work on article "Alexei Maximovich Gorkii" published in Novaia Rossia, 24 pages


             1931 Dec 15   "Ia vozvrashchaius' na okean", autograph fragment later published in Poslednie novosti, 1 page


             1926          Joke letter to the editor, with list of apocryphal works to be published by different authors, autograph fragments, 6 pages


11      9    1926          "Kak ia provodil leto", preliminary work and manuscript of the article later published in Poslednie novosti, 6 pages


             1948 Feb 15-16 "Karandash", draft version, 3 pages


             n.d.          "Knigopis' Remizova", autograph notes, 2 pages


             1924          "Kosmografiia", manuscript published in Zveno, 2 pages


             [1936]        "Lev Shestov", preliminary work on article, 3 pages


             n.d.          "Liubov' i liubva", autograph fragments, 2  pages


11     10    1947-1948     "Mekha", from unrealized collection Shurum-Burum, autograph fragments, 5 pages


             1940 Aug 15   "Magia slov", draft of an article, 19 pages


             1940 Aug 15   manuscript for typesetting published in Poslednie novosti, 7 pages


             [1930s]       "Mekaptan", autograph notes, 2 pages


11     11    [1930s]       "Mikhail Prishvin", preliminary work on article published in Poslednie novosti, 12 pages


             1938 May 25   manuscript for typesetting, 3 pages


             1935 Sep 23   "Mne ochen' zhalko byvaet detei...", autograph note, 1 page


             n.d.          "Mnogo li cheloveku zemli nado", "Shchiptsy", autograph notes, 15 pages


             [1940s]       "Moi deviz", autograph fragment, 1 page


11     12    [1920s]       "Moji sny istoricheskie", scrapbook with several drafts of manuscripts, published and unpublished, 76 pages


11     13    1929          "Na smert' Vladimira Dixona", drafts and clippings of obituary published in Poslednie novosti, 8 pages


             1936 Sep 11   "Ne iz chego kak tol'ko...", autograph fragment, 1 page


             1931 Mar 1-15 "O i ob", preliminary work on short articles published under title "Shchup i tsaplia" in Novaia gazeta, 8 pages


             n.d.          "O tabake", autograph note, 1 page


             n.d.          Obituary of A. J. Dobryi, draft notes, 8 pages


             1935          Obituary of J. P. Grebenschikov, draft versions later published in Poslednie novosti, 10 pages


             1931 Jan 29   Obituary of P. E. Shchegolev, draft version later published in Poslednie novosti, 1 page


11     14    1926-1935     Obituaries in a form of joke, marking end of Vologda exile sentence (1901-1903) for

11     14    1926-1935     A. Remizov and his close friends, some of these obituaries were later published in Severnye Afiny, Novoe russkoe slovo, and partly incorporated into Iveren', holograph manuscript, 22 pages


             [1930s]       "Ob upotreblenii familii", autograph fragment, 1 page


             [1930s]       "Otvet kritikam", draft notes, 5 pages


11     15    1931          "Pamiati Bloka (Ten years later)", article on A. Blok, presumably unpublished, 3 pages


             1931 Aug 1    "Pamiati Bloka", signed by penname Vasilii Kukovnikov, preliminary work on article later published in Satirikon, 4 pages


             1931 Jul 21-22 "Pamiati Bloka (Ten years)", preliminary work on article later published in Poslednie novosti, 11 pages


             1931 Aug 6    manuscript for typesetting, 3 pages


             1946 Aug 9    "Pamiati Bloka (Twenty five years)", preliminary work on article later published in Sovetskii patriot, 19 pages


11     16    1927          "Pamiati Dobronravova", manuscript for typesetting published in Versty, 9 pages


             1927          "Pamiati Lurie", preliminary work on obituary later published in Zveno, 17 pages


             n.d.          "Pisatel' i perevodchik", autograph fragments, 14 pages


11     17    1954 May 15   "Poderzhannyi portfel'", preliminary work on article later published in Novoie russkoe slovo, 5 pages


11     17    1926          "Privetstvie Borisu Zaitsevu", autograph notes, 9 pages


             1926 Dec 12   manuscript published in Novaia niva, 2 pages


11     18    1926          "Remizov pod avto", notebook with various drafts - "Tri jubiliara", "Pod avtomobilem," "Ukhvat", "Pokazhu vam diavola", "Leonid Mikhailovich Dobronravov", "Upraverzhenie", letter to Jakov Tsvibak, 38 pages


             1938          "Risunki pisatelei", autograph notes on article published in Vremennik Obshchestva druzei russkoi knigi, later incorporated into Merlog, 5 pages


             1938          manuscript for typesetting, 5 pages


             1933          "Rukopisi i risunki Remizova", manuscript published in Chisla, later incorporated into Merlog, 3 pages


             n.d.          "Rukopisnye raboty Remizova", autograph notes, 14 pages


             [1940s]       "Russkii lad", preliminary work on article, 6 pages


             1929 Sep      "Russkaia zemlia", manuscript for typesetting published in Moskva, 5 pages


11     19    1953          "Saltykov-Shchedrin", autograph notes on article later published in Novoe russkoe slovo, 6 pages


             1953 Sep 6           manuscript for typesetting, 6 pages


             [1940s]       "Sensibilite nouvelle", preliminary work on article, 12 pages


             [1930]        "Salut a Saint-Sulpice", manuscript for typesetting, 6 pages


11     19    1938 May 19   "Stoletie pana Khaliavskogo", autograph notes of article published in Poslednie novosti, 5 pages


11     20    1937          "Stoiat' negasimaia svecha", preliminary work on article later published in Sovremennye zapiski, 41 pages


             1937                 manuscript for typesetting, 10 pages


11     21    n.d.          "Tolkovyi slovar'", autograph notes, 4 pages


             1932 Mar 13   "Tri vstrechi" (Savinkov), draft version later published in Poslednie novosti, 9 pages


             [1926]        "Tsaplia", autograph notes, 2 pages


             1948          "Turgenev's diary", complete text from I. Turgenev's diary transcribed by A. Remizov and S. Remizova-Dovgello, 39 pages


11     22    1903          "V lazarete", autograph notes, 11 pages


             1914-1916     "V lazarete", three manuscripts for typesetting, 26 pages


11     23    [1920]        Various articles incorporated into one scrapbook - gift letter to O. Bauer, "Ukhvat", "Tsup i tsaplia", "Sv. Nikolai Chudotvorets", "Kazhdyi znaet ...", "Golubaia kniga", list of short stories, "Kak ia provedu leto", review of the book L'art populaire ae Russie Subcarpatique, "Raznozha", "Tri iubiliara", 22 pages


12      1    [1939]        "Vecher russkoi knigi", autograph fragments, 12 pages


                           Vechera chteniia Remizova:


             [1920s]       autograph text about Remizov's recitals, 1 page


12      1    n.d.          autograph notes of invitations to Remizov's recitals, 9 pages


             n.d.          autograph note, 1 page


                           drafts of announcements:


             1929 Apr 19 --  4 pages

             1930 Mar 31 -- 31 pages

             1932 Apr 8  --  1 page

             1933 Mar 31 -- 4 pages

             1934 Mar 24 -- 24 pages

             1936 Mar 31 -- 37 pages

             1937 Apr 23 -- 6 pages

             1938 May 31 -- 10 pages

             1939 Apr 22 -- 27 pages


12      1a   n.d.          "Viacheslav Ivanov", autograph note, 1 page


             1927          "Voskreseniia den'", manuscript later published in Perezvony, 2 pages


             1933          "Vystavka risunkov pisatelei", autograph notes, 4 pages


             [1948]        "Zanozy", autograph notes, 4 pages


             [1930s]       "Znosko-Borovskomu", autograph notes, 2 pages


             1947          "Zolotye tumany", autograph notes later published in Novoe russkoe slovo, 6 pages




12      1b   1922          "Chakkhchygys-Taasu", "Liudi i zveri", "Belyi voron", "Tri brata", "Volk", autograph notes and typescript, 5 pages


             1938 May      "Dve lepeshki", autograph notes later published in Russkii invalid, 4 pages


             [1910-1920]   "Katerina", draft of manuscript, 6 pages


12      1b   1943          "Mavka", manuscript for typesetting published in Novoselie, 2 pages


             1912          "Podruzhki", autograph notes, first published in Novaia zhizn', 7 pages




12      2    [1910-1930]   preliminary work on foreword, 3 pages


             [1910-1930]   autograph notes on chapter "Liutye zveri", 4 pages


             n.d.          incomplete manuscript for typesetting, 27 pages


             n.d.          incomplete manuscript for typesetting, 10 pages


12      3    1929 Mar 10   combined holograph and printed album entitled Obrazy volshebnoi Rossii, 13 pages


12      4    1929          combined holograph and printed album entitled Obrazy volshebnoi Rossii - kartinki iz Posoloni no est' i drugie, with reference to German edition, 31 pages 

12      5    1930          manuscript for typesetting for the Tair Publishing House, part 1, 38 pages


12      6    1930          manuscript for typesetting for the Tair Publishing House, part 2, 50 pages


12      7    1930          manuscript for typesetting for the Tair Publishing House, part 3, 27 pages


12      7a   1930          manuscript for typesetting for the Tair Publishing House, part 4, 55 pages


12      8    1930          manuscript for typesetting for the Tair Publishing House, part 5, 44 pages


12      9    [1930s]       "Priskazka", autograph notes, 2 pages


12      9    1923          "Shakal", manuscript for typesetting published in Poslednie novosti, 43 pages


12     10    1924          "Shakal", manuscript for typesetting published in Rossiia, 41 pages


12     11    [1940s]       "Skazka", "Olenie roga", autograph notes, 5 pages


             [1920s-1930s] "Suzhenaia", "Gol'-kamen'", draft notes, 2 pages


             [1940s]       "Tigr", autograph notes later published in Vozrozhdenie, 8 pages


                           Tri skazki na sviazke:


             n.d.          draft of the manuscript later published in Perezvony, 15 pages


             1926          manuscript for typesetting, 4 pages 


                           Novels, Plays and Shorter Works:


12     12    n.d.          Autograph notes: unidentified, 50 pages


12     13    n.d.          Autograph notes: unidentified, 68 pages


12     14    [1910s-1920s] Autograph notes: unidentified, 13 pages


12     15    [1930s]       Autograph notes: unidentified, 33 pages


12     16    [1940s]       Autograph notes: unidentified, 86 pages


12     17    1919          Besovskoe deistvo, play, copy of the original manuscript transcribed by unknown person and sent to A. Remizov from St. Petersburg in 1937, 70 pages


12     18    [1919-1921]   Bova Korolevich, play, manuscript with author's corrections, 7 pages incorporated into one album with Kikimora, libretto of the ballet, 3 pages; Sten'ka Razin, libretto of the opera, 1 page; Bova

12     18    [1919-1921]   Korolevich, Remizov's autograph, 1 page


                           Chudo o Vasilii:


12     19    1927          1 notebook with draft version, 10 pages


                           1 notebook with draft version, 50 pages


                           manuscript for typesetting, 16 pages




12     20    [1930s]       autograph notes from unidentified parts, 22 pages


12     21    [1940s]       autograph notes from part "Nachalo slov", 3 pages


             n.d.          combined holograph and typied pages from part "Triokhrogii kutyr'", 13 pages


12     21    [1940s]       draft versions of part "Triokhrogii kutyr'", 41 pages


12     21    1947 Aug 11   manuscript for typesetting of "Triokhrogii kutyr'" published in Russkie novosti, 26 pages


12     22    [1930s]       autograph notes from part "Plach devushki pered zamuzhestvom", 21 pages


             [1930s]       several draft versions of "Plach devushki pered zamuzhestvom", 35 pages


12     23    [1930s]       manuscript for typesetting of "Plach devushki pered zamuzhestvom", 17 pages


12     24    1948          autograph notes from parts "Kochevnik", "V syrykh tumanakh", "Rozovyie liagushki", 80 pages


12     25    [1940s]       draft versions of "Kochevnik", 20 pages


12     25    [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "Po prokhodnomu", 9 pages


             [1940s]       draft version of "Po prokhodnomu", 7 pages


             [1940s]       draft version of "Na mel'nitse", 30 pages, 1 drawing


             [1940s]         autograph notes on chapter "V gostinitse", 2 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes of "Vologda", 4 pages


12     26    1947          autograph notes on chapter "V nomerakh", 27 pages


             1947 Jul 13   draft version of "V stoile", 26 pages


             1947 Aug 8    draft version of "V kuriatnik", 7 pages


             1947 Jul 21   draft version of "Khod v okoshko", 15 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "Za zanaveskoi", 6 pages


12     26    1947 Jul 23   draft version of "Za zanaveskoi", 12 pages


12     27    [1947]        autograph notes on chapter "V lakeiskoi", 19 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "V podvale", 10 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "V Pugachevskoi kletke", 4 pages


             1947 Aug 6    draft version of "V Pugachevskoi kletke", 10 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "U babushki Ivanovoi", 2 pages


12     27    1947 Aug 9    draft version of "Na kurjikh nozhkakh", 10 pages


             [1947]        autograph notes on chapter "V modnoi masterskoi", 10 pages


             1947 Aug 11   draft version of "V modnoi masterskoi", 9 pages


12     28    [1947]        autograph notes on chapter "Iveren'", 19 pages


12     29    [1940s]       autograph notes on part "V syrykh tumanakh", 21 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "Adol'f Kelza", which presumably was not included into Iveren', 14 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "Na ssylke", 12 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "Na zapovednoi zemle", 57 pages


12     30    [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "Na zapovednoi zemle", 24 pages


             [1940s]       draft versions of "Na zapovednoi zemle", 43 pages


             [1940s]       draft of chapter "Kikimora", 11 pages


12     31    [1930s]       autograph notes on chapter "Demony", 10 pages


             [1940s]       draft version of chapter "Demony", 7 pages


             [1940s]       manuscript of chapter "Demony", 6 pages


             [1940s]       manuscript of chapter "Anafema" (copy), 8 pages


12     31    [1940s]       manuscript of chapter "Adelaidin tsvet", 7 pages


12     32    n.d.          autograph notes on chapter "Proshchenyi den'", 5 pages


             1927          preliminary work on part "Severnye Afiny", 59 pages


12     33    [1940s]       combined holograph and printed manuscript from part "Severnye Afiny", chapter "Proshchenyi den'", 42 pages


12     34    1955          preliminary work on part "Sud'ba bez sud'by", 9 pages


             1955          incomplete manuscript of part "Sud'ba bez sud'by", published in Opyty, 5 pages


                           Krug schastia:


12     35    [1920s]       research material on part "Tsar Solomon", 23 pages


             1948          autograph note from part "Tsar Solomon", 2 pages


12     36    1927          manuscript for typesetting of part "Tiaben'", published in Volia Rossii, 8 pages


             1929          combined holograph and printed manuscript of "Tiaben'", 11 pages


12     37    [1940s]       autograph notes from part "Tiaben'", 16 pages


                           manuscript of "Tiaben'", 36 pages


12     38    [1920s]       preliminary work on part "Solomon i Kitovras", 54 pages


12     38    1922          manuscript for typesetting of parts "Kitovras" and "Solomon and Kitovras" in one scrapbook, 36 pages


12     39    [1950]        manuscript  for typesetting of Krug schastia compiled from several previous publications with holograph author's corrections, 61 pages


             1923          Kukkha: Rozanovy pis'ma, autograph note, 1 page




13      1    1923 Oct 22   final draft of the chapter "Gnev Il'ii Proroka", 29 pages


             [1920s]       typed manuscript for typesetting of chapter "Gnev Il'ii Proroka", 28 pages


                           Manifest of the Apes:


13      2    1940          autograph notes, 3 pages


             1948          manuscript in a form of combined holograph, typescript and printed excerpts from the Manifest of the Apes in different languages, 18 pages


                           Martyn Zadeka:


13      3    [1930]        autograph notes from unidentified chapters, 14 pages


             1903-1940     Real dreams, some of which were later incorporated into Martyn Zadeka, 25 pages


13      4    [1940s]       incomplete manuscript entitled Sny, which was not incorporated into Martyn Zadeka, presumably unpublished, 2 copies of typescript with holograph corrections, 82 pages


13      5    [1930]        autograph notes on chapter "Polodni nochi", 14 pages


             [1940]        autograph notes on chapters "Ivitsa", "Zelenaia zaria", "Sputnik", "Beskrylyi", "Velikan", "Na lunu", "Chuchelo", "Brandakhlyst", 37 pages


13      6    [1940]        draft versions of chapters "Na palke", "Koshka", "Moi portret", "Loshad' iz pchely", "Nichego", "Pod abazhur", "Zhasmin, "Kholodno", "Zuby s volosami", "Piat' jazykov", "Nepriamoe vyskazyvanie",  "Le chachut", "Pustaia riumka", "Andre Zhid", "Lbom v stenku", "Indeika", "Propali bukvy", "V kletke", "25 santimov", "Britva", "Svetiashchaiasia mysh", "Pod avtomobilem", "Kol'tso", "Zontik", "Zagvozdka", "Pustaia komnata", "Tri bageta", "Dalai lama", "Bez dokumentov", "Zazhivo na kladbische", "Odna kartinka", "Kogda zatsvetaet siren'", "Konservirovannoe", "V nosu", "Pod pal'tsem", "Oshibsia dveriu", "Dlia vesa", "Bukashka", "Ne tuda", "Omlet", "Cheremushnaia nalivka", "Velikany", "Zelenaia zaria", "Chuchelo", 75 pages 


13      7    [1940]        autograph notes on chapters "Koshka", "Moi portret", "Loshad' iz pchely", "Nichego", "Pod abazhur", "Zuby s volosami", "Nepriamoe vyskazyvanie", "Le chahut", "Lbom ob stenu", "Indeika", "Propali bukvy", "V kletke", "25 santimov", "Britva", "Svetiashchaiasia mysh'", "Kol'tso", "Zontik", "Gvozd'", "Pustaia komnata", "Tri bageta", "Dalai Lama", "Bez dokumentov", "Na palke", "Kon' i byk", "U khvosta", "Medveditsa", "Glazastyi", "Pustaia riumka", "Zazhivo na kladbishche", "Andre Zhid", "Odna kartinka", "Na tom svete", "Son naiavu", "Gimnastika so smetanoi", 34 pages


13      8    [1940]        autograph notes on chapters "Tufel'nik", "Brandakhlyst", "Pustaia riumka", "Kladi v meshok", "U khvosta", "Petli, uzly, vystupy", "Meshaiut", "O tebe Natasha", "Zharenyi lev", 43 pages


                           Moskovskie liubimye legendy (Tri serpa):


13      9    [1920s]       research material, 110 pages


             1928          manuscript for typesetting of "Na sviatoi zemle", 8 pages


             1928          final draft of "Nikolai Chudotvorets", 10 pages


                           Myshkina dudochka:


13     10    [1940s]       autograph notes from unidentified chapters, 64 pages


13     11    [1935]        typescript for typesetting from interlude "Ocharovanie" later incorporated into Myshkina dudochka, pp. 1-50


13     12    [1935]        typescript for typesetting from interlude "Ocharovanie" later incorporated into Myshkina dudochka, pp. 51-101


13     13    [1940s]       autograph notes on chapters "Mualliakat", "Chudesa v reshete", "Charodei", "Charomutie", "Povar", 38 pages


13     14    1945          typescript with autograph corrections of "Chudesa v reshete" first published in Novoselie, 17 pages


             1945          notebook with manuscript for typesetting of chapter "Chudesa v reshete" later incorporated into Myshkina dudochka, 67 pages


13     15    [1940s]       autograph notes on chapters "Na kukhne" ianvar' 1940", "Vyedennye iajtsa", "Kishmish", 48 pages


13     16    1946          autograph notes on chapters "Gippopotamy", "Prazdnik slova", "Ocharovanie poeziei", 23 pages


13     17    1948          autograph notes on chapters "Moi poslednii kamushek", "Shurum-Burum", "V siianii golubom", "Vavilonskoe stolpotvorenie", "Igra veshchei", 49 pages


13     18    n.d.          notebook with draft notes on several chapters, 99 pages


13     19    [1940s]       notebook with draft notes on several chapters, 71 pages


13     20    [1940s]       manuscript for typesetting of chapter "Charodei", 39 pages


13     21    [1940s]       notebook with manuscript for typesetting of chapter "Charomutie", 20 pages


             [1940s]       manuscript for typesetting of chapter "Orakul", 32 pages


13     22    [1940s]       notebook with manuscript for typesetting of chapter "Myshkina dudochka", 41 pages


13     23    [1940s]       typescript with holograph correstions of chapter "Myshkina dudochka", 6 pages


             [1940s]       "V siianii golubom", manuscript for typesetting, 21 pages


             n.d.          notebook with final manuscript of chapter "Vavilonskoe stolpotvorenie", 30 pages


                           Obraz Nikolaia Chudotvortsa:


13     24    [1920s]       autograph notes from unidentified parts, 7 pages

13     24    n.d.          notebook with research material, 59 pages


             1926 Feb 6    notebook with preliminary work, 32 pages


             n.d.          notebook with draft notes, 44 pages


13     25    [1930s]       notebook with semi-final draft, 36 pages


13     26    [1930s]       2 notebooks with semi-final drafts, 22 pages


13     27    1930          manuscript for typesetting with editorial corrections, 72 pages


13     28    [1920s]       research materials and several manuscripts for typesetting, 681 pages


                           Ogon' veshchei:


13     29    [1920s]       research material, draft and autograph notes from unidentified chapters, 49 pages


13     30    [1920s]       autograph notes on "Serebrianye pesni", 49 pages


13     31    1934          final draft of "Serebrianye pesni" first published in Illiustrirovannaia Rossia, 26 pages


14      1    [1930s]       autograph notes on chapters "Serebrianye pesni" ("Labardan") and "Raiskaia taina", 67 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Raiskaia taina", 7 pages


14      2    n.d.          autograph notes on "S pianykh glaz", 2 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on "Serdechnaia pustynia", 60 pages


14      3    1929          autograph notes on "Gogol' i Tolstoi" and "Priroda Gogolia" first published in Volia Rossii, 19 pages


14      4    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Moroznaia t'ma", 42 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Dar Pushkina", 3 pages


             1938          final draft of "Moroznaia t'ma" first published in French in Cahier GLM, 10 pages


14      5    n.d.          calligraphic version of "Skvoznye glaza", 2 pages


14      6    [1930s]       research material on part of "Turgenev snovidets", 15 pages


             1933          draft notes of "Turgenev snovidets" first published in French in Hippocrate, 28 pages


             1933          manuscript for typesetting of "Tridsat' snov", 40 pages


14      7    [1940s]       autograph notes on "Tsarskoe imia", 2 pages


             1946          semi-final draft of "Tsarskoe imia", 12 pages


             1946          incomplete manuscript for typesetting of "Tsarskoe imia", 36 pages


             1946          typescript of "Tsarskoe imia", 9 pages


14      8    [1940s]       autograph notes on "Potainaia mysl'", 16 pages


             [1940s]       draft notes of "Potainaia mysl'", 11 pages


             1945 Jan 6    semi-final draft of "Potainaia mysl'", 42 pages


14      9    [1940s]       autograph notes on "Zvezda-polyn'", 5 pages


14      9    1947 Apr 20   autograph fragment of draft of "Zvezda-polyn'", 4 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on "Zvezda-polyn'", 17 pages


             1945 Jan 6    draft notes of "Zvezda-polyn'", 27 pages


                           Peterburgskii buerak (Vstrechi):


14     10    [1920s]       draft version of "Moia literaturnaia kariera" ("Na odinnadtsatoi verste"), 20 pages


             [1920s]       autograph notes on "Seans", 5 pages


             [1920s]       draft version of "Rozanov" ("Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu)", 16 pages


             [1930s]       combined printed and holograph manuscript of "Rozanov" ("Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu"), 7 pages


14     11    [1940s]       autograph notes on "Shaliapin" (Tsarskii kon'") first published in Novoe russkoe slovo, 6 pages


             1929          combined printed and holograph manuscript of "Diagilevskie vechera", 5 pages


             1952          draft versions of "Periodichnost'" later incorporated into Peterburgskii buerak under the title "Vechnyi", 23 pages


             1947 Oct 3    incomplete manuscript for typesetting of "Tri volkhva", 3 pages


             [1940s]       draft versions of "Tri volkhva", 5 pages


14     12    [1940s]       autograph notes on "Erkuly", 4 pages


             1947 Dec 25   draft version of "Shliapkinskaia lupa", 2 pages


14     12    1947 Jun 25   draft version of "Prodovol'stvennyi portfel'", 2 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on "Risunki pisatelei", 4 pages


             [1920s]       autograph notes on "Chudesnoe u Tolstogo", 11 pages


             [1920s]       draft version of "Chudesnoe u Tolstogo", 7 pages


14     13    1928          final draft of "Chudesnoe u Tolstogo", 6 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Vstrecha", 5 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Vstrecha", 7 pages


                           Pliashushchii demon:


14     14    [1930s]       autograph notes from unidentified parts, 41 pages


14     15    [1940s]       autograph notes on chapter "Rusalia", 8 pages


             [1940s]       draft notes of "Rusalia", 41 pages


             [1940s]       semi-final draft of "Rusalia", 29 pages


14     16    1947          draft version of "Kyev-Moskva", 14 pages


             [1940s]       draft version of "Kikimora", 7 pages


             [1940s]       draft versions of "Peterburgskaia rusalia", 22 pages


             [1940s]       final draft of "Peterburgskaia rusalia", 3 pages


14     17    [1930s]       research material and autograph notes on "Poslushnyi samokei", 39 pages


14     17    [1930s]       draft versions of "Poslushnyi samokei", 10 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Besovskoe deistvo", 15 pages


14     18    [1930s]       research material, clippings and autograph notes on Van'ka Kain later incorporated into Pliashushchii demon, 16 pages


14     19    1934          research material and autograph notes on "Knigopisets i shtanba" first published in Poslednie novosti, 24 pages


             [1930s]       draft notes of "Knigopisets i shtanba", 32 pages


             1948          combined printed and holograph manuscript for typesetting of "Knigopisets i shtanba", 32 pages


14     20    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Lev i edinorog", 2 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Lev i edinorog", 24 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on "Pod mostom", 8 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on "Na kolokol'niu", 1 page




14     21    1925          research material, 1 page


             n.d.          incomplete manuscript for typesetting, 9 pages


                           Po karnizam:


             [1920s]       Po karnizam, fragment of incomplete manuscript for typesetting, 7 pages


                           Podstrizhennymi glazami:


14     22    [1930s]       autograph notes from unidentified parts, 56 pages


14     23    n.d.          autograph notes from unidentified parts, 43 pages


14     24    [1940s]       table of contents, 1 page


             [1930s]       initial plan of the novel, 2 pages


             n.d.          draft notes on "Uzly i zakruty", 16 pages


             [1930s]       draft notes of "Uzly i zakruty", 13 pages


             n.d.          semi-final draft of "Uzly i zakruty", 7 pages


             [1930s]       draft notes of "Ne zabyt'", 8 pages


             n.d.          draft version of "Na schastie" ("Karty Svedeborga"), 6 pages


             n.d.          semi-final draft of "Na schastie", 8 pages


             n.d.          semi-final draft of "Na schastie", 11 pages


             1946 Feb 5    final draft of "Na schastie", 9 pages


             1946 Feb 6    final draft of "Na schastie", 9 pages


14     25    n.d.          autograph notes on "Moi podstrizhennye glaza", 11 pages


             [1930s]       draft version of "Sud'ba", 11 pages


             n.d.          semi-final draft of "Moia kormilitsa" ("Pervye skazki"), 17 pages


             n.d.          manuscript for typesetting of "Skazki" ("Moia kormilitsa"), 8 pages


14     26    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Kalligraphia" and "Kraski", 29 pages


14     26    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Kalligraphia" and "Kraski", 28 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on "Kalligarphia", "Kraski" and "Moi illiustrirovannye rukopisi", 21 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on Moi illiustrirovannye rukopisi, 11 pages


14     27    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Rodoslovie", "Risovanie", "Chistopisanie", "Pis'mo i risunok", "Natura", 55 pages


14     28    [1930s]       draft version of "Pis'mo i risunok" ("Kalligraphia"), 8 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Moi illistrirovannye rukopisi", 36 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Kalligraphia", 1 page


             n.d.          autograph note on "Kuroliapka", 1 page


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Poryv", 15 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on "Slepets", 4 pages


14     29    [1930s]       draft versions of "Kitai", 24 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Kitai", 7 pages


             [1930s]       manuscript for typesetting of "Ni na kakuiu stat'", 7 pages


             n.d.          draft versions of "Muzykant", 12 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Muzykant", 7 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on "Parikmakher", 28 pages


             n.d.          incomplete final draft of "Parikmakher", 6 pages


14     30    n.d.          autograph notes on "Nozhnitsy", 22 pages


             [1930s]       manuscript for typesetting of "Nozhnitsy", 10 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on "Oboznalsia", 16 pages


14     31    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Kholodnyi ugol", 53 pages


             n.d.          draft version of "Metel'"( "Kholodnyi ugol"), 38 pages


14     32    n.d.          autograph notes on "Belyi ogon'", 9 pages


             n.d.          manuscript for typesetting of "Belyi ogon'", 6 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Avvakum" ("Podzhigatel'"), 12 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Avvakum", 9 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Imena" ("Podzhigatel'"), 13 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on Golodnaia puchina, 8 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Golodnaia puchina", 6 pages


14     33    n.d.          autograph notes on "Kniga", 2 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Kniga", 7 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Knizhnik", 8 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Knizhnik", 9 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Otshel'nik", 7 pages


14     34    [1930s]       draft version of "Ty-ubijtsa", 38 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Ty-ubijtsa", 6 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Krot", 2 pages


             [1930s]       draft version of "Krot", 9 pages


14     35    [1930s]       autograph notes on "I pozor", 27 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Kamerton", 18 pages


14     36    [1940s]       autograph notes on "Magnit", 27 pages


             [1940s]       draft versions of "Magnit", 16 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Schastlivyi den'", 24 pages


14     37    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Rozhdestvo", 4 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Besnovatye", 6 pages


             [1940s]       final draft of "Trekhgornaia", 15 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Prevrashchenia", 20 pages


14     38    n.d.          autograph notes on "Anglichanin", 8 pages


             n.d.          semi-final draft of "Anglichanin", 6 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Kokosy", 7 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Goluboi tsvetok", 7 pages


14     39    [1930s]       draft versions of "Karlik", 19 pages


             n.d.          final draft of "Karlik", 7 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Monashek", 16 pages


             [1930s]       draft version of "Monashek", 11 pages


14     40    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Lunatik", 17 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions on "Lunatik", 22 pages


             [1930]        semi-final drafts of "Lunatik", 14 pages


15      1    n.d.          autograph notes on "Bednyi Jorik", 8 pages


             [1930s]       draft notes of "Bednyi Jorik", 15 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Bednyi Jorik", 15 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Bednyi Jorik", 8 pages


             1947 Jan      typescript with holograph corrections of "Bednyi Jorik" first published in Sovetskii patriot, 12 pages


15      2    [1940s]       semi-final draft of "Liagushnik", 9 pages


             [1940s]       final draft of "Liagushnik", 5 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on "Dekadent" ("Belosnezhka"), 24 pages


15      3    [1940s]       draft versions of "Dekadent" ("Belosnezhka"), 40 pages


             1946 Sep 11   final draft of "Dekadent" ("Belosnezhka"), 38 pages


             n.d.          incomplete manuscript for typesetting of "Severnye Tsvety" ("Belosnezhka"), 7 pages


                           Research material for unidentified works:


15      3a   n.d.          autograph notes and research material for unidentified works, 48 pages


                           Rossiia v pismenakh (volume II):


15      4    n.d.          autograph notes on "Russkii lad", 16 pages


15      4    n.d.          final fragments from "Kupchaia" and list of Remizov's personal papers left in Berlin incorporated in one album, 16 pages


15      5    1948          autograph notes on "Sgovornaia" and "Morovoe povetrie", 45 pages


15      6    1928          incomplete manuscripts for typesetting of "Sgovornaia zapis'", "Raseia", "Voina i mir", "Put' chist" published in Versty, 50 pages


15      7    n.d.          final drafts of "Pis'ma Pestelei" in Russian and French, 33 pages, envelope from Pologne Litteraire with Remizov's autograph


15      8    1925          manuscript for typesetting of chapter "Pis'ma Pestelei" published in Volia Rossii, 30 pages


                           Rov l'vinyi:


15      9    n.d.          manuscript for typesetting of part three and epilogue, 107 pages


                           Russkaia povest' o besnovatoi Solomonii:


15     10    n.d.          research material, 32 pages


             n.d.          research material and draft notes, 18 pages


15     11    1929          autograph notes, 20 pages


             1929          incomplete draft of the foreword, 3 pages


             1929          draft version, 15 pages


15     12    n.d.          autograph fragments, 3 pages


             1929          draft versions, 24 pages


15     13    1929          final drafts, 40 pages


15     14    1929          manuscript for typesetting published in Volia Rossii, 22 pages


                           Strady mira:


15     15    1924          manuscript for typesetting of chapters "Solntse", "Strasti Adama", "Strasti Bogoroditsy", "Angely", first published in Zveno, later incorporated into Zvezda nadzvezdnaia, 47 pages




15     16    n.d.                 xerox copy of album, 25 drawings 


                           Uchitel' muzyki:


15     17    n.d.          draft of format, 3 pages


             [1930s]       draft notes on the foreword, 3 pages


             1933          cover of original manuscript, 2 pages


             [1935]        draft of introduction, 1 page


             [1930s]       autograph notes from unidentified chapters, 21 pages


15     18    [1930s]       autograph notes from unidentified chapters, 44 pages


15     19    n.d.          autograph notes on "Kitaiskii povar", 23 pages


             1929          semi-final draft of "Kitaiskii povar", 7 pages


             1929          final draft of "Kitaiskii povar", 11 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on "Complet", 1 page


15     20    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Slony" ("Grecheskii ogon'", "Vetchina s gorchitsei"), 54 pages


15     20    [1920s]       draft versions of "Slony" ("Grecheskii ogon'", "Vetchina s gorchitsei"), 28 pages


15     21    [1920s]       draft versions of "Slony", 9 pages


             1929          manuscript for typesetting of "Slony" ("Grecheskii ogon'", "Vetchina s gorchitsei"), 19 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on "Slony" ("Emblema schastia"), 2 pages


15     22    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Popugaeva bolezn'", 9 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Popugaeva bolezn'", 34 pages


             1930          semi-final draft of "Popugaeva bolezn'", "Shato", "Sjedennoe serdtse", 21 pages


15     23    n.d.          autograph notes on "Zabytyi iubilei", 10 pages


             1930          draft versions of "Zabytyi iubilei", 36 pages


             1930          semi-final draft of "Zabytyi iubilei", 19 pages


15     24    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Industrial'naia podkova" ("Mansarda"), 9 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Industrial'naia podkova" ("ZUT") first published in Chisla, 29 pages


             [1930s]       text of a letter regarding "ZUT" written in French by S. Remizova-Dovgello, 11 pages


15     25    [1930]        draft versions of "ZUT", 44 pages


15     26    1931          final draft of "ZUT", 31 pages


15     26    1931          manuscript for typesetting of "ZUT", 38 pages


15     27    1931          autograph notes on "Tri zhelania" first published in Sovremennye zapiski, 22 pages


             1931          final draft of "Tri zhelania", 18 pages


15     28    1930          manuscript for typesetting of "Tlo" first published in Illiustrirovannaia nedelia, 6 pages


             1931          autograph notes on "Tlo" published in Poslednie novosti, 8 pages


             1928 Apr 27   draft version of "Moje risovanie" ("Odinnadsat' dioptrii") first published in Poslednie novosti, 9 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Aer", 2 pages


15     29    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Eralash", 26 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Eralash", 12 pages


15     30    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Russkaia galereia khudozhnika Bilisa" ("Bilis"), 15 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Bilis", 4 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Prostokvasha", 15 pages


             1930          final draft of "Prostokvasha", 21 pages


15     31    1931          autograph notes on "Une heure", 72 pages


15     32    1932          draft versions of "Kamerton" first published in Sovremennye zapiski, 46 pages

15     32    1932          semi-final draft of "Kamerton", 11 pages


15     33    1931          autograph notes on "Integraly" first published in Kino, 4 pages


15     33    1931          final draft of "Integraly", 4 pages


             1932          combined printed text and holograph manuscript of "Integraly", "Idillia" and "Kemper" incorporated into one notebook, 18 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on "Samotsvetnoe", 3 pages


             1931          final draft of "Fakul'tativ", 4 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Na krainem kamne", 19 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Na krainem kamne", 19 pages


15     34    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Pustiaki" first published in Poslednie novosti, 27 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Pustiaki", 6 pages


             1933          final drafts of "Pustiaki", 26 pages


15     35    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Pis'mo Dostoevskomu" first published in Poslednie novosti, 10 pages


             1933          final draft of "Pis'mo Dostoevskomu", 7 pages


             1933          draft versions of "Pamiati I.A. Shkotta-Boldyreva" ("Nad mogiloi Boldyreva-Shkotta') first published in Poslednie novosti, 10 pages


             1933          final draft of "Nad mogiloi Shkotta", 4 pages

             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Na vozdushnom okeane", 9 pages


15     36    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Myshional'no" ("Na lune") first published in Za rulem, 32 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Na lune" ("Kuzia"), 34 pages


15     37    [1930s]       draft versions of "Poliot na lunu", 17 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Na lunu", 14 pages


             1931          final draft of "Na lune", 4 pages


15     38    n.d.          autograph notes on "Bez snov", 25 pages


             [1930s]       draft version of "Bez snov", 7 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Bez snov", 11 pages


15     39    1933          manuscript for typesetting of "Vorovskoi samouchitel'" first published in Poslednie novosti, 21 pages


             1933          draft versions of "Shish elovyi" first published in Chisla, 25 pages


             1933          manuscript for typesetting of "Shish elovyi", 27 pages


15     40    1933          draft versions of "Lev Shestov", 15 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes on "Shchup i tsaplia", 20 pages


             1933          draft versions of "Otvet basnopistsa Kukovnikova", 26 pages


             1933          draft version of "Lgat'" first published in Chisla, 23 pages


15     41    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Svidetel'stvo o bednosti" first published in Vstrechi, 11 pages


             [193os]       draft versions of "Svidetel'stvo o bednosti", 18 pages


15     41    [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Svidetel'stvo o bednosti", 14 pages


             1933          final draft of "Svidetel'stvo o bednosti", 17 pages


15     42    1933          autograph notes on "Kuaffer" first published in Poslednie novosti, 24 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Akrobat", 12 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Akrobat", 7 pages


16      1    [1930s]       draft version of "Y" (working title "Slepaia") first published in Poslednie novosti, 6 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Na katorge", 14 pages


             [1930s]       manuscript for typesetting of "Na katorge", 11 pages


16      2    [1930s]       letter in French regarding the chapter "Traktirnye oboi", 2 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Traktirnye oboi", 16 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "Slepaia" first published in Poslednie novosti, 29 pages


16      3    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Ne vsio ponimaiu" first published in Poslednie novosti, 23 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Ne vsio ponimaiu", 10 pages


             1934          semi-final draft of "Ne vsio ponimaiu", 17 pages


             1934          manuscript for typesetting with editorial corrections of "Ne vsio ponimaiu", 20 pages


16      4    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Ispugalas'" ("Empermeabl"), 11 pages


             [1930s]       incomplete final draft of "Empermeabl', 8 pages


16      5    1935          autograph notes on "Na khleb" first published in Poslednie novosti, 26 pages


             1935          incomplete final draft of "Na khleb", 7 pages


             1935          autograph notes on "Basavriuk" ("Bez iumora") first published in Poslednie novosti, 5 pages


             1935          incomplete draft version of "Basavriuk", 8 pages


16      6    [1930s]       autograph notes on "Sluchai iz Vija", 9 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Sluchai iz Vija", 22 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Sluchai iz Vija", 8 pages


16      7    [1930s]       research material on "I. F. Shpon'ka" ("Boltun") first published in Sovremennye zapiski, 2 pages


             [1930s]       autograph notes on "I. F. Shpon'ka", 38 pages


             [1930s]       draft version of "I. F. Shpon'ka", 19 pages


             [1930s]       incomplete final draft of "I. F. Shpon'ka", 4 pages


16      8    1938          autograph notes on "Pamiati L'va Shestova" first published in Poslednie novosti, 6 pages


16      8    1938          final draft of "Pamiati L'va Shestova", 5 pages


             1933          autograph notes on "Ching-Chang" first published in Sovremennye zapiski, 9 pages


             1933          semi-final draft of "Ching-Chang", 10 pages


                           V rozovom bleske:


16      9    [1940s]       autograph note, 1 page


             [1930s]       plan of the part "Olia" ("Golova l'vova"), 6 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes from unidentified parts, 33 pages


16      9a   1923          several draft versions of "Olia", 63 pages


16      9b   1920s         several draft versions of "Olia", 77 pages


16     10    1932          draft versions of "Kak uletali ptitsy" ("Supirchik" and "Neizgladimaia pamiat'"), 29 pages


             [1930s]       final draft of "Kak uletali ptitsy", 11 pages


16     11    1932          autograph notes on "Buket" first published in Poslednie novosti, 6 pages


             1932          incomplete draft version of "Buket", 4 pages


             1932          draft versions of "Itti k sviatomu" ("Sviatoi"), 8 pages


             1932          draft versions of "Izdali", 23 pages


             1932          draft versions of "Zakryla okna", 9 pages


16     11    1932          final draft of "Buket", "Sviatoi", "Izdali", "Zakryla okna", 10 pages


16     12    1935          draft versions of "Barrikadnyi", 8 pages


             1935          final draft of "Barrikadnyi", 3 pages


             1935          manuscript for typesetting of "Barrikadnyi", 3 pages


             1932          draft versions of "I vsio tak" first published in Poslednie novosti, 31 pages


             1932          manuscript for typesetting of "I vsio tak", 11 pages


16     13    [1930s]       incomplete draft version of "Monashka" first published in Poslednie novosti under the title "Tri plamennykh serdtsa", 5 pages


             [1930s]       draft version of "Ne schitaetsia" first published in Poslednie novosti, 9 pages


             1933          final draft of "Ne schitaetsia", 8 pages


             1933          draft versions of "Nekomu zastupit'sia", first published in Poslednie novosti, 11 pages


             1933          draft versions of "Ne dozhdalas'" first published in Poslednie novosti, 20 pages


16     14    1933          draft version of "Naperekor" first published in Poslednie novosti, 6 pages


             1933          final draft of "Naperekor", 6 pages


             1931          combined printed and holograph manuscript of "Bez predmeta" first published in Poslednie novosti, 15 pages


             1931          draft versions of "Bez predmeta", 22 pages


16     14    1931 Dec 25   manuscript for typesetting of "Bez predmeta", 15 pages


16     15    [1930s]       combined printed and holograph manuscript of "Na pamiat'" first published in Poslednie novosti, 11 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Na pamiat'", 4 pages


             [1930s]       incomplete final draft and notebook cover of "Prilipa" ("Na pamiat'"), 2 pages


16     16    [1930s]       draft versions of "Serebrianyi polumesiats" first published in Poslednie novosti, 35 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Serebrianyi polumesiats", 6 pages


             1933          incomplete final draft of "Serebrianyi polumesiats", 4 pages


16     17    [1930s]       draft versions of "Bez ukazki", 29 pages


             [1930s]       incomplete final draft of "Bez ukazki", 11 pages


             [1930s]       draft notes on "Prazdnye liudi", 2 pages


16     18    [1930s]       draft versions of "Slepaia liubov'" first published in Poslednie novosti, 20 pages


             1934          incomplete final draft of "Slepaia liubov'", 7 pages


             [1930s]       draft version of "Dve liry" first published in Poslednie novosti, 13 pages


             1935          final draft of "Dve liry", 7 pages


16     19    [1930s]       draft versions of "Zemlia i more" first published in Poslednie novosti, 7 pages


16     19    [1930s]       draft version of "S gorbom" first published in Poslednie novosti, 19 pages


             [1930s]       draft versions of "Zhivoe i mertvoe" first published in Poslednie novosti, 13 pages


             1933 Dec 17   final draft of "Zhivoe i mertvoe", 9 pages


16     20    [1930s]       draft version of "Chistoe serdtse" first published in Poslednie novosti under the title "Lepta iz vechnogo", 11 pages


             [1930s]       semi-final draft of "Bednoe serdtse", 12 pages


             [1930s]       final drafts with autograph corrections of "Lepta vdovitsy", 19 pages


16     21    [1940s]       autograph notes on "Skvoz' ogon' skorbei", 52 pages


             1943 Dec 3    fragment of draft notes on "Skvoz' ogon' skorbei", 8 pages


16     22    [1940s]       draft versions of "Sviatyi vechor", 16 pages


             1940-1946     semi-final draft of "Sviatyi vechor" and "Bednyi Jorik" (Uchitel' muzyki) incorporated into one notebook, 34 pages


16     23    1943          two notebooks with draft versions of "Skvoz' ogon' skorbei", 127 pages


16     24    1943          draft versions of "Skvoz' ogon' skorbei", 155 pages


16     25    [1940s]       autograph notes on part "Zalom", 16 pages


             [1940s]       draft versions of part "Zalom", 73 pages


             [1940s]       autograph notes on "Sirena", 3 pages


16     26    [1940s]       autograph notes on part "Zadora", 4 pages


16     26    [1940s]       autograph notes on "Chernaia nemoch'", 5 pages


             [1940s]       combined typed and holograph manuscript of "Iz dnevnika Pavla Ivanovicha Dovgello", 6 pages


             [1940s]       combined typed and holograph manuscript of "Iz Berestovskogo arkhiva Dovgello", 13 pages


             [1940s]       combined typed and holograph manuscript of "Pis'mo Anny Efimovny Dovgello o bolezni Ivana Mikhailovicha Dovgello", 3 pages


             [1940s]       manuscript for typesetting of "Pis'mo E. Golovni to N. I. Dovgello", 5 pages


                           Vzvikhrennaia Rus':


16     27    1924          cover page of the notebook with research material


             [1920s]       autograph notes for unidentified parts, 3 pages


             1924          manuscript for typesetting of part I for Volia Rossii, 29 pages


16     28    1926          manuscript for typesetting of part II with editorial corrections, 306 pages


                           Zarubezhnaia cenzura:


16     29    1925          scrapbook with printed and holograph writings prohibited for publications for different reasons, 118 pages


                           Zvenigorod oklikannyi:


16     30    [1920s]       research material, 88 pages


             1924          manuscript for typesetting of chapter "Anika", 9 pages


                           Zvezda nadzvezdnaia (Stella Maria Maris):


16     31    1948          autograph note, 1 page


             1928          incomplete manuscript for typesetting, 115 pages




16     32    [1940s]       draft notes of unidentified preface, 3 pages


             1939          draft notes on P. Pascal's article "Po sledam protopopa Avvakuma v SSSR" published in Russkie zapiski, 5 pages


             1950 Dec 24   "O skazkakh Kodrianskoi", autograph notes, 30 pages




17      1    [1939-1940]   announcements of publications in French periodicals, 14 pages


             n.d.          autograph notes, several different translations into French by A. Remizov, 16 pages


17      1    n.d.          award to Mr. Reznikov, draft of a text by A. Remizov, in French, 1 page


             n.d.          Basanaviius, J., several fragments of translation from Lithuanian into Russian by A. Remizov, 6 pages


             [1920s]       Baudelaire, C., fragment of a poem translated into Russian by A. Remizov, 2 pages


             n.d.          "Le Festival du verbe!", fragment of translation into French by N. Reznikova, 1 page


17      1    1947          fairy tales, preliminary work on translation into French, A. Remizov's autograph notes, 28 pages


17      2    1946          "L'Aatre Secret", autograph notes by A. Remizov in French, 8 pages


             n.d.          "Lao at les Korigans", notebook with translation from French into Russian by A. Remizov, 14 pages


             1946          "Leius, le peintre d'iconés", typed fragment of A. Bachrach's translation into French, 1 page


             n.d.          Lély, G., several autograph translations from French into Russian by A. Remizov and S. Remizova-Dovgello, 12 pages   


             1936          "Leon Chestov", incomplete holograph manuscript for typesetting, incomplete galley-proofs in French, 3 pages


             n.d.          "Leux tondus", autograph fragment by A. Remizov in French, 1 page


             n.d.          "A la mémoire de A. A. Block", article in French translated by unidentified person, 5 pages


             n.d.          "Das Märchen von der Ziege", autograph fragment by A. Remizov in German, 1 page


             n.d.          Panna Maria, typescript for typesetting with holograph Remizov's corrections in English, 6 pages


             1947          "La part du rat", autograph fragment by A. Remizov in French, 5 pages


             n.d.          "Premieres larmes", translation into French by N. Reznikova with corrections made by unidentified person, 9 pages


             n.d.          "Saltykov-Shchedrin", autograph fragment by A. Remizov in French, 3 pages


17      2    1934          "Sereja", 2 notebook's covers of the French translation


             [1930s]       "Le Tigre", autograph fragment by A. Remizov in French, 1 page


             [1920s]       "Un homme et le destin", autograph fragments by A. Remizov in French, 3 pages



                           Printed Writings:


                           Publications with unidentified dates:


17      2a   n.d.          "Myshinaia dudochka", page proofs with holograph author's corrections, 6 pages


             n.d.          "O serom volke i vozdushnykh korabliakh", page proofs with holograph author's corrections, 3 pages


             n.d.          "Pleteshok", printed text of "Venets", 3 pages


             n.d.          Po karnizam, final page from unknown publication


             n.d.          "Pritcha", printed legend from Limonar', 5 pages


             [1920]        "Tiaben'", printed text with holograph author's corrections, 5 pages


                           Articles and books:


17      2b   1920          "Krasnye poigrunki", printed text with holograph table of contents, journal Igra, (Petrograd), in Russian, 5 pages


             1923          "Tury-Kupalo", "Goliada", "Simon Volkhv", page proofs with holograph author's corrections, journal Strugi (Berlin), in Russian, 8 pages


             1923          "Kum", "Tri skazki", page proofs with holograph author's corrections, journal Zveno (Paris), in Russian, 17 pages


             1923; 1926    "Slivy", "Basarkuny", page proofs with holograph author's corrections, newspaper Poslednie novosti (Paris), in Russian, 17 pages


17      2b   1923          "Pokrov", page proofs, journal Studencheskie gody (Prague), in Russian, 4 pages


17      3    1923          "Kanava" ("Rov l'vinyi"), printed text with holograph author's corrections published in journals Russkaia mysl' (Paris) and Volia Rossii (Prague), in Russian, 118 pages


             1924          "Kosmografia", printed text with holograph author's corrections published in journal Zveno (Paris), in Russian, 3 pages


             1924          "Tri brata", "Volk", page proofs with holograph author's corrections, journal Nash ogoniok (Riga), in Russian, 3 pages


             1924          "Samotsvetnoe", "K Eleniemu skoku", "Kosmografiia", "Diagilevskie vechera", printed text incorporated into one notebook, in Russian, 25 pages


             1924          "Samotsvetnoe", "K Eleniemu skoku", "Eralash", "Svoi mir", printed text with holograph author's corrections incorporated into one notebook, in Russian, 17 pages


17      4    1925          "Zhuk", journal Nash ogoniok (Riga), in Russian, 2 pages


             1925          "Moi sny", printed text incorporated into one notebook, published in journals Zveno and Slovo (Riga), in Russian, 18 pages


             1926 Jun 7    "Zavety. Pamiati L. Dobronravova", journal  Versty (Paris), in Russian, 4 pages


             1926          "O raznykh knigakh"; "A. Pushkin. Anekdoten und Tischgesprache", journal Volia Rossii (Prague), in Russian, 4 pages


17      4    1926          "Vorovskoi samouchitel'", "Knizhnikam i fariseiam", "Tri jubiliara", "Parfumerie"

                           journal Ukhvat (Paris), in Russian, 6 pages


             1926-1927     "Voskreseniia den'", journal Perezvony (Riga), in Russian, 7 pages


17      5    1926          "Lepetlivaia", printed text, journal Perezvony (Riga), in Russian, 2 pages


             1926          several printed chapters from Rossiia v pismenakh, (various journal publications), in Russian, 32 pages


17      6    1926          "Kupchaia", chapter from Rossiia v pismenakh, printed text, journal Blagonamerennyi (Brussel), in Russian, 5 pages


             1927          "Strannik", printed text, journal Perezvony (Riga), in Russian, 2 pages


17      7    1928          "Povest' o triokh kuptsakh" ("Tri serpa"), printed text, journal Dni (Paris), in Russian, 7 pages


             1929 Jun      "Die leiden Gottes", chapter from Stella Maria Maris, journal Die Drei Monatsschrift fur Anthroposophie Dreigliederung und Goetheanismus (Stuttgart), in German, 5 pages


             1929          Stella Maria Maris (Zvezda nadzvezdnaia), page proofs for Orient-Occident-Verlag, in German, 113 pages


17      8    1929          "Russkaia zemlia", page proofs with holograph author's corrections, journal Moskva (Chicago), 4 pages


             1933          "Pis'mo Dostoevskomu", printed text with holograph author's corrections, newspaper


17      8    1933          Poslednie novosti (Paris), in Russian, 7 pages


             1934          "Knigopisets i shtanba", printed text with holograph corrections, in Russian, 8 pages


17      9    1934          "Svidetel'stvo o bednosti", chapter from Uchitel' muzyki, journal Russkii arkhiv (Belgrad), in Serbo-Croatian, 6 pages


17     10    1934          "Uzly i zakruty" (later incorporated into Podstrizhennymi glazami), Russkii arkhiv (Belgrad), in Serbo-Croatian, 5 pages


             1934          "Serdechnaia pustynia" (later incorporated into Ogon' veschej), Russkii arkhiv (Belgrad), in Serbo-Croatian  , 5 pages


17     11    1934 Dec      "Sereja", chapter from Vzvikhrennaia Rus', journal Hippocrate (Paris), in French, 8 pages


17     12    1934-1936     "Tajna Gogol'a", page proofs, journal Volia Rossii (Prague), in Russian, 3 pages

             1934 Mar 22   "Serebrianaia pesnia", journal Illiustrirovannaia zhizn' (Paris), in Russian, 1 page


17     13    1935 Aug 13 - "Ivan Fedorov", journal Papyrus (Paris),

             1935 Oct 31   in French, with inscription to K. Solntsev dated June 26, 1940, 6 pages


17     14    1935          "Rukopisnye illiustrirovannye al'bomy Remizova", journal Nov' (Tallinn), in Russian with Remizov's autograph, 2 pages


17     15    1935          "Knigopisets i shtanba", journal Russkii arkhiv (Belgrad), in Serbo-Croatian, 11 pages


17     16    1935          "Pozhar", journal Russkii arkhiv (Belgrad), in Serbo-Croatian, 3 pages


17     17    1935 Apr;     "Katia", "Suivre dans la rue", chapters     1935 Jul  from Vzvikhrennaia Rus', journal Le Courrier D' Épidaure (Paris), in French, 5 pages


17     18    1936 Jan 15   "Dans l'ocean aerien", chapter from Uchitel' muzyki, journal Mesures (Paris), in French, with inscription to K. Solntsev, dated June 28, 1940, 7 pages


17     19    1936 Jun      "L'Oiseau d'Alger", chapter from Po karnizam, journal Revue Francaise (Paris), in French, 6 pages


17     20    1936          "Solomonie la possedee", journal Hippocrate (Paris), in French, with inscription to K. Solntsev dated June 28, 1940, 12 pages


             1936 Nov      "Alexei-Maximovitch Gorkii", journal Hippocrate (Paris), in French, with inscription to A. L. Bem dated April 3, 1938, 2 pages


17     21    1937 Jan 1    "Metiere", chapter from Po karnizam, journal Esprit (Paris), in French, 4 pages


             1937 Sep 15   "Saltykov-Chtchedrine", journal Les Cahiers de radio-Paris (Paris), in French, with inscription to A. L. Bem dated April 4, 1938, and to K. Solntsev dated June 28, 1940, 3 pages


18      1    1937          "Tolstoi et Gogol", journal Hippocrate (Paris), in French, 2 pages


18      2    1938          "Reves de Tourgueniev",  journal  Le Courrier graphique (Paris), in French, with inscription to K. Solntsev dated July 26, 1940, 2 pages



18      3    1938          "Destin flamboyant", chapter from Vzvikhrennaia Rus', journal Le Courrier D'Epidaure (Paris), in French, 2 copies, 4 pages


             1938 Jul 1    "Serdechnaia pustynia", journal Russkii vestnik (New York), in Russian (2 copies), 4 pages


18      4    1940          Kriñové sestry, book published in Czech

                           with inscription to K. Solntsev dated June 28, 1940




18      5    n.d.          Olia, chapters from the book, from various publications, in Russian


             n.d.          "Chapyzhnik", "Ukhvat" (Paris), in Russian


             n.d.          Podpis' k kartine Roericha Dela chelovecheskie, from the book Zvenigorod oklikannyi, in Russian


             1923 Mar 19   "S pokoinika", chapter from Uchitel' muzyki, newspaper Zveno (Paris), in Russian


             1923          About "Rozanovy pis'ma" published in collection Okno, in Russian


             1924          "Valerii Briusov", obituary


18      6    1924-1925     articles on B. Savinkov from various publications incorporated into one scrapbook on July 5, 1948


18      7    1927          "Dokuka i balagurie", chapters from the book (in Czech, French, and German)


18      8    1927-1937     articles from newspapers Poslednie novosti and Vozrozhdenie regarding fascism


18      9    1927-1947     scrapbook with several articles on Remizov's literary collection and his literary biography


18      9a   1929-1934     reviews of Remizov's work from various jornal and newspaper publications


18     10    1931          "Solomon i sfinks", chapter from Krug schastia with holograph author's corrections


             1931          Uchitel' muzyki, combined clippings and page proofs with holograph author's corrections, journal Volia Rossii (Prague), in Russian


18     11    1933          Uchitel' muzyki, combined clippings and page proofs, various journal and newspaper publications


18     12    1933          Uchitel' muzyki, combined clippings and page proofs, various journal and newspaper publications


             1933          article on French-Soviet pact


18     13    1934-1935     articles on Andrei Bely


18     14    1934-1939     "Uzly i zakruty", chapter from the book


18     15    1935-1939     "Chapyzhnik",  various journal and newspaper publications


             1936          "U Alexeia Remizova" by V. Unkovskii, published in Sovremennye zapiski (Paris)


18     16    1937 May      Russkii invalid, #103