Series 3

Box 27









Book purchase - Moskovskii razgovor o bessmertii

2 1972 Book purchase - Moskovskii razgovor o bessmertii
3 1973 Book purchase - Moskovskii razgovor o bessmertii
4 1929 - 1931 Bor'ba za tserkov', clippings
5 n.d. Business correspondence
6 1964 Captive Nations Committee
7 1950 - 1987 Church and Judaism.  Bibliography, clippings
8 1965 - 1980 Church and Judaism. Correspondence
9 n.d.; 1972 - 1982 Church and Judaism. Correspondence
10 n.d. Church and Judaism.  Printed materials
11 n.d.; 1934; 1960 - 1980 Church and Judaism.  Reprints
12 n.d.; 1987 Church and Judaism.  Reviews
13 1953 - 1979 Church and Judaism.  Talks by Archbishop Ioann with related materials
14 1947 Chyrotoniia
15 1947 - 1948 Correspondence with clergy, Canada
16 n.d.; 1989 Dissidents
17 1960's Distributor's list
18 1970's Distributor's list
19 1980's Distributor's list
20 1971; 1977 Dostoevskii (symposia)
21 n.d. Materials, drafts, fragments, scrapnotes
22 n.d. Evangelie na kazhdyi den' - copy of typescript - 107 pages
23 1965 - 1972 Federated Russian Orthodox Clubs
24 1965; 1971; 1979 - 1981 Financial matters, receipts
25 1975 Fioravanti in Moscow, correspondence
26 1975 Fioravanti in Moscow.  Presentation in Bolognia
27 1948 - 196 Immigration and refugee issues
28 1973 - 1975 Kontinent
29 1975 Kontinent
30 1976 - 1978 Kontinent, correspondence and related materials
31 1981 - 1988 Kontinent, correspondence and related materials
32 n.d. Kratkii slovarik tserkovnykh vyrazhenii