Nov. 17, 2023: A reading and conversation with Ilya Kukulin as part of the poetry series “OUTSIDE: Russian Poets Abroad Speak.” This occasional series, hosted by Polina Barskova, gives a platform to poets who have chosen to leave Russia, poets of different generations, destinations, and orientations. The poets read in Russian, and available English translations are shown on screen simultaneously.

The series is organized by Polina Barskova (UC Berkeley) and Catherine Ciepiela (Amherst College) under the aegis of the Amherst Center for Russian Culture.

Ilya Kukulin is a poet, a literary critic, a cultural historian, and a cultural sociologist. He is a visiting research fellow at the Amherst Center for Russian Culture. He authored the book Machines of Noisy Time: How Soviet Montage Became an Aesthetic Method of the Unofficial Culture (Moscow, 2015) and co-authored the monograph A Guerilla Logos: The Project of Dmitry Aleksandrovich Prigov (Moscow, 2022, with Mark Lipovetsky). In 2019, he also published several selected articles and essays on poetry, Breakthrough to an Impossible Connection. He has published the two collections of poems: Bij de Wind (By the wind, 2009) and Parabasis (2021). His poems have been translated into English, Italian, Albanian, Serbian, and Georgian languages.