The Center for Community Engagement explains in detail what it expects of its student staff and what student staff may expect from a supervisor and the rest of the CCE professional staff. All student employees are required to read and agree to the following expectations. Students employees are accountable for all expectations during their time of employment. Please use the links below to navigate this page.

What is Expected of You

Please note- “work” applies to all required events that relate to your position: meetings, scheduled shifts, and trainings, if applicable.

  • Follow all policies as outlined in the Amherst College Handbook.
  • Respect your colleagues at the CCE and in the Amherst College community.
  • Practice confidentiality. Do not share any sensitive data or confidential information pertaining to the CCE. Your supervisor will inform you if something should be confidential. If you’re not sure, ask.
  •  Use discretion when sharing information about the CCE.  We want you to tell other students about what we are doing. But occasionally you may hear information that is not quite ready for “prime time.”  If you're not sure, ask.
  • Arrive to work on time.
  • Be present and engaged during work.
  • Discuss with your supervisor what acceptable dress for your work is. This may vary depending on the nature of your position and the people you interact with at work. Remember, you are the face of the CCE.
  • Discuss with your supervisor what are and are not acceptable uses of personal technology (iPods, cell phones, etc) for your position.
  • Discuss with your supervisor in advance what are acceptable reasons for missing work.
  • Inform your supervisor ahead of time if you need to be late for, leave early from, and/or miss work.
  • Respect the CCE work space:
    • Use only the resources you need
    • Clean up after yourself
    • Return borrowed items
    • If you plan to store something in the CCE, obtain explicit approval first
    • Only use the work spaces of CCE staff members with explicit permission
    • Maintain a quiet volume while working in the office
    • Do not leave personal items in the CCE
    • Student staff may use the microwave and refrigerator, but please clean up after yourself and keep track of any food and drink left in the office
  • Plan in advance how you will balance academics with work, particularly during busy periods. Talk with your supervisor when your academic commitments need to take priority.
  • Communicate to your supervisor any questions, concerns, and ideas about your position or the CCE.

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What You Can Expect From Your Supervisor

  • A positive and friendly work environment.
  • Information and help when needed.
  • A clear job description for your position, detailing what is expected of your position.
  • Open communication concerning information relevant to your position.
  • Respectful feedback on your work: both suggestions for growth and praise for exemplary work.

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What You Can Expect From Other CCE Staff

  • A positive and friendly work environment.
  • Information and help when needed.
  • Support for you development and growth in your position at the CCE and as a student. 
  • Active interest in your point of view about how to improve the CCE.

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