Access Your Interfolio Account
  1.  Go to
  2.  Click SIGN IN
  3.  Click Partner Institution
  4.  Select Amherst College and click Sign In
  5.  Enter your Amherst College Username & Password 
  6.  Click Positions (If you have multiple roles – Committee Manager, Evaluator, there may be two separate options. Choose the correct role - usually manager- and the position will be listed below.)

View Applications in Interfolio
  1.  Click position title
  2.  View one or more applications at a time
    1.  Sort applicants by Name or Date by clicking on the carrot symbol next to the heading 
    2.  Select the box next to the applicant’s name(s), or check the box for the heading Applicant at the top of the column to select all applicants
    3.  Click Read to view selected application(s) in your browser or click Download to save or print PDF copies of selected applications.  If multiple applications are selected, one application opens, and the others are loaded into a queue.

Navigation tools available when using READ and DOWNLOAD (top of the screen next to applicant name):

  • Back arrow returns to the last application viewed

  • Forward arrow loads next application

Committee Managers (Supervisors) can change Position Statuses and Application Statuses, add applicant documents, and communicate with candidates.

Change Position Statuses 
  1. Click Open Positions
  2. Click position title
  3. Click Position Actions to open Edit Position screen
  4. Click change under Position Status 
  5. Select a position status from the drop-down
  6. Click Save

Position Statuses

Accepting Applications – recommend until position is filled

  • Applicants can see this status
  • Evaluators can review applications 

Reviewing Applications (optional) 

  • Applicants can see this status
  • Evaluators can review applications 

Position Closed (optional) – no longer accepting applications because there is a broad diverse pool

  • Contact Human Resources to unpublish the Interfolio link and remove postings (including from our website)
  • Applicants cannot see this status

Position Filled – Offer accepted, applicants are notified, and application statuses are updated (see change application statuses below)

  • Notify Human Resources the position is filled
  • Applicants can see this status

Position Not Filled – Failed Search – Applicants are notified, and application statuses are updated (see change application statuses below) 

  • Applicants cannot see this status

Position Not Filled Other Position will not be filled, applicants are notified, and application statuses are updated (see changing application statuses below) 

  • Applicants cannot see this status

Change Application Statuses 

  1.  Click Open Positions
  2.  Click position title
  3.  Select the box next to one or more applicant names to open a new row of options in red
  4.  Click Status
  5.  Select applicant status 

Application Statuses

Standard permissions for Application Statuses are “applicants cannot see status” and “applicants can update application materials.” 

  1.  Associate Qualified or Unqualified with each applicant 
    1. Qualified – applicant has required qualifications
    2. Unqualified – applicant does not have required qualifications
  2.  Use Longlist to manage a long list of qualified applicants (optional)
  3.  Identify a Shortlist of applicants to invite for initial interviews (phone, Skype, or conference interviews) or on-campus interviews if conducting a local search
  4. Change applicant status to Initial Interview after a phone, Skype, or conference interview is conducted
  5. Change applicant status to On-Campus Interview after an interview is conducted on campus 
  6. Change applicant status to Hired after an offer has been accepted (required)
  7. Change applicant statuses to Application Withdrawn and Offer Declined when applicable

Add Applicant Documents

Committee Managers can upload applicant documents (e.g., an updated C.V.)

Add applicant documents 

  1.  Click Open Positions
  2.  Click position title
  3.  Click applicant name
  4.  Click Add File
  5.  Click Browse to Upload and choose the file you wish to add
  6.  Provide a title for the document (e.g., Updated Resume)
  7.  Select Document Type from the drop-down list
  8.  Click Save

Communicate With Applicants

Committee Managers can send emails to individual applicants or groups of applicants (e.g., update the progress of the search, request additional documents, and send regrets). 

Email applicants 

  1.  Click Open Positions
  2.  Click position title
  3.  Select the box next to one or more applicant names to open a new row of options in red
  4.  Click Email 
  5.  Enter the name of the person sending the message and their email address
  6.  Create message subject and body
  7.  Click Done

There is no confirmation that the message was sent and no easy to find record of messages sent to candidates in Interfolio. As long as you do not receive an error message, the communication has been successfully sent.

Download Materials      
  1.  Click Reports from the left 
  2.  Under “Unit” click on your department
  3.  Skip all of the fields until you get to Position Name
  4.  Click the Position 
  5.  At the bottom, choose “Download CSV”

This may take a while to download and may have additional information you can manipulate in Excel or Google Sheets.

Confidential Letters of Recommendation

Faculty positions require all candidates to supply the name and contact information for three references.

  1.  The applicant will enter the name and contact information for three references when they are completing the application process
  2.  Once submitted, Interfolio will automatically send out the request to the recommender with instructions on how to submit
  3.  The letter is returned directly to the candidate materials 
  4.  Until all of the letters are received, the candidate’s status will be marked “Complete, Pending Letters”

Note:  Interfolio support is available to applicants.  Email:, or call 877-997-8807